Saturday, August 3, 2019

August Mantel and Hearth Room

Hello Friends and Welcome to August!
I've mentioned before that August used to be my least favorite month of the year. Oooh, I felt bad that I gave it such a bad rap, especially since ALL my husband's family had birthdays in August. (strange...) It's just that I really get tired of the hot weather by now, which is usually dry and oppressive, and the older I've gotten the less able I am to handle hot weather. But a couple of years ago I had a change of heart in my attitude.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sunflowers for a Late Summer Dining Room

Since August shows up a little later in the week, I'm adding some "Late Summer" color with Sunflowers. They're the perfect way to transition into Early Fall. Real or faux, spread them around for some "happy face" time. You just can't look at Sunflowers without a big smile showing up. I'm adding a touch of "Late Summer" here in the Dining Room on the buffet with a few Sunflowers and prints.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

New Kilim Pillows in the Hearth Room

Having an off -white slipcovered sofa, chair and ottoman has really enabled me to be more creative in my Hearth Room decor. I'd been obsessed with white slipcovered furniture for years, but I'd never had the right space to put them in. Now that I am livin' my "white sofa dream", I'm going a little crazy with monthly change-ups. A quilt and pillow stash and a "no-stepladder-needed" mantel have made it much easier to change things up.

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