Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Late Summer Seed Box

August will be here before we know it, and with August my decor palette changes with the season. I start thinking about the beginning of Fall and all the subtle color that comes with it, but for now I'm still in Summer Mode. Today I'm sharing a staple of my vintage Summer decor.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

She Collects (Vintage) Seashells

This time of year, late July, I get that little nudge to play with some Seashell Decor. There's a short window of opportunity to do shell decor around here. Early Summer is filled with garden fun, then comes the Patriotic decor. Now's the time before "Pre Fall" starts. So I put together a little vignette on an antique tray in the Dining Room. It's not really  "beachy", but more "vintage".

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summer Entry wih a New Vintage Print

I like to keep things changed up... well, you all know that about me. With the patriotic flags put away, it was time to bring out something different for the next month. So here's a new light and bright vintage print in one of my favorite chippy white vintage frames. I've had this traditional British print of an old engraving for awhile, but haven't taken the time to find it a frame that did it justice.

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