Saturday, February 6, 2016

Moss Covered Heart on the Old Door

Do you want to know what the hardest part of "not blogging" has been...?

(aside from not visiting with you all)

Monday, February 1, 2016

I've been in Blogging Rehab...

It's been about 6 weeks since I've written a post, here. It was the week before Christmas when I said I needed a break. So, I've been on a journey this last 6 weeks, and it was a necessary decision that was a long time coming.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Last Minute Christmas and a Blogging Break

Hi Everyone,
I've been somewhat MIA this last week before Christmas.
I had plans to share with you
 a few of my last minute projects and decorating
but this week got away from me a little.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Welcome to My Christmas Home Tour 2015

Hi Everyone, and Welcome to my Christmas Home Tour for 2015.
I've added a few more pics, so you could call this the extended version.

For those of you who are new here, or in case you haven't visited for a while,
this is our 2nd year in our new home and we're a bit more settled than last year.
We downsized by almost half in the Fall of 2014, but it's good to be here.

You can click on the photo and click again for a larger version
in more detail.

Hope you enjoy your visit!

Friday, December 18, 2015

"Reflections" on the Old Door

One of my favorite places to change things up, is on the old door in my Kitchen Sitting Area. The old door had been on the Sun porch at the old house, and moving it into the Kitchen Dining spot when we moved here, gave me the sense and feel of the old space that I loved so much.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas Entry, In and Out...

Hi Everyone, are you in overdrive this week, trying to get ready for Christmas? I'm making progress, but I need to start wrapping gifts. One thing I realized I needed to do was to share pics of my Entry and front porch. I've had to get them over a span of several days, and because of the blah weather they've not consistently turned out. So, again today, I gave it a try. I'm just an "accidental photographer", meaning it's an accident when I can get good photos...

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Come As You Are Fab Features

Wow, what a fun bunch of Inspiring Links at the
Come As You Are Christmas Party 
from last week. Somebody stop me...
I could have all of you as features!
I grabbed a handful, and here they are.
If you haven't had a chance to check these out,
I guarantee they're all worth a visit!

Please Pin all photos and links from the original post.
(Thank You!)

Linda from Little Bits and Pieces shares her Christmas Home Tour