Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Garage Shopping

No, I didn't mean garage sale shopping...I mean shopping my own garage! Pictures cannot lie, it's a fact I have a garage full of "stuff" as I affectionately (or not) call it. Last week I was wounded in the pursuit of good "stuff", but it didn't slow me down too much!
Sunday night and Monday most of the day my "BLOGGER" wasn't "blogging" so I couldn't "blog". Anyone else out there suffer that same frustration? Eeeeck! Forced withdrawal is a bummer. But hey, I made the most of it and got a few little things accomplished around here.

I've seen this idea around lately...taking old windows and using them as a frame. (Hey, even retail stores are jumping on to this) I found several of these one paned windows at a barn sale recently and then added a large bird print I found last week.

I'm really lovin' the look of it. LOVE birdie prints of all kinds. Currently this is in my office/studio so I can enjoy it.

Now, don't ask me why, but this little corner etergere all white and chippy and rusty has been in my garage for the last year. Let's see, when I rescued it yesterday it was holding a cat pooper scooper, sandpaper, some paint brushes and misc. hardware and an old broken tray. Good Grief, Charley Brown, what was I thinking? Well, in defense of my "duh" attitude, I had wanted to use it, but once the dining room was painted it seemed to fit right in!

It may not look like it, but it DID get a good cleaning.

Poor Charlotte, she seems to have found herself
jailed in my wire cloche.
At least she has some "iffy" reading material.

And I finally got around to finding some brown transferware
dinner plates to replace the green that had been in here before.

These are part of my favorite set of vintage Johnson Bros.
Old Britain Castles

Sorry I'm so smitten with my new Dining Room,
I'm sure you all are over it by now,
but I'm thinking that I'll try to do chair slips
on the backs of my dining chairs,
and reupholster the seats in linen.
Not sure yet...hmmm, I'm formulating the plan.

Today I'm linking up with some fun parties:

 White Wednesday


Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Rachel Ashwell: the journey continues.

Rachel Ashwell has become an icon for our time.
Her name is a "household" one.
Her face and design, her books and stores,
and yes, even her journey,
 are all things we each are familiar with.

Rachel is embarking on a new chapter in her life and business
and has asked our sweet friend in the blogging world
to handle the photography and styling of this new venture.

Lu has an amazing blog where her photography captures not only
our hearts, but our senses.

Lu has asked a few of us to help her get the word out
for Rachel's new line by posting a wonderful Give Away
and sharing how Rachel Ashwell and her Shabby Chic
design have influenced us over the years.
Below are photos Lulu has taken to announce the
 of furniture and accessories.

You can see in these photos that Lu has captured the trademark
pastels, elegance, and understated glamour
that is Rachel Ashwell, Shabby Chic Couture.

Please go and visit
for her personal look at life and style.

Rachel Ashwell has affected each of us
who are followers of interior decor and design.
I have always admired her effortless grace and beauty;
The simplicity and elegance of her homes and life.

I have long been captivated by her style,
 but only within the last few years
since I myself have been a part of the vintage and antique design resurgence,
have I taken the plunge to incorporate her "look" into my home and life.

Choosing a more neutral color scheme,
if not all white, but shades and hues of it,
mixing pastels and chipped white vintage pieces,
and looking for ways to "declutter"
to see the natural elegance of her serene style.

I'm inviting you to visit Lulu at Dusty Lu
to see for yourself what she is doing with Rachel Ashwell.

Lulu is having a wonderful Give Away to announce the new line,
Shabby Chic Couture

So be sure and visit Dustylu
and enter the Give Away!

Two of Rachel's wonderful books to choose from:


Here are the guidelines for entering:

1. Visit Lu and become a follower of her blog.
2.Visit Rachel's new blog and follow.
3.Visit Rachel Ashwell's new website, Shabby Chic Couture.
4. Post about the Give Away or add it on your sidebar.

Let's all welcome this new line for Rachel.
Be sure and head over to Dustylu to enter, now!


(all images courtesy of Shabby Chic)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Vintage Watercolor Prints

I showed one of my Mary Gold Mother's Day Verse Prints.
Today I thought I'd share my other three prints that are "Marygold".

They are usually hanging in my bedroom hallway where the light is poor,
so I brought them into my new favorite spot;
my dining room.

( I'm just loving the new paint and paper!!)

Below is "Love's Siesta".

Mary Gold was a painter and watercolorist from the teens and 1920's. Many of her subjects use a black background depicting nighttime. They have the same lovely ladies, dressed in crinolines in romantic settings.

Below, is "Arabian Love".

So sorry for the glare on these, the glass is so reflective.

"The Mother" was a Mother's Day gift to me from my
sweet younger daughter several years ago.
I was so surprised, and I credit her for starting my
passion for Mary Gold.

Say Hello to my really old wire plantstand.
The original yellow paint is barely visible,
but so yummy!


I'm linking up with Vintage Black Friday
at the French Cupboard.

My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday

over at My Favorite Things.

at Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie.

My head is better, but still bruising, some swelling
 and I need spackling for my "divot".

I've been in hiding for the last few days.

It felt like a broken nose,
with an all-week headache to go with it,
but hey...
what can you do for that?

I'm surviving!

Hope you all are staying "boo boo free"

love ya,

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