Saturday, April 11, 2020

Garden Room Easter

Well, I've started this post several times and now I'm just down to the concept of sharing some pics from the Garden Room this Easter season. I'm at the place where I need to think and speak positive thoughts. Having the Garden Room to play in is good therapy for me, and it's easy to tweak things for a new look and "outlook".

Just being out here makes for a better frame of mind. I love putting a coffee table vignette together each season. I'm using my white wood cottage tray that's holding my two Spring-time Majolica pitchers. Some faux tulips and hyacinths are grouped in the Bluebird pitcher. 

and a little "cover-up".

One of my small watering cans has more colorful coral tulips.
Mr. Bunns is on the small French Gray wagon. 

I've been using this sweet pastel "tumbling blocks" vintage quilt each Spring
 on the wicker settee for several years. It just makes me happy to look at it. 

"Tweet" little birdy pillow

you can see my post on the Holiday Cupboard for Easter HERE

Sweet Lamby face

More Easter in the Garden Room

I have a tele-health appointment with my neurosurgeon on Monday, and I'm hoping they can at least give me an idea on when things might happen. I'm not sure that I want to have this surgery right now, even though I need it. I'm leaving this in God's hands and trying not to be impatient, but it's hard as I'm sure you know, when the symptoms are still there.

On a more cheery note:
Our landscape guy has been here this week and did a bit more in the front yard. We had a small corner spot next to the driveway and street that was really sad, neglected and overrun with weeds. He re-did that area with new brick pavers, river rock, ground cover and a pygmy spirea. The plantings are all greening up and the azaleas are about ready to bloom. 

Love and Blessings,
I hope you have a wonderful Easter Weekend. 


  1. Hi Debra,
    Ohhhh love all your sweet and spring/Easter vignettes. I always love the cart and the bunny in there is so adorable. I hope you get good news on your upcoming surgery and when that might happen. Keeping prayers and good thoughts on that for you. Happy Easter.

  2. You are the vintage queen. That quilt is just so wonderful! And that little drawer with the white front charms the heck out of me. They just have to get you sorted out! Quick! Have a lovely Easter.

  3. All of your decorations are charming and inviting. I always enjoy seeing what type of quilt or coverlet you will have on the wicker settee. Love the little drawer, and the church fan has to be my favorite item. When I was a child there was no air conditioning in our little church. The windows were wide open and my grandmother would lift my hair off my neck and use one of these fans to keep me cool. How I wish I had kept one! Easter blessings to you and your family~

  4. Debra, your sunroom is such a sweet spot in your home. I love your enthusiasm for decorating it and all your vignettes.
    Here's hoping you get some encouraging news on the televisit.
    Please share pics of the landscape - before, during and after!
    Happy Easter to you.

  5. Debra,
    Sending "good" thoughts for your tele appointment!
    Love your Sunroom design for Spring!
    Quilts are so~o`o comforting!
    I, too, am orchestrating some 'minor' changes in our Gardens this Spring.
    Thank you for always inspiring!

  6. Such a lovely post, Debra! I'm in love with your majolica pitcher (enjoyed the past post, too), your cute pillow, and of course still loving that green chair! Hope your appointment goes well! So nice they can be landscaping again...we had 8 inches of snow yesterday, but it is melting fast!

  7. I would definitely love sitting in your sun porch enjoying all of these beautiful spring touches and garden treasures. Love it!

  8. I love that sweet settee. It's so cheerful. A wonderful place for hope and encouragement. Keep us posted.


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