Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Romancing the Mantel

The weather here in southern Missouri is pretty changeable. Cold, mild, cold again. But we have had enough warmer days that some of our shrubs and bushes became a little confused and thought Spring was on it's way.

So that gave me the itch to change up my mantel. I still had my faux Amaryllis in my Wolff Pottery from Christmas, so it was time for them to go and bring in some budding branches. (faux budding branches, that it)

And while I was at it, I thought my little Country French Couple
might feel at home there too.
I love their sweet rosebud confection, pastel attire.

If you look closely you can see they are missing a few fingers between them,
but I love them anyway.

They are a large pair, over a foot tall, and that's good size for these.

So between a few budding branches and my little French couple
my mantle is taking on hints of early Spring and just a little romance.

It's only January, so I'm sure we have some nasty weather ahead,
but what's the harm of dreaming of an early Spring...?

Joining in for 
White Wednesday at Faded Charm
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday at Primp 
Table Top Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Share the Love Wednesday at Very Merry Vintage Style
What's It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
Good Life Wednesdays at A Beach Cottage
Knick of Time Tuesdays at Knick of Time Interiors
House Party at No Minimalist Here
Farmhouse Friday at LaurieAnnas


  1. Beautiful! I love the branches and have a hard time telling that they are not real. they look amazing.

  2. Oh this is so VERY Romantic and LOVELY!!! I have a French Couple that would LOVE to stop in for a Visit with yours.. :) Oh and I LOVE those exposed beams on the ceiling showing in the Mirror.. So Very Pretty!!

  3. It all would fit in Victoria magazine. Beautiful.

  4. It is beautiful Debra! Our weather has been whacky this year too and today it is 68 degrees! I have been getting sprinified myself!

    Your mantel looks fabulous!

    Lou Cinda

  5. What's a few fingers when it comes to decorating BEAUTY?!!!


    ;-D robelyn

  6. What beautiful figurines these are. They have charming details. Your whole room has a beautiful romance to it! xx

  7. Hi Debra, your mantel looks beautiful, love the branches and your gorgeous figurines!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  8. Your couple look perfect among the Springtime blossoms and look like they are ready to dance to some light music. The mantel is gorgeous, love the way the mirror reflects your beautiful high ceilings too!

  9. Now that's what I'm talking about..... bright, happy, crisp mantle. And to think you made changing it up look so easy and I spent all morning fretting and being indecisive on mine. If I can't have a white background, at least I can have a white chippy mantle - painting is on the list.


  10. So beautiful and so frenchy. I love it. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, marty

  11. gorgeous. wish I could come by for some tea!

  12. Your mantle is soooooooo sweet. I was thinking about changing mine the other day but, was just LAZY I guess... as it didn't happen. I did very little decorating for Christmas & still have my "Winter" vignette up on one piece in the living room. IT IS STILL WINTER so I guess I will enjoy it for another month or so as I fear too much wishing for warmer weather will bring more of the horrible heat/draught we had last year. But, MAYBE you will have inspired me for a new mantle look. Thank you for sharing! I seem to be so far behind in my blog visits. The holidays really seemed to put me behind this year but, I do miss my Blogging Buddies so I wanted to stop & say hello. Hope you'll come by to visit too. HUGS! Charlene

  13. So pretty! Mine is still in the simple form I like so much after the all out abundance of Christmas....and it's white...which I so love too!

  14. Oh Debra, your mantel looks so pretty, I love your little French couple!... and I have been dreaming of Spring ever since Winter arrived!... then we got dumped on with tons of snow last night again... your post brightened my day!... xoxo Julie Marie

  15. I think your mantel looks beautiful. Those beams reflecting in your mirror are gorgeous!!

  16. This is very pretty and romantic looking, Debra! I love your mirrors, too, and seeing the reflection of your chandy in them. Great little terrarium you have on your fireplace hearth!

  17. Here in central VA, we are having a nice warmish winter with just a few cold days; this is Not a complaint. Like you, some of my usual winter decor looks out of place (like my snowball candles when outside, daffs and forthysia are beginning to show color a month early)
    Have a lovely winter and thanks for sharing your pics

  18. I'm with you! Let's dream about Spring. It's only a month and a half away! Love your mantle. The branches look so pretty perched up there.


  19. Very pretty on your mantel
    Here it is cold and lots of snow. No chance for the trees to confused.

    Hug Bente

  20. I love your mantel display. Very pretty and I really love that nice tall mirror.

  21. Your mantel is so romantic looking now. I really love it! Those french people give it alot of personality too.

  22. Debra, Your mantle looks very romantic. Yes, your couple are still sweet, even with the missing fingers. The faux blossoms added a sweet touch.

  23. I think having a tall vertical space above a mantel can be challanging but you styled it beautifully!

    I like the layered mirrors♥


  24. Your mantle is very pretty! What a wonderful decorator you are!

  25. Love the little changes Debra and love the frenchy couple. Your mantel always looks beautiful!

  26. I really like how you used old books as pedestals.
    Mary Alice

  27. Beautiful, Debra! I think everything is confused this winter. My forsythia bloomed in December...IN NOVA SCOTIA!!!! Weird!!

  28. Very pretty, thanks for the spring thoughts, I'm ready. I love the Frenchman's flowered britches. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  29. Looks pretty Debra!
    We enjoyed a spring like day here too, almost 65 degrees!

  30. Your mantel looks great! I love the little French couple.

    Have a good week.

  31. Ahhhhh......it's soooo nice to see a little springtime, Debra! :) Where did you nab those faux branches? They look so real! And they look fabulous on your springy mantel! :)

    xoxo laurie

  32. Debra,
    This is so~o~o romantic! I adore the pastel hues on your Frenchy couple. The detailing on his vest and the rose buds on her dress are magnificient! A perfect vintage mantel vignette for the upcoming Valentine's Day and the oncoming of Spring. Ah~h~h...romance is in the air!

  33. Debra, your mantel is Beautiful, I almost thought for a moment the branches were really budding.... I Love the soft colors of the French Couple, they are Perfect among the Whites~

  34. Pretty! I love your book bundles and your sweet figurines! XO Cindy

  35. Love it...so much fun to redo a mantle isn;t it?!? I am sooooo ready for spring,our winter has been the same but I am still done with it!! x0

  36. Beautiful mantel, Debra! The french couple and branches look wonderful. xo, Sherry

  37. gorgeous mantle, debra! love the chandelier in the mirror!

  38. How beautiful is that mantle!!...Your french couple are stunning!..The vignette on the mantle is so perfect in every way.

  39. Your mantel is stunning. I love the branches in the Guy Wolff pots. So dramatic and pretty!

  40. Wonderfully R*E*F*R*E*S*H*I*N*G...
    Jeanine Burkhardt

  41. Your arrangement is beautiful, Debra! Many of my figurines are broken but, like yours are to you, are still dear to me. Love the needlepoint footstool, too! Have a great week, Bess

  42. Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! Love the chandelier, too!

  43. Love your mantle and the great photography that captured the ceilings and the chandelier. Incredble. But of course, my favorite is the white. Just can't go wrong there!

  44. Very Pretty Debra, love the brown and white, sure doesn't hurt to have some buds!

  45. Hello Debra~ It's always nice stopping by for a visit.
    I enjoy your posts and the eye candy you so generously share. Your mantel has such a romantic touch.
    Speaking of...I adore your new jewelry pieces. I'm heading over to your shop next.
    I hope you can stop by to see the Valentine surprises I've got in stored. This week starting with...Pain au Chocolat with a Valentine twist. I'll put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea.
    Sweet wishes,

  46. This look so beautiful and gorgeous.This different type of things are really increase beauty in this house.We can easily decorate home.

  47. Beautiful! your mantel reminded me the lovely cottage in the movie
    "Sense & sensibility".

    Have a great day!

  48. Oooh! I LOVE your mantle design!! I am your newest follower/reader :) I am so happy I discovered your blog over at LaurieAnna's Farmhouse Friday!

    Happy Thursday!! :)

  49. What a beautiful mantle display!! Love that sweet french couple!!


  50. So so pretty Debra! What's a few fingers... never would have noticed! Enjoy the warm weather while you can.
    Thanks for the link up--always a pleasure to have you at the party!

  51. Debra, what a fabulous mantle! I know everyone likes to change their mantle, but this is just perfection! Thanks so much for linking it to WIW, It's a show stopper!
    See you next week.


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