Thursday, October 26, 2017

Dressing up a Metal Basket for Thanksgiving

When you are in the biz of having a space at a Vintage or Flea Market it's just inevitable that you will end up with a few pieces that are a big head scratcher. Why did I spend real money on this? (even if it's just a few dollars) Will anyone else see any potential for this item? Do I just chuck it, or hang on to it until inspiration grabs me by the collar and forces me to make a little effort?

I considered taking a photo of this old metal flower basket as a "before", but it was just too blah. It has a green tint to it that borders on "mustard" and it's definitely seen better days...probably at a cemetery many years ago. It's been sitting in my garage, (first at the old house, and then here) and I look at it each Fall and think that I might give it a try, but then always get sidetracked.

the rust is interesting, though.

On our last shopping trip, my sister actually picked up a basket similar to this and considered it. (that one had a spider inside hitching a ride, so she quickly put it back down) OK, so someone else thought that one might be interesting. I could have just painted it, but ironically, it was the mottled color and rough patina that attracted me in the first place.

So I took a chance on this kinda, sorta ugly duckling and stuffed a few faux Fall foliage pieces inside with a white pumpkin and a couple of birdies. For extra interest I wound a piece of stray garland around the twisted metal handle. 

so now it's looking a little more interesting...

I guess when we are enamored with vintage pieces, we are taking a chance on something that may appeal to us, but others might not see the value in. But sometimes we're able to take something iffy to others, and work a little magic with it.

I usually end up here on the kitchen table for a photo, 
since the lighting is usually good.

I'm coming up with a plan for it for Thanksgiving,
and I'll share that soon.

Hope you're having a good week.
The temps have lowered and we're looking at High temps
 in the 40's by the end of the week!

joining in here:

Share Your Style at The Essence of Home
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm
Best of the Weekend at Ms Toody Goo Shoes
Sundays at Home at Little Farmhouse
Inspiration Monday at Refresh Restyle
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
The Scoop at Worthing Court


  1. I love the basket. Glad it found a new purpose!

    1. thanks Judy, I guess anything other than the cemetery is a step up! haha. Have a great week!

  2. That looks great, and I would've bought it too. Styled as you have makes it even more attractive for selling (note to self if you ever have a tag sale!). Oh, and I definitely have some head scratchers, and still pick them up (you'd think I'd learn after all these years, but as long as people's tastes change, the buying will somewhat too, I suppose).

    1. I'd love for you to come to my house and cart away all the c#ap!!! And we could have fun buying more c#ap!!!

  3. Soo pretty! Love the birds and that big white pumpkin!

  4. thanks Vel, gotta have some birdies in the mix!

  5. Hi Deb- your autumn basket is gorgeous - you've styled it perfectly, ma'am!!!

  6. I love it Debra! I have a collection of 5 funeral baskets. I just can't pass them up. My mom use to use them on my father's grave so they hold a soft spot in my heart. Although none of mine are the ones she used. I have them hanging in my shed and pull them out now and then to use, but I love the idea of using it for Thanksgiving! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  7. Love the funeral basket and how you styled it......I would have bought that one too!!!

    There are many head scratchers here too!! What was I thinking???

  8. Love your fall take on the funeral basket. It just took a little love, pumpkin, birds and fall foliage! Looks great!

  9. Que bello me encanto,saludos desde Venezuela,gracias por tanta belleza.

  10. I like what you did with that basket! It has a great shape and looks like a lot of room for foliage.

  11. Love your funeral basket!! I have one on the dining Room that I decorate for every Holiday and Season!! Thanks for sharing!!

  12. So happy to see you being creative with that wonderful basket. I cannot wait to see what you do for Thanksgiving.

  13. It is so beautiful! I always love reading your blog around November because you begin to incorporate different fall tones and things that have a "Thanksgivingy" feel. I really love November and relish every last second of fall's beauty right up until Thanksgiving night!

  14. Hi Debra, just popping in to let you know that you will be featured at SYC tomorrow.


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