Monday, August 29, 2016

Out and About... at Harrison House Market

We have so many great places to shop in our area, with tons of talented people making it all happen. Late last spring an older shopping center in Ozark, Missouri (just south of where I live in Springfield) that was a hub for great vintage goods was sold. In an instant, the vintage shops and flea market vendors that it housed had to start looking for new homes and venues. I was so excited to learn that my favorite, Harrison House Market, has found a great spot here in town. 

Be sure and click on "read more" for the rest of the story...

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Finally... Checked Curtains in the Kitchen

I've had a project that I've wanted to get done for literally months. It's not that it's a huge one, but knowing myself like I do, I didn't want to tackle it until I was feeling better. I have a tendency to want to see something through in one sitting, and I didn't think I could accomplish a new set of curtains in one afternoon.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Summer Buffet Scape with Ticking Tablerunner and Sunflowers

A few weeks ago I shared some inspiration of one of my favorite Late Summer decor combos; Indigo Ticking Stripes with anything "Sunflowers". Ticking brings to mind lazy breezy summer afternoons on the porch swing, and Sunflowers are those wonderful happy faces that let us know that Fall isn't too far away. 

I have a cupboard full of mismatched ironstone and transferware, and that includes a stack of old platters that I use for cookouts. A good steak or Bar-B-Que requires something substantial so I put a few things together for an impromptu Summer gathering.

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