Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What's Your Chippy Factor?

Those of us who are vintage furniture lovers,
and that still swoon over a flea space filled with white chippy pieces,
have all asked ourselves some variation of this question...
How much "Chippy" is too chippy?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

In Harmony with Nature...

...or, what to do if you're easily bored while camping.

Just wanted to check in with you on our/my "camping" progress. We've had a couple of weekend trips; one to the river,(Southern Missouri trout fishing river) the other to a lake (NW Arkansas in the mountains). Both were good, relaxing, and I really enjoyed my time with Hubbs. We grilled steaks and pork chops and had smores (which I thought he'd complain about, but actually he was a trooper. And even though we forgot the long fork, we improvised with small kitchen forks, and it ended up being one of the more memorable moments of the trip)

(we didn't actually go to Lake of the Ozarks, but I love these vintage fold out postcards, 
so I thought I'd share that bit of vintage lake goodness)

Friday, July 31, 2015

Dining Room Buffet and a new Tablerunner

Earlier in the week, I talked about some ideas on styling the top of my China Cabinet here in the Dining Room. So I thought today I would just continue with more pics of my teensy Dining Room/Area. I'm grateful for a Dining Space, but it's on the smallish side, with only 3 walls, and I have largish furniture.

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