Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Marketplace at Common Ground

 Welcome to 
The Marketplace at Common Ground

I'm a little late this morning as we have been in St. Louis for this last week. I always love our Fall trip to visit our kids, but this year also included a long awaited appointment for my husband with a specialist for his inner ear problems. The trees were amazing and the weather was just about perfect. We did lots of shopping, trying  some new restaurants, and hitting a few new vintage and decor shops in the area, which I'll share this week. So now it's time to link up some of your Etsy Shop and Online Boutique items. Here are a few fun links from last week.

Perfect for showcasing a Pumpkin,
 this wonderful Vintage Columbia Scale

Dress up your Autumn Kitchen,
 or as a hostess gift for Thanksgiving,
this great Flour Sack Kitchen Towel for Fall

Spell out the fun with these
Vintage Trick or Treat Letter Game Cards

for some Halloween crafting 
from Fleaing France

Wonderful colors of Autumn to wear
with this one-of-a-kind 
from HGK

Hope you'll join in on linking up any items that you have listed for sale from your boutique or Etsy shops. This is a link party for items that are for sale only. Feel free to link up to three items, if possible a direct link to each item. And remember this link party is live all week, so be sure and come back throughout the week and check back to see what has been added. I'd love you to be a follower of Common Ground, and I'll try to get a new button up sometime this week.  Be sure and share an invitation to your readers for the party also. Have fun shopping, and thanks so much for joining in.

big hugs, and now I need to unpack!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fashion for Fall

I think I've only posted about clothing as many times as I can count on one hand...maybe less. But lately I've been drawn to blogs that throw in a little current fashion. Don't worry, you won't find me snapping pics of myself daily, showing you what I'm wearing...cause let's face it, pajamas or yoga pants aren't all that interesting after the tenth time you'd see them. But I think it's fun to see what people choose to wear. What do clothes really have to say about a person? And besides, we know each other's houses, decor, even what we like to cook.

So...what are your go-to clothes on a normal day out? 

(I'm sure you all realize this isn't me...)
Ralph Lauren Fall 2011

This last six months I've dropped close to 20 pounds.Yes, I still need to take off another 10 or so, but I'm on the road. I'm 5 foot nothin' so 20 is like a miracle for me. Because of that, I'm having a little more fun thinking about what I wear. I'm basically a person that wants to be comfortable. I don't like fussy or fancy. Oh, I love a ruffle and some lace, but usually it's on a top with a pair of jeans. Bury me in my stretch jeans please. I'll be comfortable.

I even gave in to the colored denim trend this Fall...
pumpkin please...

also, brown and black.

And then there was the day I went out looking for a denim shirt.
...and came home with 3 of them.

Also need several of these...

And I identify with Nora Ephron
may she rest in peace.
I'm not happy with my neck...
Good grief, over 50 sometimes is a bummer.

So I wear a bunch of these
(just only one at a time)

 a basic black sweater

or a tailored white shirt.

gotta have some leopard in a cardigan

then give me a pair of boots...

And just this weekend 
I added one of these for those chilly drizzly days.

Now, do you know me a little better?
what about you,
what's your style?

Heading home from a weekend trip,

Saturday, October 13, 2012

"Hooked" on Wool Pillows for Fall

Last weekend my sister and our friend, Susan, made our annual visit to the Ozark Crafts Festival held every first full weekend in October. We always look forward to it, and we've said the only way not to go is if you had a legitimate excuse like being in the hospital or worse. We go, no matter what, and this year the "no matter what" about froze us to death. It was rainy and drizzly and only in the low 40's but nothing would keep us from our kettle corn, sugared nuts, corndogs and aisles and aisles of crafts, antiques, and loads of Fabulous Fall Fun. That's the phrase my sister coined to describe all the junk we love to do this time of year.

I found some more of the costly bittersweet, and a few other goodies, but my fave purchase of the day was this wonderful hooked wool pillow of a pumpkin with a crazy vine, and a black crow. Just the perfect addition to the Sun Porch Fall decor.

This was my purchase last year;
An adorable curly sheep on a great tan plaid.

And this from the year before.
I think I've started something here.

Here are a few other fun Hooked Wool Fall Pillows that you'll find on my newly created Pinterest board, "Happy Hooking".  Hope you'll come by my Pinterest Page and follow along. If you pin any of these next three images please go to the original source on my Pinterest Board. thanks bunches!

Hope you're having a wonderful week,
enjoying all the goodness of Fall.

joining in for 
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House


Friday, October 12, 2012

Vintage Inspiration #109 Fall Fun and Decor

Hi Everyone, Welcome to Vintage Inspiration!

It's no secret that I love to decorate seasonally. Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter each have their specific elements that I try to incorporate in my home decor. I love to take a vintage theme, then add in the colors and textures of whatever the current season might be. Here are just a few of the great Fall themed links from last week.

Kelly at The Lillypad Cottage created this amazing and HUGE chalkboard complete with her fabulous October chalkboard art. Kelly is a new blogger and you'll want to go meet her and visit her wonderful home, decorated for Fall.

When I saw these adorable Pumpkins with Attitude from Betsy at My Salvaged Treasures, I immediately fell in love with these little guys. They reminded me of the Hardware Pumpkins we've seen in the past, but these are a whole other level of sophistication. You'll want to see how she made them.

Laura from Decor to Adore gets her Fall on in
LOVE that chair!!

Alaina from Arbor House Lane asks us, Do We "Boo"?, in her wonderful home at Halloween. This girl knows how to decorate spooky and creepy with great vintage style!

And using this wonderful set of Johnson Brother's China,
 Betty reminisces about  Autumn Tea Time at My Cozy Corner

Hope you'll join in today with any of your Fall posts and vintage inspired ideas. Please have a link within your post to be featured. And while you're partying today, check out these other parties for more Fall Fun.

OK, let's start this party!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

On the Deck

More Outdoor Fall Stuff,
this time on the deck.

Here's the view from my kitchen window, out to the back deck. I like to keep a seasonal vignette out here and change it up every year, and I wanted to do something totally different this Fall. I usually use a small barnwood wheelbarrow, but this year I grabbed a little black French wagon and added the old bushel basket and a watering can as a backdrop.

We had a limb come down from one of the maples in front early in the summer, so I nabbed it before it could be cut into smaller pieces. Hubbs knows not to argue, just save the thing in the garage and don't ask questions....

Of course I had a plan!
Why not just hang a Fall sign for pumpkins from it?

Up until last week I still had a few straggling hummies, so the feeder has been out. If you want to read about those amazing little birds and their migration south, then it will give you a new sense of wonder about how God is so evident in nature.

 Hard to get a picturesque shot from here, but an old ice cream maker bucket and a white washed apple basket are holding a few more mums, along with a few of my old watering cans.

Love the rusty patina on that old bucket.

Now, the deck would not be complete without a hidden camera shot of one of my little stinkers. This little fellow and a smaller one have been sneaking around here messing with the pumpkins and eating those "preserved" leaves that you find at Michael's and Hobby Lobby. I cannot imagine that they taste good, and could even be dangerous, but they have a fascination with them. Each day there are fewer of them in the basket...yuck.

no chewing on the pumpkins, please...

Hope you're having a great week. 
Fall is finally here, 
and I'm loving it!
(naughty squirrels and all)

joining in for
Transformation Thursday at the Shabby Creek Cottage


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