Wednesday, October 10, 2012

On the Deck

More Outdoor Fall Stuff,
this time on the deck.

Here's the view from my kitchen window, out to the back deck. I like to keep a seasonal vignette out here and change it up every year, and I wanted to do something totally different this Fall. I usually use a small barnwood wheelbarrow, but this year I grabbed a little black French wagon and added the old bushel basket and a watering can as a backdrop.

We had a limb come down from one of the maples in front early in the summer, so I nabbed it before it could be cut into smaller pieces. Hubbs knows not to argue, just save the thing in the garage and don't ask questions....

Of course I had a plan!
Why not just hang a Fall sign for pumpkins from it?

Up until last week I still had a few straggling hummies, so the feeder has been out. If you want to read about those amazing little birds and their migration south, then it will give you a new sense of wonder about how God is so evident in nature.

 Hard to get a picturesque shot from here, but an old ice cream maker bucket and a white washed apple basket are holding a few more mums, along with a few of my old watering cans.

Love the rusty patina on that old bucket.

Now, the deck would not be complete without a hidden camera shot of one of my little stinkers. This little fellow and a smaller one have been sneaking around here messing with the pumpkins and eating those "preserved" leaves that you find at Michael's and Hobby Lobby. I cannot imagine that they taste good, and could even be dangerous, but they have a fascination with them. Each day there are fewer of them in the basket...yuck.

no chewing on the pumpkins, please...

Hope you're having a great week. 
Fall is finally here, 
and I'm loving it!
(naughty squirrels and all)

joining in for
Transformation Thursday at the Shabby Creek Cottage


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Have you ordered yours...?

I don't want to step on anyone else's toes, but just wanted to tell you that just a week or so ago I ordered Marian's (aka "Miss Mustard Seed") new book from Nelson Thomas Inspired You, on her blog's pre-order link.  And what a surprise when it showed up in my mailbox today! I've just thumbed through it and it looks wonderful. I can't wait to settle down to read it. For a link to the site Just click here. You'll also enjoy a video about the book in her own words.

Dreams DO come true.

The Marketplace at Common Ground

Hi Everyone and welcome to the Marketplace at Common Ground where you can browse some great Online Boutiques and Etsy Shops. I'm really enjoying  my most favorite time of the year, and all the fun and Fallish items that are showing up on Etsy. Here are a few great links that offer some fun ways to be celebrating Autumn, Halloween, and Thanksgiving.

from Judy at 20 North Ora

 from Ruth at Simple Joys Decor

from Becky at Timewashed

Antique French Book Cover Wall Hanging
 from Pam at 52 Apothecary Shop

Gorgeous Autumn Inspired Rosemaled Plate

from the Porcelain Rose

from StellabyStar

107 Vintage
is in the Sponsor Spotlight today.
Diana has an Etsy Shop and a great Online Store 
where you can find some wonderful Antiques,
 vintage items, and new home decor.

This wonderful platter would be a great addition
 to your Thanksgiving Table. Just  click here

And in the Etsy Shop you can check out some wonderful 
vintage items like this Burlap Coffee Pillow

And don't you love this wondereful dusty mauve/gray

Hope you'll visit 107 Vintage!

...and now for The Marketplace

This linky is for items that are for sale only. I'd love to have you come link up your posts on Fall and vintage inspiration on Thursday's link up. This linky is for Etsy Shop and Online Boutiques items only. You can link up to three of your items and hopefully it will be a direct link to that item is possible. You can also link a general link to your boutique, so we'll get a feel for your shop. Thanks so much for joining in and if you're not a "link-er" but a shopper, then we're so glad to have you. This link is live all week, so I hope you'll come back throughout the week to see what new items have been listed.

Have a great week everyone,

Sunday, October 7, 2012

On the Porch

I'm going to admit that I've been dragging my feet about posting any photos of the outside of the house, because I just haven't been able to get good ones. The front is heavily shaded and if it's overcast out, then just forget it. blah, boring, washed out. So we had some sunshine the other day, and I managed to get a few shots, but I'm warning you they are sort of lackluster. I did my best to dress them up a little for you. This little half park bench that I keep out here is my favorite pic.

I did bring out one of my Fall Pendleton wool throws to bring in a little color, and then added  some of that "worth it's weight in gold" bittersweet vine to the mix. I'm going to have to include bittersweet in every blog post I do this Fall, just to get my money's worth out of it!

I always have a hard time decorating the porch, so this year I invested in some vintage concrete urns that are painted white, for the mums. They are heavy little boogers, so hubby had to deal with them. But they do class it up a little, which always seems to be the issue.

Thank you PicMonkey for all your help!

I guess I just need about $200 worth 
of extra pumpkins sitting around out here.
 Maybe that would help.
That, or a personal visit from Martha Stewart.
Wonder how much she charges for house calls?

We're in for a freeze tonight so this will all have to be covered. I can usually keep my Boston ferns until the first of November, but it might not happen this year. I hate throwing them away until it's just too cold for them.

I'm really loving this plump one here in front.
white, with some green and orange veining.

And I think this one is called a Peanut Pumpkin,
see, what did I tell you about the photos?
OK, gotta round up those old sheets and blankets
so I can tuck these babies in for the night!

(click here for last year's porch pics)
Deck photos coming right up...

joining in for 

Seasonal Sundays at the Tablescaper
Make it Pretty Monday at the Dedicated House
Cowgirl Up at Cedarhill Ranch
Welcome Home Wednesday at Vintage On A Dime


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