Sunday, October 7, 2012

On the Porch

I'm going to admit that I've been dragging my feet about posting any photos of the outside of the house, because I just haven't been able to get good ones. The front is heavily shaded and if it's overcast out, then just forget it. blah, boring, washed out. So we had some sunshine the other day, and I managed to get a few shots, but I'm warning you they are sort of lackluster. I did my best to dress them up a little for you. This little half park bench that I keep out here is my favorite pic.

I did bring out one of my Fall Pendleton wool throws to bring in a little color, and then added  some of that "worth it's weight in gold" bittersweet vine to the mix. I'm going to have to include bittersweet in every blog post I do this Fall, just to get my money's worth out of it!

I always have a hard time decorating the porch, so this year I invested in some vintage concrete urns that are painted white, for the mums. They are heavy little boogers, so hubby had to deal with them. But they do class it up a little, which always seems to be the issue.

Thank you PicMonkey for all your help!

I guess I just need about $200 worth 
of extra pumpkins sitting around out here.
 Maybe that would help.
That, or a personal visit from Martha Stewart.
Wonder how much she charges for house calls?

We're in for a freeze tonight so this will all have to be covered. I can usually keep my Boston ferns until the first of November, but it might not happen this year. I hate throwing them away until it's just too cold for them.

I'm really loving this plump one here in front.
white, with some green and orange veining.

And I think this one is called a Peanut Pumpkin,
see, what did I tell you about the photos?
OK, gotta round up those old sheets and blankets
so I can tuck these babies in for the night!

(click here for last year's porch pics)
Deck photos coming right up...

joining in for 

Seasonal Sundays at the Tablescaper
Make it Pretty Monday at the Dedicated House
Cowgirl Up at Cedarhill Ranch
Welcome Home Wednesday at Vintage On A Dime



  1. Your porch is just beautiful! No visit from Martha needed!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. It all of a sudden got cold here yesterday. I love your porch. You've really done it justice. Tuck those babies in for the night, Debra!

  3. Debra love your fall porch! I did not do much outside of mine yet.Those urns are gorgeous!!! I have a few of those and yes they sure are heavy!It is cold here too and a frost tonight.I have our carving pumpkins in the front I better cover those up tonight!

  4. Your porch looks so pretty for fall. That throw really adds a nice touch of color and the bittersweet is lovely. I hope to see it in more posts! ;)


  5. Your porch looks lovely, Debra! I'm getting my real pumpkins next week, but I keep it fairly light in our little front area. Mainly because there's not a lot of room!

  6. I had to pick my green tomatoes yesterday.....bummer. Love the necklace. Haven't felt well this week so just picked it up. Hope our ferns make it through the night. Jan

  7. Your porch is beautiful and inviting! Love all the unique pumpkins! And the throw is gorgeous, ...adds just the right pop of color! I can understand about taking the photos. I've been dragging my feet to take pictures of "fall decor" around in my home, but my home doesn't photograph well but at precise times, and not all rooms at the same time! Too hard to keep straight! ha! :)

    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  8. Oh Debra, your porch looks just beautiful!... I love your Pendleton throw!... I am thinking of ordering one for myself this year... for inside... they are so soft and timeless... and your bittersweet is well... sweet!... I would love some of that too... but this llittle furry face Tessy I have would try to eat it as well... and forget Martha Stewart!... YOU could teach HER a thing or two about decorating!... My favorite ever fridge magnet I have reads "Martha Stewart doesn't live here... and it's a good thing"... hee hee hee... xoxo Julie Marie

  9. Hi Debra,
    thanks for sharing your pretty fall porch. I love the textures you've created with the wool blanket, the mums and the pumpkins.

    very pretty.


  10. Debra, your porch is beautiful!! You did a great don't need Martha for anything!! Lol! Very warm and welcoming for the season.

  11. I envy you that you can have your ferns out until November. That's when I CAN have them out! Just too hot and not enough shade.
    Your porch is lovely and I love your Pendleton. Another thing that just isn't practical here in south Texas.
    Please send Martha my way when you're through with her! ; )

  12. Beautiful porch. I love the curved steps. Your throw is gorgeous with all of its bright colors. Lovely!!

  13. Debra,
    It's all lookng good out that plaid throw on your bench.


  14. What a lovely front entry! I would have a hard time setting a pumpkin on that Pendleton wool blanket. It's beautiful, isn't it!

  15. I agree with Nancy! You've got it down just right, Debra. You don't need Martha, girl!!! Love the plaid throw pic. Your entire porch looks so welcoming and cozy! Stay warm! We had to turn on the furnace yesterday. Boo...... :(

    xoxo laurie

  16. Your porch looks great!

    - The Tablescaper

  17. Hi Debra

    Everything looks so warm and inviting. I feel like it's a giant welcome mat calling my name!

    I just looked at my fern tonight and thought the same thing:(

    Enjoy your Sunday!


  18. Well now, why are you at all reticent? Your autumn porch is lovely!

    Susan and Bentley

  19. Love the porch and your awesome photo's! Great fall display, Debra! xo's Pam

  20. Beautiful and so inviting Debra! I adore your throw and I agree, Martha has nothing on you :)

  21. Your porch looks so wonderfully seasonal and very inviting Debra.

  22. Your porch looks gorgeous. I love it. Hugs, Marty

  23. Debra,
    Love your porch! Had to laugh at your comment about Martha Stewart!!! (My nickname!!!) This year I purchased my first green pumpkin! I absolutely LOVE it!!! Then I covered it with a vintage handmade crocheted doily! Too darn cute! When the weatherman stated to cover your pumpkins, I smiled...mine are covered with doilies!!!
    P.S. Pricey...but the real deal on your Bittersweet can't be beat!!! Gorgeous!

  24. Your porch is so pretty Debra! I love the urns, the mums, the bittersweet, and on and on! It all looks great.
    I hope your ferns made it. They are beautiful!

    Have a great day.

  25. Debra, your porch is gorgeous, nothing lackluster about it! Love your home and all the pumpkins :)
    Happy Fall!

  26. Your porch is wonderful... love your urns and bench and your pumpkin collection is fabulous. The brick is the perfect fall backdrop. :)

  27. Debra - You don't need Martha!! Your front porch looks beautiful. You did a wonderful job!


  28. Looks lovely, Debra. It is finally cooling off here so I think I'll add some pumpkins to my front porch. They will rot if it is too hot! Of course the squirrels might eat them too. Never know! ;-)

  29. Your porch looks lovely, so inviting!
    First day we turned off the ac here in NY! Maybe I will get into the Fall mode!
    Here from Seasonal Sunday. Hope you'll stop by too!

  30. Love that blanket! Your entrance looks gorgeous, perfect, doesn't need any more pumpkins or Martha. Visiting from Seasonal Sundays. xo

  31. Oh My Gosh your porch is beautiful. You certainly do not need Martha Stewart. So pretty.

  32. I LOVE your pumpkins. I always spend way too much on real pumpkins so this year I spent quiet a bit on the metal ones from The Round Top Collection. Have you seen those? I bought them when a friend & I went to the Gift Market in Dallas. They are at her house & I'm going to get them tonight. I'll try to get photos up soon. I still love the real ones though... Like that peanut one you showed us. My favorite ones are the Cinderella Pumpkins. Just breaks my heart to spend $200 or more & then they have to thrown away! So, I'll let you know how the metal ones work for my "FIX". Bet I still buy some... Thanks for sharing. Just put up photos of my master bathroom remodel. Hope you'll stop by for a visit to see. HUGS!

  33. I keep my Boston Ferns till the last minute too, they grow so well for me.
    Love your porch and throw, you don't need Martha at all:)It's beautiful!

  34. Your porch looks so welcoming, LOVE the throw, just the perfect touch!

  35. Debra, your porch is PERFECT...welcoming and beautiful!

  36. I think you've done a great job of decorating your front entry, Debra. I really love the pumpkins with all their various colorations, the beautiful pendleton throw in the lovely autumnal plaid, and those gorgeous new urns. They will be something you can utilize every season, so a great investment. Your Boston ferns are so lush and full--I would want to keep them for as long as I could as well! I hear you about taking pictures--I was outside this morning shooting my corn salad for this week before I even made breakfast for us! Light is everything, except for a good camera and photo editing software, isn't it??

  37. Lackluster?? These photos of your porch are gorgeous and Martha definitely can just stay home. :-) Everything really does look just beautiful Debra!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Love the porch. Do you have any problems leaving out that lovely throw? I find that mine either fade in the sun, or get musty and damp. How long does it stay pretty for you?

  40. You don't need Martha because you are practically perfect in every decor way! It looks lovely!! Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday part at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again next Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  41. I love that wool blanket!!! I wish I had a landing big enough to place a bench. I have about 13 steps down the front of my house, so I know what you mean about spending $200 for pumpkins or mums. I think yours looks great, regardless of the lighting. I assume you know that you can keep your ferns (or any plants, really) in the garage over the winter. I've tried it, but I'm not great about watering them (since they don't get rain), and I don't have the room anymore, so I guess my ferns are going to die soon, too. We haven't quite gotten down to freezing yet.

  42. YOU need no Martha visits. It's lovely

    We were to get a freeze last night but did flowers still looked okay this morning and I was relieved : ) Hope yours held off as well

  43. Martha has nothing over on you...I think your porch is fabulous! The plaid throw is my absolute favorite thing. Well done.

  44. Perfect, love the porch, with the fall throw that we are all loving. Love the fall colors, there is nothing like the orange pumpkins.

  45. Debbie you are so funny. Love the urns, and the entrance to your home. Very pretty and sophisticated. I think I have enough pumpkins, every time I turn around I want to buy one....hmmmm....I know there is a limit. Your home is lovely, and so is this post.
    Debbie@too many pumpkins....

  46. Debbie,
    Everything looks great for Fall! I'm loving your entry into your home. Just enough decor for the space. Enjoy the Season.
    xxx Liz

  47. I love the brown plaid blanket with the pumpkins - just a perfect cozy touch.

  48. I love your porch decor! Seeing this post inspired me to grab a blanket, pillow and pumpkin to style my patio. Well done!

  49. If you had that $200 to spend, I hope you spend it on something else, because your porch is not lacking for a single thing! I think what you did with it is lovely. I doubt that Martha would've done too much more--or maybe too much, which would detract from what you've so artfully done! ~Zuni


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