Friday, April 16, 2010

Fridays with Friends at Cha Cha's Place

My sweet friend Cha Cha from Sit Relax and Read has honored me with a place on her "Fridays with Friends" post. She asked if I would take the spotlight for an interview today, so take a minute and run by her blog. She's a very talented and creative mom of two darling girls, and knows just how to make you feel welcome.

So just in case there might be one or two things about me that you didn't already know, I may have covered it with Cha Cha!

I'll have The Royal Treatment Give Away Winners
later this afternoon

...I'm still counting!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

My little fantasy...

Don't we all have little fantasies? An affinity for a certain place and time and era. A place that would seem to fit who we are and nurture our personal dreams?

I'm really not sure why, but a life in an English cottage has always been a little dream of mine. Cozy, comfortable, with a flower garden and a gate out front. Quiet and peaceful where you can hear the birds sing, and maybe a little brook close to the house that beckoned for a dip of the toes and a grassy spot to open a book.

(image from an old church fan in my collection)

English Cottages and gardens were a popular subject for images, paintings and prints in the early 1900s. They have always spoken to me, so today I wanted to share of few of mine with you.

Can you see me?
I'm waving from the window!

An R. Atkinson Fox print that I found at a flea,
for just a few dollars...
who no one recognized.
Lucky Me!

This is an old needlework piece that I framed.

This is an old paper German calendar,
 but the cottage is what grabbed my attention.

(sorry about the glare)

Love the muted tones in this one,
it's almost a study in sepia.

I can't believe I still haven't seen this movie,
The Holiday.

Probably because my husband's not into
"Chick flicks".

It's going on my to-watch list.

After all, we all deserve a little fantasy.

What's your fantasy place and time?

Today I'm linking early to

and Laurie at

And you have until midnight to enter
The Royal Treatment Give Away.
Let's make it to 500 followers.

That will be something to celebrate!!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

White Wednesday: Sunroom Whites

I remember about 10 weeks into White Wednesday someone made the comment that they were running out of white things to post about. And my comment to them, in joking was, "oh, just move them around to different places and no one will ever know the difference." I guess I'm following my own advice. I've realized that maybe we might have a tendency to repeat some of our "whites", but it's about how we use them, the season, and the elements in a vignette.

I love white china and ironstone, and of course my sunroom has been the subject of countless posts. But, trying to keep things fresh, I've learned just to "change things up". That's one of the reasons I love to decorate with the seasons.

During the winter this little sugar bowl and creamer held paperwhites, while now they are filled with wild violets that I dug up from my backyard. Amazing how a weed can drive me crazy for 11 months of the year, then for 1 month I'm really lovin' them.

Old and chippy picket fence gate

Several of you asked about my little "garden box" or conservatory that was in the background of my Silver Sunday post. I found it about six years ago at a local antique mall. I know that several people in the area were making them about that time. There are some pretty elaborate and BIG ones around here. I believe Brian and Meloney from the Seed Box made a few that were very large and really amazing!

The fleur de lys are hinges and the top opens at the front.

And here are more photos of some
 of my collection of white pottery.
Hull, McCoy, USA, Haeger, and some unmarked ones.
I just love them with or without plants.

And with or without cats EATing the plants...

Some of you have heard my harrowing story
 about my wicker furniture.
I seem to have a little problem with collecting it.
But what I love about the white is that it becomes a backdrop
for whatever season and color scheme I choose.

(love those yo-yos)

Right now I'm enjoying all the colors of Spring
with vintage floral quilts.

My old white door and mirror
anchor my seasonal wreaths.

Love that morning sun.

Thanks for suffering browsing through another sunroom post.
You know it won't be the last!

Only two more days to enter the GiveAway

Still lovin' White Wednesday,
drop by and say Hi to Kathleen at Faded Charm


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