Friday, January 15, 2010


There is something about the start of a new year that invariably sparks change and new growth in me. Sometimes I don't recognize it right away. It may take a few weeks until it settles in me.
Since I have been blogging this last 6 months, I've learned alot about myself. A blog is the best form of a "diary" for me, because it allows me to not only chronicle my life with photos of what and where I am, but it gives me the opportunity to share my heart with others.

It's like a magnifying mirror held up in front of me so that I can reflect on my life and thoughts. And in the sharing of it all, you will see the "real me".That's what happens with a magnifying mirror. We see the good and the "not so good". When I look in the mirror I see not only physical change, but emotional and spiritual change. This last 6 months has been a journey to connect back with the person I used to be. Or maybe just the person I need to be.

Peace in heart and mind has slowly come back to me. Concentrating on my health has caused me to concentrate more on God and what He wants for my life. I've been through a lot of ups and downs in my life, sometimes feeling "stagnant". I'm realizing that "growth" for me doesn't necessarily equal "excitement".

When I started this blog I had a desire to be interesting and "entertaining". But I have realized that at this time in my life, I'm short on entertainment value. In the past I was a "project" person. Furniture, art, creating... but now I'm concentrating on "being".

My desire is to share and communicate. Not trying to live up to my past expectations of myself, is a freeing idea. I am "me".  So, while I am not out junking as much or decorating a flea market space with the fervor I once had, hopefully when I post, it will be about what I'm thinking, doing, feeling...about me as a person.

Hope that's not boring. Maybe not sheer entertainment, but not boring either.I have realized in this time spent blogging that while I can drool over a chippy white cabinet, or linger over vintage linens and ephemera, that what constitutes a blog that I will come back to over and over, is one where I see the individual person there. I see the real person behind the blog. Not really behind it, but "infused" in it.

Sometimes I have felt like "apologizing" that my blog is about "me".
 But I'm getting over it.

If you'd be interested in sharing my journey with God;
 If you would love to connect with others
who are sharing their own thoughts and feelings,
drop by the Bible Study Blog on my sidebar,

I'm posting there everyday.

I'm not going anywhere, and I will still force you to look at my sunroom and white sideboard with all my vintage goodies and minutia. Guess today I just needed to "talk".


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