Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Make Your Own Vintage Seed Box

Vintage garden goods have always been a favorite of mine. Give me some old hand tools, a wicker floral basket, flower pots, and some vintage seed packets, and I'm a happy girl.

If you're into vintage at all, you likely know and share my love for vintage Seed Boxes. Even if you're not a gardener, the wonderful graphics that advertise the individual Seed Manufacturers will grab you, and soon you'll be on the hunt for these prized collectibles.

And that brings me to my post today...
where to find these treasures and then...
finding them at affordable prices.

I mentioned making our own Seed Boxes several weeks ago, but with all the out-of-town Ear Specialist visits for my hubby, anything DIY had to be put on the back burner. When I put this Easter display together my boxes were setting nearby; they've been waiting patiently for their makeovers.

In the past, many products came housed in a wooden box. Cigars, teas, and a number of other items could be purchased in bulk, contained in amazingly well crafted wooden displays. I think the boxes I found for this project might all be cigar boxes from the late 1800's, to the 1940's, but each one under $12. Much less than any Seed Box out there...

Authentic Seed Display Boxes run anywhere from $100 to $400 depending on their condition, rarity, and inside graphics. I have two vintage ones that I treasure and use from Spring to Fall in my vignettes, but they are getting harder and harder to find. Even ones in poor condition with no color graphics will set you back a pretty penny. Here's where we can come up with an almost exact "look" for literally a few dollars.

I'm a paper hoarder, and sometimes wonder why I keep all the stuff that I do. If it's antique or vintage ephemera, or even looks like it, it will go into my stash. I love calenders and for the last several years I've purchased ones that are reproduction images of Seed Catalogues. So I chose to use these reproduction images for my Seed Display Box makeovers.

As you can see the dimensions weren't quite large enough, so I decided to add on to the sides to give it more of a complete look.

I cut out pages of a reproduction ledger journal for the months of March and April. I have some old ledgers, but wanted a heavier stock of paper.

So here it is after I Mod Podged it all on the back.

Such a beautiful day on the sunporch.
Gotta show the helpers...

 Why is it that cats want to lay directly ON your project?

OK, back to work, now on a smaller box...

The outer lid of this one was pretty scratched up, so I used some "Old English" furniture polish on it and it cleaned up pretty well. I thought of painting it, but the original seed boxes were all wood, not painted. 

Since I had flowers on the larger one, I wanted veggies for this smaller one.

I used the calender graphics, but if you do a search on Etsy you can find tons of old Seed Box and Seed Packet images that can be used. The Graphics Fairy is another site where you can download your own, just make sure you have a heavier paper stock.

This is the third one I wanted to transform, but I wanted something with more ""Fall-ish" colors, so I could use it with Bittersweet and pumpkins later in the season.

Isn't this little garden-girl adorable?

I wish I could have used more of her image,
 but I wanted the "Burpee's" name to show.

Now you're ready to style your boxes and vignettes...

Have fun with this.
 I'd love for you to let me know
 if you try making your own "Vintage" Seed Boxes.
I think I might have started another "obsession"...

Also, don't forget that The Marketplace is live all week, so check back in to see new items being listed. Just scroll down to the previous post.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Marketplace: Your Shopping Place

Hello and Happy Tuesday!

Lot's of fun Spring-y items last week.
I hope you all know how hard it is for me to look at all these great links each week. (tough job, someone has to do it...)  I shop just like the rest of you and always seem to find something I want need. There's always something fun and new to check out. Remember, this linky stays live all week, so be sure and come back by to visit in these next few days, as new items are shared. (wouldn't want you to miss out!)

Most of us know Rosemary from VillaBarnes and love all her beautiful and creative designs of remade and refurbished vintage goods. She specializes in wonderful "finishes" on wood and metals, and these amazing filigree crowns have been one of her latest endeavors. 

from VillaBarnes

This adorable Vintage Aqua Wooden Stool from Gizmo and HooHa would be perfect in any vintage kitchen or used out on the potting bench.

Rita from Siciliared, always creates wonderful jewelry.
Her Faith Hope Love Stamped Charm
would be beautiful on a ribbon, chain, or even leather cord.

We've seen these vintage bed springs, used in so many fun ways.
Here's a Set of 4 Rustic Bed Springs from Miss Nannies Attic.

Perfect for Spring, 
this Women's Ruffled Infinity Scarf
from  Jill at Sew a Fine Seam.

Today, Rose from Rosekraft is in the Sponsor Spotlight. She has such wonderful antique die-cuts that she frames beautifully for that special addition for your home this Spring.


I always love her beautiful birds!

And perfect for a special Mother's Day gift,

thanks Rose!

If you have an Etsy Shop or Online Boutique please come link up to three items. You don't have to have a blog to join in, but if you do, please grab the image below to place somewhere on your sidebar, just to let all your readers know about this shopping venue. The more who know, the more shopping fun!! Please remember this linky is live all week, and for items that are FOR SALE ONLY.

So glad you're joining in!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tea Cup Garden

Do you ever need a little gift in a hurry...
Something that's sweet and thoughtful and not fussy?

Just take a minute and put together a Tea Cup Garden

It's so easy to pick up orphan cups, sugars, and creamers when your out at the fleas. They usually are just a few dollars, and when combined with a little green plant or posie they convey a sweet and thoughtful sentiment.

I always like to give my girlies a little something for Easter, and since they aren't fans of candy, I try to come up with something that they can enjoy beyond the moment.

I found these little pint sized creeping figs, but in a pinch you could just divide a little Swedish or English Ivy, Angel Vine, or any houseplant that you may have on hand. Grabbing a little moss from a shady outdoor spot works too. Just make sure not to over water, since there isn't any drainage. A little something living and green that will brighten any windowsill or counter.

I have this one sitting on an iron pedestal with a bunny box
on the buffet in the Dining Room.

Don't you love the logo on the plant tag?
Rabbit Shadow

Keeping a little stash of small containers
 will give you the ability to say "Thank You", "You're Special",
"Happy Birthday" or "Just Because".
An easy and thrifty way to share the love...

joining these weekly parties:

Hope you've had a wonderful weekend.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Be Inspired #133: "Flower Beds"

Hi Everyone, time for "Be Inspired"!
The place to share what's been inspiring you this week.

 Do you need a little (or big) dose of Spring?
Just take a peek at these beautiful floral bed sets and you'll feel like your surrounded by garden posies.
Anne from Fiona and Twig shared her photo shoot of "The Sweet Pea Collection" taken at Round Top during Antique Week. The fabrics in this bedding are just amazing...and the photographer ain't half bad either...

Lynn from Shabby Story used a pair of Garden Gloves 
from the Dollar Store for a little Spring Fresh decor.

Lara from Air Kissed used natural dyes to create these
pastel delights in her post, Natural Easter Eggs 

Yvonne from Stone Gable shares her Easy Easter Table
 with a formula for Tablescaping throughout the year.

Anne From White Lace Cottage used an old step ladder
 in her kitchen to tie her two cabinets together.
 LOVE this vintage look and great for display!

Carrying Crosses from Andrea at Town and Prairie is a beautiful post,
sharing her thoughts on Holy Week.

Thanks ladies for joining in last week!

Today's Sponsor Spotlight
 is on Lucy's wonderful "reborn" jewelry pieces
Run by her Etsy Shop and check out her fun designs!

Hope you'll join in today and share your inspiration from this last week. Please have a link back to Common Ground to be featured. I really appreciate each one of you who comes by and joins the party each week, thanks bunches!


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