Showing posts with label time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year's Tree

I like to change things out after Christmas. I enjoy the Christmas decor while it's up, but then after Christmas, I like to put things away and return to a "winter" theme in my decor. I purposefully chose to limit my actual Christmas decorations this year and focused on just adding bits and pieces into my surroundings. One thing I really love is my New Year's Tree, that I put together a few years ago. I still wanted some sparkle and whimsy after putting away the Christmas things, and so my little tree was conceived. Stark pewter branches are bejeweled with glitter snowflakes, tiny bells, antique watch faces, blue miniature Shiny Brites, and little doves. It's become my way to usher in the New Year with prayers for peace, joy, and God's blessing.

This year I added two new ornaments found on sale after Christmas,
depicting old clocks.

(all other items thrifted from the fleas)

and a vintage clock face.

It's here in the Entry, 
where it's a reminder of a fresh new beginning.

I you'd like to see the original post from December 2009,
 with my thoughts on spending our Time,

Thank you all, for your sweet friendships.
What a blessing you are in my life.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Tree

One of my favorite posts was my New Year's Tree from last year.
Since I have my new camera I wanted to take some new pics of it
setting in my foyer.

Instead of reposting it and just changing out the photos
I'm inviting you to click here to take a moment to experience my thoughts on
The Gift of Time.


My life has changed in this last 18 months of blogging;
thank you for your dear friendships and fellowship.
Sending Blessings and God's Love for 2011!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday #18 Counting Down to the New Year

So, I have this sideboard in my hallway.
 It's really too big for the space, but it's in sight of the kitchen
 and I walk by it a million times a day.
It's my favorite spot to decorate along with my sunroom.
 But the sideboard gets totally redone each month.
(slight obsession here)

I've wanted to put together a shelf filled with my tarnished silver
and thought that celebrating the beginning of the New Year
would be perfect "timing".

I realize that it's not the best fit, but it will probably only be here for a few weeks.
I'd love to have a cabinet just for my silver, but as yet I haven't figured that one out.

Please try and ignore the ginormous brass doorbell and ill placed thermostat.

(shhhhh...I'm already planning my Valentine Display)

Here are a few photos and links of some of the posts from last week.
Just some fun photos that deserve a shout out!

grumpy Santa

a live nativity

gorgeous wire tree
Everything Dore does is amazing!

Wall of angels

deer friends

Hope you'll join the party.
Any Vintage Inspiration!

I'm also joining in to:

                                                 My Romantic Home                                                   

Have a wonderful and safe New Year's Eve!
Big hugs and lotsa love,


Friday, January 8, 2010

Enjoying the moment...

That's what I'm doing today...
enjoying the moment.
God has been speaking to me alot about patience.
About living each day to the fullest.

That no longer means seeing how much
I can cram into 24 hours.

So today I'm savoring "winter".
When I was younger I was always in a hurry.
A hurry to "be done" with whatever I was going through.

Just wait till the kids get older.
Just wait till I get a bigger house.
Just wait till we can afford this or that.
Just wait till I have the time.

I love the change of seasons,
but I don't want to forget which one I'm in.

Spring will be here before we know it.
Then summer, and we will all be
sweating and fussing about the heat!

So today I'm enjoying "winter".

And being home, and sitting here
with a large gray cat
asleep in my lap.

Listening to the birds outside my window,
and watching her ears twitch
every now and again as her little
brain recognizes a familiar sound.

(I'm still enjoying my "New Year's tree".)

Different seasons reflect different moods,
and times in our life.
Don't miss out on what is right in front of you
because you may be in search of what's next.

Enjoy the moment.

Today I found this wonderful German die-cut calendar,
while I was searching for Valentines.
I had to stop and share this with all of you.

Have a wonderful winter day!