Thursday, January 9, 2025

10 Favorite Vintage Décor Posts of 2024

I'm always a little surprised to see which posts were your favorites at the end of each year. Here are the top 10 favorite reader posts of 2024. If you missed any of them I hope you'll click on the title to read further.

The first posts of each season usually grab more attention. People are always looking forward to Spring, so here was one of my early vignettes for the Spring season. Anything "Mossy" gets my attention, so a pair of Moss Bunnies stole the spotlight for Spring.

In any given year, the Holiday Cupboard grabs many of the "top 10" spots. I try to decorate the old pie safe cupboard for each season or holiday. This year the St. Patrick's Day theme featured my green transferware and vintage postcards which have a "limited engagement" time. 

My little collection of vintage chickens and roosters come out in the summer. When I think of farms and livestock I tend to think warm temps and summertime fun. The Holiday Cupboard gets decorated with my French faience with colorful handpainted florals and varied transferware. Added bits of Quimper ware, seed packets and old cottage pieces fill in between dish stacks.

Midsummer Roost in the Cupboard

Taking a que from Forrest Gump another of the Holiday Cupboard posts hits the top faves with a Valentines theme. A few vintage and antique chocolate boxes with red transferware, ironstone tureens, and postcards decorate the shelves.

I'm part of a small group of bloggers called Lifestyle of Love which shares and celebrates vintage topics and items bimonthly. We have a great time sharing how we use these items in our home décor. I always come away with amazing ideas and inspiration to try something new with vintage décor. Here is one post on using vintage buttons. 

Here's another styling in the Holiday Cupboard with a patriotic theme. 

My antique blue willow transferware tureen filled with a glass hurricane and candle and moss with ironstone and a flag display decorates the family sideboard in the hearth room.

Here's another post from Lifestyle of Love group sharing our vintage baskets. I really had fun with this topic and didn't realize how many baskets I actually have and use in my décor.

The cookbook cupboard is another cabinet in the hearth room/kitchen area that holds kitchen related décor like my cookie jars, cookbooks and fun seasonal pieces. Here it is decorated for mid-fall and a super easy and colorful paper pumpkin garland.

I went a little out-of-the-box with my dining room tabletop this last fall with a dramatic branch and leaf display in an iron basket urn. Here is my Autumn Home Tour. 

Here is one of my own favorites from last Spring.

Thanks so much for coming by to visit, friends. I appreciate you all so much. I hope you're off to a great start of the New Year.

*If you haven't been receiving email post notifications, please scroll down on the right and sign up with my new provider. Thanks friends!!


  1. I remember all of these and I'm not at all surprised. They were (and remain) delightful!

    1. Thankyou Jeanie. Decorating is my "therapy" and always fun!

  2. I always loved when you decorate your beautiful cupboard for the holidays. They are all so wonderful.
    Hugs. Kris

    1. thanks Kris, I've had more fun with that old cupboard than anything else I decorate!

  3. Looks like it's fixed! Love this post. Especially the Valentine Hutch. Happy New Year friend.

  4. What a great look at your beautiful posts through the year. Very inspiring !


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