Tuesday, January 22, 2019

New House Journal: Living and Dining Rooms and a New Recliner

We had a busy last week with another partial move and then working over the weekend at the new house. This last trip we got my office furniture, most of the Living Room, more basement stuff, guest bedroom and the big room size rugs for the Living Room and Dining Room that I cleaned last weekend. Phone pics ahead; sorry for the less than perfect images.

We placed the basics in the Living Room and here in the Dining Room. I still have all the china and crystal to unpack for the china cabinet and then all the boxes that hold all my vintage dishes for the china closet. YaHoo! I can't wait to utilize all that space that up till now I've had dishes squirreled all over the house. The big metal Italian basket is temporarily on the buffet till I get other things unpacked. I'm going to keep the DR table freed up and end chairs out of the way for now so I can unload the boxes.

Having the wool area rugs down bring all the colors of the walls and draperies together. I'm happy with how the Dining Room wallpaper looks with the rest of the room. And although the china cabinet dominates the room, I love how it has come together. I second guessed myself so many times with that old imperfect wallpaper, but since I love the look, I'm glad I decided to work with it. I think the taupe stripe adds a lot of interest and some subtle pattern.

We still have some pieces left for the Living Room that will come next trip, but this is how it landed for the moment. The armoire for the TV, our chairs, and my little white dresser are still here at the old house. We'll be using this room (Formal LR) for evening TV time, so we need comfortable but nice looking chairs.

Hubbs hasn't been in love with the leather recliner I bought him 7 or 8 years ago, because he's not a fan of leather (who knew) and it doesn't have a high back on it. For the last 5 years I've been trying to get him to Lazy-Boy to look for a new one. I've scoured the web and retail stores for an affordable, high backed recliner option for him, but he never wanted to get serious about it. 

(new recliner)
Just noticed the lampshade is wonky.
I have a problem with that.

A couple of weeks ago we received a flyer from Lazy Boy advertising a sale, so I informed him we were going to go look. No excuses or putting it off. Time to make a decision. What had triggered my determination was his trying to get me to agree to bringing up a 20 year old tapestry recliner from the basement set that he found extremely comfortable. No. Absolutely not. It wasn't quite as bad as Frasier's dad's recliner, but it still wasn't going to happen.

Image result for Frasier's dad recliner

This is what we found on clearance. It matches all the upholstery in the LR, the busy rug, wall color, and draperies. It has a higher back, nice exposed legs, fabric, and it's not a monster with cup holders. Plus it was 1/3 the original price. The store had just received it and put it on the floor half an hour before we arrived to shop. Perfect timing. I'm happy, Hubby is happy. Our bank account is happy.

Remember this pretty little Bergere Chair from about 7 years ago? You can see it in front of the clock in the above LR photos. The chair is one of my favorites but has original red floral fabric, so I cobbled together a little chair slip to give it a neutral look. Well, I finally have room for it in the Living Room at the new house. So it's making a little comeback after having spent the last 5 years in the basement. I'm so excited it's back!

We have been freezing our tushies off back here in SW Missouri, how about you guys? We didn't get the snow that many of you did, but we had the "black ice" problem on roads and streets. Hubby has a little rugged Jeep and we had to keep it in 4 wheel drive most of the time this weekend on side streets, just to get around. Many people just stayed in and snuggled up, but we needed to keep working. 

I finally convinced Hubbs that we had to modify our 60's child sized closets, so we moved and added horizontal clothing poles. I had planned on a new closet organization unit to be installed in one of mine, but when I found out the cost and that I wouldn't gain all that much space, I needed a new plan. That meant we had to remove supports and raise existing rods then add new ones. Yikes, a lot of work, and then I had to repaint. So I'm doing some linen closet packing and purging this week, then I have to start on sorting my actual clothing. Staying busy, but trying not to go crazy. More lovely phone pics next time.

p.s. This is not a sponsored post, Just happy to have finally found the right recliner.

Joining in Here:

Sunday at Home at Little Farmstead,  Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Dishing It and Digging It at DIY180  The Scoop at Cedarhill Farmhouse
Inspiration Monday at Refresh Restyle  Tips and Tutorials at Home Stories A to Z
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life   Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles
Share Your Style at 21 Rosemary Lane  Style Showcase at Shabby Fufu
Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage


  1. Everything is looking soooooooo good. This is going to be such a pretty and comfortable home.

  2. Great choice for the recliner. Love the nice neutral color.
    Have a great new week.

  3. Your home is going to look amazing! I can't wait to see it all done dear friend.
    The recliner is perfect now with the natural color look.
    Enjoy your week.

  4. Debra,
    What a tremendous amount of work and with inclement weather to boot!
    I love "Mr.Ed's" Lazy Boy recliner!!!
    He is a small man and after trying several, they had a recliner custom made for him.
    . . .and at $ale price, plus Military Discount!
    A few years ago, we switched the Guest Room and the Home Office around.
    I lost closet space, but with the cube storage @ Target, it actually works better.
    Your Dining Room and Living Room spaces are shaping up, quite nicely.
    Stay the course. . .you've got this!

  5. Your rooms are looking beautiful, Debra...and I love the new recliner!

  6. Great recliner. I had pretty strict guidelines about our new ones too. I love your house. The dining room is fabulous. I can't wait to see everything with your decor in place.

  7. This is all coming together so well, Debra. I envy where you are right now, having more fun (even though it's still work with the move, etc) with decorating. Seems like January is such a dismal month. I'm over here doing my annual purge, but with even more intention than last year. Haven't even decorated since Christmas. Last year I did a tiny purge with friends in the new year, but I am bound and determined to make a noticeable dent in things this year. All I can say is I'm looking forward to spring. ;)

  8. I agree, the dining room wallpaper is a keeper....perfect paint colors and drapes!! The rugs are fabulous in both rooms, they act as an anchor. Great score on the new recliner!! What is it with men and recliners and they are the same way with all wood paneling??

    We have a ton of snow over here in NYS and bitter cold temps too. Traffic was restricted for 3 days so the plows could do their work. Everyone stayed in and kept warm. I am also purging, it never ends!! My cupboards got a good cleaning with Murphy's Oil Soap and mopped the floors. I love winter and this forces me to get some work done...

    Can't wait to see all your finished rooms.....take it easy now!!

  9. Wow you really lucked out on finding that recliner. It is styish and meets your husband's need. You cracked me up about the cup holder. Most of those bigger recliners have them and they don't quite work with French Country and vintage cottage style!
    Everything is coming together!

  10. Everything looks so nice! Love your draperies. I can't wait till the full tour!

  11. I'm really enjoying watching you settle into your new house!! The dining room looks amazing, so cozy and welcoming - I can just picture fabulous dinner parties around that table! Drooling over the drapes, by the way!

  12. Hi! How exciting for your rooms to be taking shape. The dining room is already perfect! Love that big wire basket as is. And I think we need that recliner! Your big rooms are just lovely.

  13. You must love that feeling of settling in, despite the uncertainties. You are too funny about the colorful Frasier recliner. I agree 100%! Good luck with rest of the journey. xo Kathleen


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