Monday, October 19, 2015

An October Entry

My house tends to look a bit overdone if I'm not careful;
especially this time of year.
OK...most of the time it's a little too cluttered.
Blame it on blogging and enjoying sharing it all with you.

My intentions were to just use the Blue Willow Tureen with Pumpkins that I shared last week, but it wasn't quite big enough for the console.

So of course that meant that one of my sheep would likely fill the space. He does have an orange satin ribbon in honor of October.

A stack of old books makes anything look like it's on a pedestal.

This is "simple" for me....

The Bittersweet is one long vine 
that I just laid over the pediment on the top of the mirror.
It's one of my favorite Fall naturals.

Now, I'm starting to think about Thanksgiving...

I'll be joining in these great party places:

Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
The Scoop at Stone Gable
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


Did you catch my last post?


  1. Oh this is lovely. I like the little bit of orange here and there. Bittersweet is always a plus. Your little sheep is adorable. I've a small collection of them and display them during Christmas. Talk about clutter, I've TOO many collections. My problem is I moved to a smaller place and it just does not have the nook and crannies I am use to. I've tried to downsize but...Thanks for sharing your fun spot.

  2. So pretty! I'm guilty of the same thing, start out with simple intentions.. but they grow! :) I love the beautiful tureen! And the old books used as a pedestal is a great idea! Hope your week is off to a great start! ~Rhonda

  3. I love how you filled that pretty blue and white transferware dish! I like the bittersweet vine too.

  4. Lol, I so agree, blame it on blogging that we have so much stuff! But I love it all. Perfect! I would love for you to add your new and favorite posts to my brand new party called "Flea Market Fridays" and it is a DIY/Home Decor only party with lots of upcycles, vintage and low cost decor ideas! It will all be at my site.... xxx...Brooke

  5. This is really lovely, Debra! I especially love the look of the velvet pumpkins with the blue willow...

  6. Hi Debra,
    I think you nailed it...blogging is the reason why we decorate and keep trying new decor. In the mind of a blogger we are always ready to share our projects and to see what other bloggers are doing. I guess it's just a "blogger thing."
    I love your entry and I must say it is much simpler than most of your vignettes, but so very pretty.

    Enjoy this beautiful Fall weather.


  7. Debra,
    Gorgeous Entry, dear friend!!!
    I'm thinking Thanksgiving is creeping up on me, too!!!
    We're hosting the Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner this year!!!
    Thank you for sharing your lovely home!!!

  8. Every year I say I'm going to find some velvet pumpkins and when I see them in your tureen, I wish I had some! And the bittersweet is such a pretty accent to your mirror. I'd say you got it just right. Enjoy!

    Let's not rush Thanksgiving. I have to cook.

  9. Debra,
    Somehow your vignettes never seem over the top to me. You have the 'touch' to always make them seem just right.


  10. I think your vignettes are so pretty Debra. Never over the top just beautiful. Love that lamb.

  11. Everything is just lovely, not overdone.

  12. So pretty. I love the mirror layered over the shutters!

  13. It's lovely Debra! I know that I have a tendency to overdo. Try as I might to go simple, I can't quite do it. I have too many things that I love. I never tire of seeing your sheep and I love book bundles!

  14. Think we all really enjoy all your excellent vignettes and how you put them together. I was sitting here looking at what you have on your chest and thinking about some goodies I might have for a nice vignette. And I have to say, I absolutely adore that ravishing mirror. Have a craziness for unusual mirrors. They seem to start off displays that take off from there. Want to sell it? I have little one similar I got at Michaels this summer. Kicking myself for not buying other style they had on sale. You always have goodies would love to have. Yeah then I'd have "more clutter" in my shed and sewing room and hallway and craft room.
    Will be having right shoulder replacement on Dec. 7th. so have got to get my piles out of here or I'll go crazy tripping over them. Think it's time to rent a small storage space anyway to keep some of this stuff til I'm able to work on things again. At least don't have to have rotator cuff replaced too as far as surgeon can tell
    Enjoy rest of week.

    IF you care to reply please do so to my email address. Thanks so much

  15. This is such a beautiful entryway and not overdaone at all. The little sheep gives a perfect whimsical note, and who can overlook the beautiful frame. And don't blame it on blogging unless you have massive piles of stuff out of the camera range.

  16. Beautiful! That mirror is gorgeous and I love the blue tureen!

  17. I'm thinking about Thanksgiving too. And Christmas! I love your adorable sheep dressed for October.

  18. I just love your vignettes, I think their perfect...not overdone at all.


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