Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Be Inspired Showcase

It's Wednesday and time for Be Inspired Showcase. The Top Visited and inspiring links from last week's party. It wasn't until I had this post put together that I realized each one was about Spring flowering fun.

Old Door Photo Prop

Garden Bath 

Sweet Violets from Designs by Cleo, did what I did and made her own seed box,
but she used a wicker case from shopping her stash.

Ruth's Garden Shed painted by Lynda Bergman
What a fun way to liven up a mundane metal garden shed.

See you tomorrow morning for Be Inspired!



  1. Thank you so much!! for featuring Ruth's garden shed. Lynda

  2. Debra - I'm so excited to have made the showcase this week! All the spring flower features were beautiful! Hopefully I can get something together to link up for tomorrow's party! Thanks so much!

  3. Hello Deb,
    The chalkboard door prop is very cool and stash-shopping is my favorite way to craft and decorate. Great features today! :)

    Joyfinders Path

  4. Those are definitely all Spring inspired!


  5. Hi Debra,
    I am your newest follower, I found you at Treasure Hunt Thursday. I'm from Missouri too, Columbia. It's been a long time since I've been to the antique malls there in Springfield. I need to make a trip there this summer. Can't wait to look back at your older posts. I hope you'll come visit me on my blog at Victorian Wanna Be. Gina

  6. Yes a floral theme, and that is perfect for me, since I'm ready for spring flowers. Hope you are doing well dear friend.

  7. I like that unique chalkboard, very cool. And I wish I had a shed just so I could paint flowers on it! Nice features Debra, I'll see you tomorrow.
    Leslie (Gwen Moss)

  8. Thank you for featuring my almost finished Garden Case....see the final tomorrow!!! hugs...cleo

  9. Loving that country garden bath. Looks like something from a fairytale. "Calgon, take me away!"

  10. Oh that garden shed....

    And the seed basket that is similar to what you did ? I have a large basket like that but it is full of fabrics etc. Still, I'd never think of doing that display myself! I love much creativity! :)

  11. Hi, Debra! How exciting to be in the showcase this week! Looking forward to today's party! Thanks for hosting a great party each week! I truly enjoy them.
    Springtime Blessings!

  12. Beautiful features! Just love your blog!!~~Angela


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