Friday, April 12, 2013

Be Inspired #134: April Showers

Maybe I should change that title to "April Snow Showers" instead. Good grief, it's only 35 degrees here in SW Missouri as I type this morning! I'm not the weatherman, but I'm hoping that this cold Spring means that we won't be having a full summer of 100+ temps. yuck...I hate that kind of heat. OK, so enough complaining about the weather outside, when we can enjoy all the fun of Spring inside Mary's Potting Shed. Mary always wows me with her wonderful posts. I'd like to move right into that adorable potting shed of hers!

 Here are some fun links from last week's party.
 Thanks everyone, for coming by to bring the fun.
 Remember, Be Inspired is open for all your inspiration, not just vintage.

Chalking it Up~April Showers

Rosemary from Ozma of Odds is an artistic genius in my book.
 Here, she has created a Romantic Paper Rose Sculpture.

Pretty Little Pillows and a Cake from
Ornate Splendor just scream Spring and make me think
of those wonderful lilacs that will be blooming soon!

She even made the cake to celebrate a friend's birthday.

Kim from My Domestic Bliss "colored herself happy"
with this wonderful room full of great color and pattern.
That bookcase really sets the mood.

I just love the color combo of the oranges and green-y blues.

and Julie from Tattered Tiques 
shared her oh-so-Springy flowering terrariums.

Judy from 20 North Ora 
is our Sponsor today for Be Inspired.

She has some new pocket pillows ready for Mother's Day.
Don't you love these?

Hope you'll run by Judy's Etsy Shop for some fun browsing.
Thanks Judy!

Hope you'll join in the party this week.
Please have a link within your post to be featured.
Please check to see if your word verification is off.
My old eyes and brain go bananas
when faced with squiggly letters and numbers!
(not trying to be bossy here, but if you're getting crazy spam comments, it's because you are allowing "anonymous" commenting. Most legit comments come from people who have a blog or blog profile, which I highly encourage. I'm not wanting to offend anyone, love you guys!)

and I hope you'll check out my Friday Party Gal Pals while your out.

Thanks for joining in, 
love you all!

 group hugs,


  1. Debra~ Thanks so much for featuring my chalkboard door! Such an honor to be included among all the inspiration at your linky party! Thanks for hosting~ wishing you warmer weather!

  2. Great features - I'm especially intrigued by the plaster rose sculpture! It's beautiful and unique. I'm off to visit the site to see how it was made! Thanks for hosting each week!

  3. I can't turn off my word verification. :( I get way too many spam comments if I do.

  4. Wonderful features Debra!
    Thank you very much for hosting this fabulous party with lots of inspiration.

  5. I love being part of your party, Debra! The features are truly inspiring! I am sharing Daffodil Tea I've prepared for family and friends since April is Daffodil Month proclaimed by Canadian Cancer Society. Thank you for your kind words on my blog; what a gift they are to me...

  6. Fantastic features!!!
    Thanks so much for hosting another great party - have a great ( almost)
    wknd -
    They're calling for snow tomorrow here in Montreal - hoping they're wrong ( I'm actually PRAYING for rain lol )

  7. That bookcase is a punch of color. Thanks for hosting, Olive

  8. I'm in SE Kansas so I'm feeling your pain! It's so weird to look outside and see trees covered with flowers that are covered in ice with green grass on the ground. Come on Spring (the real thing, with no freezing temps!)
    Thanks for hosting!!

    Jeannine @ The Concrete Cottage

  9. Oh do I love that chalkboard door! Thanks so much for hosting Debra.

  10. Hi Debra, thank you so much for hosting all this inspiration and have a super wonderful weekend xo

  11. Debra you picked some great features! I love coming over here and seeing all of the natural and gardening style decor that you offer. It is one of my favorite looks. Thank you for hosting and for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  12. Spring is definitely alive and kicking in these gorgeous features! Thanks for hosting, Debra!


  13. Hi Debra,
    I am with you on the weather. Come on already!!!!! I don't think we are going to see spring just go right into summer!!!! I love Mary's chalk board door. You know how I love old doors and this one is over the top cute. Thanks for sharing that with us.

  14. Oh my goodness, I love those pocket pillows! What beautiful work. Thank you for hosting. :-)

  15. Love the little flower terrarium! Thanks for hosting, Debra.

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  17. Hi Debra, Love your features this week. Thanks so much for hosting.

    the French Hutch

  18. Lovely features! Thanks for hosting Debra!

  19. Thank you for hosting - you picked some great features. Loved your teacup garden.

  20. Cute features, Debra and thanks for hosting.

  21. Nifty features Debra! Thanks so much for hosting.

  22. Those flowers are absolutely gorgeous, what a beautiful project. I hope it warms up for you soon! Happy weekend. -K

  23. Hello Debra, amazing features - always a delight to join your party,

  24. Hi Debra, Thanks so much for hosting a wonderful party every week! The features are so inspiring, love them all!


  25. Love the features, Debra! Thanks so much for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  26. I'm with you Debra! I've been drooling over Mary's potting shed too!
    We turned the corner and missed all the storms this week. Oh I hope things look up for you too. I voting for nothing higher than the mid 80's this summer. Do I get a second? ;)

  27. Love the features, Debra! ... and those pocket pillows are divine! A big thank you for being a gracious host each week :) Autumn greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  28. Oh lilacs...I can't wait. I tried 'forcing' some inside but it has not worked. Have to wait for the real bush I guess ! :) My son is in St Louis and I was frantically texting him this morning as your state has had so much crazy weather and thankfully his area just had alot of rain, not the tornadoes or anything.

    Thank you for hosting! :)

  29. Debra, Thanks so much for hosting! I love the chalkboard door too!

  30. Lovely features, Debra. A couple I still need to check out. Thanks for hosting.

  31. Thanks for hosting Debra.
    Hope you have a glorious weekend.

  32. Hi Debra, Looks like the fun is underway. Can't wait to check everything out. Thanks so much!

  33. Everything is just so inspiring over hère.
    À beautiful Share Debra.

    See you soon.

  34. I believe this is the first time that I've linked up to your awesome party. Enjoy all your lovely features and thanks for hosting. Also following now on GFC!

  35. Thanks for the party! Such beautiful features this week! Life to the full! Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  36. Hope spring comes your way soon, Debra! In the meantime, plenty of spring posts to enjoy here.

  37. Debra, wonderful features again. There is a wealth of inspiration every week. Mary's potting shed inspires with each new feature she shares about this amazing space. Thanks for hosting. ~ Sarah

  38. Thank you for hosting! Wishing you a happy weekend. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  39. Such pretty Spring-y features! We've had several snow days here this week, so I'm very ready for some happy sunshine. Thanks so much for hosting!

    Jeanette @ Creating a Life

  40. Sounds like we are having the same weather here in Michigan with a few snow flurries thrown in. Love those plaster flowers from last week. Thanks for hosting, Laura

  41. The pocket pillows are too cute! My poor hubby is so tired of snow in MN, it just will not quit this year! I hope this isn't going to be a summer full of severe storms.
    Thanks for hosting!

  42. Debra, thank you again for featuring us and hosting this wonderful party! It is filled with inspiration. I'm loving that chalkboard door. It's fab! Here's hoping spring weather is around the corner!! Have a great weekend, and thanks again!
    Julie -

  43. What is with this weather? I think we're being paid back for the nice short winter last year! Thanks for hosting the party again this week!

  44. Thanks so much for hosting! Have a great week ;)
    Jamie @

  45. Thank you for hosting, Debra. Always lovely features as usual..Happy Thursday..Judy

  46. Hi Debra, happy to be joining in tonight. Oh gosh, I wanted to feature that cake and wonderful creations from Ornate Splendor. Think I missed writing the link # down. Happy to see that you did!

  47. you always throw a great party, debra! happy weekend!

  48. Debra you're the sweetest! THanks so much for the feature. I can't wait to go check out all of the other great inspiring posts!

  49. Hi that my show is over I am hoping to get back in the swing of things starting with joining your party ~ thanks for having us!
    Happy Weekend!

  50. I just found your blog and I love it. Linked to your party for the first time. thanks susan @

  51. Good morning Debra,
    We've been in the 80s and 90s all week and overnight had a thunderstorm to beat all! Today it's cloudy and cool, but I'm sure it will burn off. Love today's features and can't wait to go over and see Mary's Potting Shed.
    Thank you for hosting such a wonderful party.
    Have a great weekend!

    Hugs & Blessings ...
    Simply Fresh Vintage

  52. Good morning Debra,
    We've been in the 80s and 90s all week and overnight had a thunderstorm to beat all! Today it's cloudy and cool, but I'm sure it will burn off. Love today's features and can't wait to go over and see Mary's Potting Shed.
    Thank you for hosting such a wonderful party.
    Have a great weekend!

    Hugs & Blessings ...
    Simply Fresh Vintage

  53. Debra
    Always such a joy to be a part of this party! Have a blessed week my dear friend


  54. The paper roses from last week are beautiful! I'm glad you highlighted it, because I somehow missed that one! I'm going to browse through the links this week more carefully. So many fun things to see!

  55. Thank you for hosting. There are so many lovely features. Happy Friday :)

  56. Thank you for hosting! I'm dreadfully late and most likely your last link...but I made it! Happy weekend to you Debra!

  57. Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Gloria @The Resourceful Gals

  58. Hi Debra
    Love your post... and thanks for hosting :)
    and do not miss.....


    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  59. The weather has been unseasonal here, too, except for the other way...we've had 85 degree weather in KY! Thanks for hosting, Debra. I'm lovin' all the spring links.

  60. Debra, Thank you so much for featuring my projects this week! I am honored to be in such lovely company. Happy Creating, Catherine

  61. HI Debra, I'm so darn glad to have something to link up this week. And as usual, there's some amazing links here. I've already been blog hopping. Hope you guys have a wonderful (relaxing) weekend.
    Leslie (Gwen Moss)


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends