Sunday, April 21, 2013

a little family news...

OK, I have to admit that this photo below of the adorable baby French Bulldog has nothing to do with my family news...except maybe that it has the sweetest most nibble-able ears I've seen. I looked for a more appropriate illustration of the situation, but believe me, you'd rather see these sweet pink ears!

google images

...Now on to the news...

If you've been reading me for awhile you'll know that I've mentioned several times that my hubby has been dealing with an inner ear condition called Meniere's Disease, which causes hearing loss, vertigo attacks, and a bunch of other awful symptoms. It's been almost two years that this has been a daily struggle, and it's only been since October that he's been diagnosed and we've been seeing a specialist. 

The doctor has had several methods of treatment that he tries before considering surgical options. Well...none of those have helped enough for my husband to lead a normal life, so he will be undergoing surgery this week to have a shunt inserted into his inner ear through the bone behind the ear. The shunt will relieve the fluid build up, which is the culprit in all this.

After much prayer we believe that this will be the means to get his life back, and feel like himself again. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers this week. I'll be scheduling The Marketplace, and  Be Inspired Party as usual, but I'll be out of the loop so to speak. I'll be keeping one eye on the blog, but he'll be in the hospital for two days as they keep an eye on him, since this is a major surgical procedure with general anesthesia. I'll be giving an update on things later this week.

see you tomorrow for

and Thursday for

just wanted to let you all know...
and say thank-you in advance for the prayers.



  1. I'll be thinking of you and your hubby, Debra, as well as saying a prayer for him.

  2. I will pray that his surgery will be successful...keep us informed. Hugs, Penny

  3. Praying for your husband and his doctors and everyone that is taking care of him - including you!

    Hoping this will clear all of this up.

    Prayers and blessings.

  4. Debra you will both be in our Prayers ! May God Bless the hands of each Doctor and Nurse as they perform this procedure. And may he hold you up in his strong hands and cover you with his wing and give your strength this week

    Blessings ..Sara and Abbey

  5. Wishing him all the best for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery!


  6. Thinking of your family during this week of surgery. I enjoy your blog. Thanks!

  7. Prayers for the medical team's steady hands, and best wishes for a successful outcome. Letting go is sometimes the hardest part of letting God.

  8. Looking forward to the guys will be in our thoughts & prayers.

  9. Dear Father, thank you for the doctors that you have provided to do this procedure and for their knowledge and expertise in this field. May they experience your presence during the surgery for guidance and skill. We pray your annointing over each and every provider in this process that everything will go according to your plan and will. Please be ever present with Debra and her husband that they may lean on your everlasting arms for the peace that transends all understanding and faith in You and the work you are doing in their lives. We thank you and give your praise for all healing in his body that he will be able to do all that he has been placed here to do for your glory. Please make them a testimony of your goodness, mercy, and grace to all they come in contact with. May your name be praised in it all. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

  10. Vertigo is so terrible. I hope your husband bounces back quickly after his surgery! Sending prayers your way!

    Ricki Jill

  11. Good luck to you and your hubby. Hopefully things will get better...Connie

  12. Will be praying and thinking of you and your husband for a successful operation!

  13. Suffering from benign positional vertigo myself, I can only image the difficulty your husband has with so much worse going in. Praying for you and your husband during this stressful week. Best of luck.

  14. Debra,
    I will have good thoughts and prayers coming your way this week. I hope all goes well and your hubby is feeling back to his old self soon. Best wishes.

  15. Prayers for you and your husband will be sent. God bless you both and wishes for a speedy recovery. Take care, Diana

  16. Blessings to your sweet hubby, I know you are taking good care of him. Di@Cottage-wishes

  17. Best wishes and prayers for you! I hope all goes well. xx

  18. You and your husband will be in my prayers. I have had many inner ear surgeries so I know the pain and discomfort your husband is having. I hope this next step is the last and his pain is taken away.

  19. God is in control. Just said a prayer for you both.

  20. I will be praying for your Husband! Have a blessed week dear friend, HUGS!

  21. My mom suffered with the disease. They didn't have a surgery available back then...I pray all we be is pretty awful to be dizzy all the time!

  22. I worked for several years with a principal who suffered from this disease. It was certainly scary when he was struck by an episode and would fall flat out on the floor. I will keep your husband in my prayers and hope the surgery goes well.

  23. Debra- I pray that he will finally be healed! Good luck to you both as you wait patiently and anxiously for this surgery!

  24. Hope the surgery goes well, and that he gets the relief he needs! Thinking of you and your family.

  25. The very best of luck for the surgery and his recovery. Having had vertigo (and tinnitus!) since January, I know what a debilitating condition it can be.
    Hope he's much better soon.

  26. I wish your husband well as he gets treated for this problem. Hopefully, this will be the last time he has to deal with that awful problem. At least there is something more that they can do!

  27. My prayers are with your hubby and the doctors to find a cure for him. We have a neighbor that has this and this surgery worked great for him.

  28. Debra,
    I have been following your blog and it is so pretty. I wish your husband well. My mom had that disease and it is awful. Hopefully the surgery will work. God bless!

  29. Hoping your husband will soon be symptom free. I know how devastating Menieres can be as my grandmother suffered horribly from it for years.Best wishes to you both!

  30. I pray your husband has a good result with the surgery, Debra. I know this has been a trying time for both of you and hopefully he will make a full recovery.


  31. Debra, you and your husband will be in my prayers. I hope everything goes well and will be successful and help him to feel better.

  32. I hope your husband finds the health he is looking for. Wishing a quick and happy recovery!Cindy

  33. What a horrible affliction,I pray that this will solve everything !

  34. I'll be praying for you and your husband!!

  35. What a awful illness. I hope and pray that everything goes well.

  36. Wish your hubby the best !

  37. Hi Debra!!!

    I hope that the surgery works out and is a success!!! I know how he feels..I have a weird hearing problem in my left ear. I also get all the symptoms that you mentioned.

    I'll be thinking of you!!


  38. wishing for better days ahead for him, debra:)

  39. Big hugs, prayers and good thoughts from New York!

  40. Best of luck for you and your husband!

  41. I wish I could think of something flippant to say, but I can't. I can say though that my day doesn't end without whispering y'alls names in my prayers.
    God's supreme blessings on both of you in the days to come.

  42. Thinking of you both, Debra! All the best for great results from the surgery.

  43. Prayers for your husband and family. I know when people we love are hurting its so difficult to watch. I'm sure it was a tough decision. Prays for a speedy recovery, strength and peace.

  44. Prayers for all concerned and that he get the best medical care. Blessings

  45. I hope this surgery is the answer to his problems and he can get back to enjoying life again. Having been recently diagnosed with moderate-severe hearing loss, myself, and the symptoms that go along with it, I feel his frustration. I wish you both the best over the next few days, Debra.

  46. A big hug and good luck!
    Besos, Silvina

  47. Prayers for your husband, and entire family Debra! love,t.xoxo

  48. Sending prayers your husband's way, Debra. I hope this resolves this issue and leads to a full recovery.


  49. Praying for you and your husband. Praying the comfort and peace of our Lord as you wait during the surgery and for guidance of the surgeons during the surgery. Look forward to good news when you get back to your blog!

  50. Isn't it amazing what doctors can do these days? Wishing your husband a quick recovery after his op this week.I know you can't help worrying, but try and keep thinking positive and happy thoughts.

  51. Debra,
    Prayers coming your way foryou and Husband, and the doctors and nursing staff caring over him. I'll be waiting for Great News in your updates!!!

  52. I'm sending prayers Debra, please keep us posted.
    Leslie (Gwen Moss)

  53. I'm sending good vibes all the way from France.

  54. If you ever need a dogsitter for your sweet little punkin', I am SO available!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. My sister's husband suffered with horrendous Meneire's for many years. He finally had to stop working. Then, he had the shunt surgery and slowly but surely he recovered from the disease.
    I ask God to bless you both with courage and strength to help you with the uncertainty of the surgery. Most certainly, I pray for a reversal of your husband's symptoms so he can carry on with his life as he has intended. God's peace to both.

  55. Don't worry about the blog, just take care of your husband and yourself! Prayers and healing thoughts on the way! Hugs, Leena

  56. Sending extra special prayers!! Ear problems can make your life miserable!!..The docs went into my inner ear, took out a bone and replaced it with a stainless steel wire on both ears. Improves one's life dramatically!!

  57. Dear Debra - Prayers going up right now for your hubby: Peace as he enters into surgery (both for him and for you), skilled hands for the docs and nurses, quick healing, and an awesome testimony to share when this is all over! Many blessings to you, Patti

  58. Had to stop by and say "thanks" for your sweet comment, especially with all you must be going through this week! Hope your husband is doing well...and you, too!


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