Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm fickle...

when it comes to decorating that is.

A couple of weeks ago I did a post called 

Yep, I actually thought I could make it to 
Valentine's Day
with the 
look I had for Christmas...

I should have known
that wasn't going to work.
Last week I needed a change.
I thought about buying some new fabric for a tablerunner.
but in the end I just dug around in my stash
and found this wonderful 
washed out linen floral.

and the basket full of poinsettias...?
buh bye.

Back to hydrangeas.

That meant the adorable little vintage tablecloth with hearts
would have to go, too.

(moss covered letter "O", courtesy my sis)

burlap to the rescue.

and of course
the church pew 
got a needlepoint floral pillow
to "compliment" the new tablerunner.

table top vignettes were given the

and my three pitchers

replaced a silver set.
but I won't tell you where that is...
cause it's still floating around
just like that little Chippendale shelf.

The Girls asked to have their pictures taken.
you'll notice this one's trying out the new runner...

While this one is sitting on the marble pastry block. candlelight

can you see that Miss Wrigley
is smiling for the camera?

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

I'm joining these parties this week:

Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Cowgirl Up at Cedar Hill Ranch
Budget Decorating at Creative Cain Cabin



  1. Debra~
    It all looks great. I love the little lambs! I know you were discussing all your other lovelies but can't take my eyes off them. Can you tell that I'm seriously considering adding more to my collection of only two. Happy Sunday!

  2. Your Wrigley looks a little like my Winston! Love the floral runner.

  3. I love your changes, everything looks soooooooooo pretty. I always drool over your brown transferware. Gorgeous. Thanks for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  4. Oh my gosh Debra it all looks so lovely!What sweet photos of your Cats too! They always seem to want to be the center of attention when taking photos don't they?Mine is the same way :-)

  5. Beautiful vignettes! Love the pics of the girls. It looks like they love getting the photo taken. I just ordered and received a necklace from you with a key, heart and cross; I love it!

  6. You make the prettiest runners....and I think the soft pink is very February!!

  7. My latest project was a table runner and I actually got the inspiration from you. My dining room and table are really small so i can't use a large basket like yours, but I liked your runner and made myself a couple.

  8. Love the changes.. especially the trio of pitchers !
    Very cute.
    I just changed my guest bathroom and scavanged
    all over the house and shop.
    So nice when things turn out well and we can all
    enjoy the difference just a few changes make !

    Have a lovely Sunday..

  9. You are not are creative! It's refreshing to make changes, I just wish I had your fantastic eye for pretty vignettes. Your table runner is just gorgeous, very soft and pretty, and the sun shining in on your paperwhites is just the perfect pick-me-up for a cold day!

    I didn't know you had kitties. They are so sweet! Have a great dsy, Debra!


  10. I am in LOVE with your white church pew
    what a fabulous find
    Your home is beautiful and your pics are too

  11. Ohhhhh Debra I love all of your pictures on this post. I have never seen that church pew before and am in love with that chippy treasure. Oh that is just so beautiful. You lucky girl to have that treasure. I love your pitchers too. Everything so beautiful. Bravo!!! What a beautiful job.

  12. Isn't it wonderful being fickle?
    I love it. I embrace it. Change everything up and keep changing it until it feels right, that's my attitude. As usual, I want to come live in your house,Debra. I love what you.
    Leslie (aka gwen moss)

  13. Isn't that what we do? Nonstop tweaking!! It's always good to know we're not alone. Love the soft colors in your table runner. I noticed a pretty wreath over your buffet with a little teacup in the middle? So cute.
    Mary Alice

  14. Ah yes....the ole switcheroo. Boy am I familiar with that! I love your changes. Your kitties seem to approve as well!

  15. I'd love a big dining room to mess with! Lovely! And I always love to see your prize-winning bird pitcher! Pitter patter. xx

  16. Now I don't feel so guilty. Yesterday I totally pulled the sun room apart, cleaned all( yes all, 3 walls worth) or windows and rearranged the furniture. Today I am washing the sheers and putting them back up. After lunch, I decided to take winter out, after all I do live in North Central Florida and well, winter is pretty much springtime for the rest of the country. I am over the dark and dreary.. I am ready for bright and cheery.
    Luv your runner and pillow... the lambs.
    Adorable kitties.
    Cheers, Gee

  17. Debra, I love your little pitcher vignette! :D

  18. Everything is so pretty and homey. Photo of kitty number 2, you should frame, reminds me of old prints of sweet cats.

  19. Hi Debra, the new situations are so pretty. Your pitchers are wonderful and your little 'live' pieces are too cute..Happy Weekend..Judy

  20. The last shot of Miss Wrigley is stunning! Gorgeous dining room as your bench!

  21. Such a beautiful home! I love the sheep and the jonquils vignette. Lynda

  22. Your dining room always looks beautiful Debra! Love the changes!

  23. Love your second kitty's picture, Debra. That would make a cute notecard. I can see by your changes that you are just about fed up with Winter, too. : ) Love your new runner. That fabric is so pretty.

  24. Debra, all your changes look divine! Everything works so well together. Love your table runner! xo Pam

  25. I love the floral runner. Its a perfect fit for Valentines Day.

  26. Just gorgeous! I love this table-runner and all your little spring time lambs. So pretty! The kitties are precious!!

  27. Love your new floral runner! It is just beautiful. Your home looks so ready for Spring!


  28. Your cat is gorgeous!! I love the lamb collection... so sweet with lent almost here. You're making me want to go on a lamb hunt at the antique mall!

  29. Just beautiful, Debra, and the girls look so darling.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  30. Burlap rescues everything! I LOVE your pew. It's wonderful in so many ways.

    I'm so *relieved* that I'm not the only fickle decorator out there. I mean, I change things throughout the week...every week.


  31. Love the pitchers and the new table runner. Cute kitties, too!

  32. That runner is gorgeous. Love the muted tones. And I adore your brown transferware. I may have to start a small collection one day. I have to change things about too. Can't stand it any one way for long.

  33. That last kitty pic. looks like something from the front of a greeting card it's so pretty! Love the way everything looks. Especially the little lambs.

  34. Your trio of pitchers is gorgeous! I think we're all getting spring fever and want out with the winter decor.

  35. Yep, got the same problem here. The evergreens from Christmas didn't make it past the end of last week. And no, I didn't chew on them. Not one little bit. I knew they wouldn't last. Guess we are all ready anticipating and ready for spring, yes?! Speaking of spring....please tel the ladies they look most lovely on the faded floral fabric. Yes, MOST lovely ;) And "she" wants me to tell you that the bird and nest transferware pitcher is the most incredible ever. And "she" doesn't hand out compliments like that to just any old pitcher I tell you. Oh oh. She's drooling. Geez, someone get a towel....



  36. I love that table runner and your cat seem to say it's very comfy!

  37. Well the girls sure are fluffy and pretty! Love your table runner. Your dining room always looks great. :)

  38. HiYa!!!

    The room looks so inviting!! I really liked what you did to your sideboard with the mirrors. They display very well!!


  39. Hi Debra! I think most of us are a bit fickle when it comes to decorating -- just have to change it up periodically. I LOVE your new floral tablerunner; it's such a pretty fabric. I also love your mossy letter "O" and your brown and white pitchers. This is a lovely room!

    Visiting from Met Monday; have a wonderful day!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  40. Very pretty dining room decor! And I think your kitties are sweet! Have a great week. Bess

  41. I love the new look, especially that runner!!! Blessings, Tammy

  42. Great job on decorating this space. Very classy. I especially like how you decorated your buffet. Beautiful.

  43. Debra, your decor is always amazing but the best accessory ever is a beautiful little cat! So glad I'm not the only one with cats on the table :) Love your new runner.
    xo, Andrea

  44. You have such a special knack of putting it all together perfectly. Your runner is so pretty and I love that you already had the fabric. See...hoarding really does pay off. :o)

  45. Debra,
    Oh my...I LOVE your brown transferware pitchers. Wanted to let you know that you have been featured at my NTT party today...please feel free to grab my featured button for your blog (you can find it under my header).


  46. The transferware pitchers are beautiful, and I adore the new table runner. I'm really into ruffled cloths right now -- so pretty!

  47. Beautiful! And I LOVE all your sheep - I need to gather all my sheep for a spring display this year - you've got me itching to do it now!

  48. I had to laugh when I got to the picture of the cat on the table runner! That is exactly what happens at my house. One or both of the cats feel like they must "break it in" for me, whatever "it" is. :-)

  49. Love it all! Your table runner is wonderful. Isn't marvelous to have a stash and be able to pull something out that works??

  50. I'm the same way. Get the urge to switch things around often (I think I make my kids crazy) I love your pretty runner and all your lovely decor. I always get a kick out of the way cats assume it *must* be all about them :)
    Have a good week!

    Jeanette @ Creating A Life

  51. I love the runner. It looks like your ready for spring ♥

  52. It is so pretty Debra! Thanx for sharing at THT.

  53. Debra,
    The new table runner is gorgeous!!!
    Love the basket filled with hydrangeas and of course, the cat!!!
    Both of your "girls" make purr~fect models for Common Ground!

  54. Beautiful photos, Debra. I love the brown transferware and the hints of Spring all through your home. Just gorgeous. It goes without saying that I love the photos of your darling cats. They are just adorable. Please post them again soon. Hugs, Deb

  55. Love your new and refreshed look!
    The side board is my favorite, or is it the cute little church pew? I love it all!

  56. Everything is beautiful, Debra. I love the fabric on your new runner and the cute lambs are a favorite. Thanks for joining the Open House party. xx, Sherry

  57. your vignettes are just gorgeous. love them all. I especially love your Church pew with that beautiful needlepoint pillow and your brown transferware. Actually I have an addiction to transferware...
    have a great weekend

  58. Hi Debra,
    The brown transferware pitchers are wonderful, as are 'the girls'. LOVE cats. You take good care of them, I can tell. Bless you. :-)))
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  59. You really know how to pull it all together! As always, it's lovely. Thank you for sharing this at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  60. Oh my friend, I am fickle too! My friends say, "Your home is never the same every time we visit". I figured it needs dusting, why not mix it up a bit? Love your new look and your girls do too! My fav are the pitchers. Especially the one with the bird! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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