Friday, January 11, 2013

Going Green...Pantone's Color of the Year

Have you heard about Pantone's
 new pick for color of the year?
yes, here it is in all it's jewel toned glory...

Well, what do you think?
Is this a color you will be running out to try?

This is what got it all started for me...
watching Million Dollar Decorators this last week.
It's one of my favorite shows because let's face it...
these people are professionals.

I may not always be crazy about the finished room design,
 but I love seeing how they take the individual elements and pull it all together.

Mary McDonald case in point. When she picked this wallpaper in a bright green I sort of cringed. Don't get me wrong, I love color, but in the last few years, only in small doses. I have a problem with getting bored with a particular color. Now I guess if I was a "million dollar decorator" and could change things out when after only 3 months I shuddered when I walked into a room then it would be fine. I don't have that luxury. And after making my own mistakes throughout the years, I've learned my lesson. Keep the backgrounds and big ticket items neutral, then accessorize with "color".

I actually like this, even though there were descriptions like "70ish".

I'm not sure I could live with it for long,
but I really do like it.
Love your beautiful home Mary, 
and your bedroom is heavenly!

(last 3 photos borrowed from Fabiana at Ciao! Newport Beach)

So here are some other examples of a deep emerald(ish) green,
they vary somewhat, but you can get an idea.

 (Nate Berkus)

 LOVE this amazing sofa!
(slightly "avocado". Hey, I was around in the 70's)

this one...not so much

This is more of a Kelly Green
as it is lighter with a little more yellow,
whereas Emerald has more blue undertones.

Looks pretty, fun, and fresh.

Love the chair and green as an accent.

Here are two more spaces where Mary uses Green.

This gets a resounding yes from me

How about some Vintage Retro Green
one of my favorite colors.

Here are more shades of "green" for the kitchen.

How about Spring Green paired with Robin's Egg Blue?

a.dor.a.ble stove

I think I'd rather get my need for "green" met this way...

In accessories...

My favorite shade of green,
 and it smells wonderful too. 
 So what are your thoughts on GREEN this year?
Do you have it now?
Would you paint something green?
How about accessories?
or do you hate this (Emerald) color of green?

just wonderin'...

It's too close to the "Forest Green" of the 80's for me,
yikes, I'm having flashbacks of combos with peach, rust, or burgundy.

All Images found on my
Pinterest Page Going Green

joining in for
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style



  1. I like green, but only in small doses! I might use it as an accent color, but certainly not a wall or sofa color! Great post..hugs, Penny

  2. All the greens are just wonderful
    although I'm not into wall paper that
    little kitchen nook is beautiful.
    Pinning a few of these.

  3. wow that is a lot of green and so many different shades, lots of fun seeing all the green things, love the million dollar decorators, fun show and such wonderful designers, never can make up my mind my favorite...

  4. I'm in love with vintage green <3

  5. I'm not a green fan, but do like the idea of the return to a jewel tone. Probably no green for me in 2013. Sally

  6. Yep, I'm head-over-heels for green. This is my year! This post fed my eyes!


  7. I love seeing alot of color in homes this year... I honestly think some of the ladies with "all white" are re~thinking things... the whites are pretty, but the prettiest ones (in my opinion) have alot of accent pieces and accessories full of color... like you always use in your decorating with Nature and throws and such... LOVE the vintage greens too... I collect Jadeite so I really love that... xoxo Julie Marie

  8. Lovely images Debra.
    I love green in other people's houses. I tried very hard to be a green person... I even painted one of my own walls green, but in the end I had to concede that I am a blue girl :)

  9. The vintage green photos...yes, yes, yes, and yes! I just got rid of the green walls in our dining room and when I saw photos of our "before" dining room from Thanksgiving, I thought it looked like somebody's great grandma's house. In the 70's.

    I love this post, Debra. Far out, man. :@

  10. I am all about the green! It's in every room of my house but in various degrees. So, I guess all in all this must be my year!

  11. I'm GREEN with envy over some of those rooms and pieces of furniture. This year I started adding green to my primary color palette and I love the addition.

  12. I agree. I like it here and there, but a whole thanks. That green wallpaper was pretty but I've spent waaayyy too many hours in the past trying to pry it off of the wall! I think I'll leave the green for the designers, thank you. Great post, fun discussion.

  13. Well I could scroll through these pictures all day long I love the green so much. Not just words... two sofas and a newly painted green mantel to back that up! And no regrets yet. Thanks so much for posting this! Made me feel like my colorful ways might actually be in style even if it is only for the year.

  14. I like bright colors in small doses, like your last bit of images. I love green in nature and keep plants in my home to capture that. But I don't like myself wearing that color and find little use for it in my home. I do remember it being the rage 20 years ago and still have my somewhat Victorian looking den done in a deep green floral wallpaper (if only hubs would let me redo it!!).

    That said. lets bring on some new fresh ideas to see how it works in our homes!!


  15. Green has always been my favorite color. I think it's because I love Wisconsin in May and May is when things in Wisconsin start getting lush green! The first photo is the color of green I like (except for grass, of course), but I'm way too traditional to paint a barn green. That barn needs to be re-painted a deep Wisconsin barn red. :-)

  16. Now, I gotta say, I like the green barn....thinkin outside of da box!!!

    I admit I am a lover of all the jewel tones......however that wall paper is definitely out of the 70's and I don't want to return to that era at all!!! Green is rarely seen in my home, except in plants....its not a color I could ever wear and don't find it pleasing to look at except in nature. Blues, reds and pinks are for champagne colors for walls, carpets and large areas so that paintings, collections and people stand out.....just sayin....

  17. Hi Debra
    I think this post is Green Dream :)
    just wonderful....
    and do not miss The



    it is FUN :)
    Håkan ( The Roseman)

  18. I have to confess I am not a fan of emerald green at all. I like the old chippy painted furniture, but the emerald green is just too cold for me.

  19. Love seeing what others are doing with colour. Nature is enough green for me. Thanks for sharing.

  20. I love the color. I do not think I am going to decorate with it but I enjoy seeing it in other people's homes. My favorite color is blue!! Of course I love whites as well.

  21. My favorite color is green. I'm just not a fan of emerald green unless it's a stone :)
    I do hope green kitchen cabinets stay popular. Mine are sage green with a walnut wash.

  22. I'm with you... i liked everything you liked, and the rest, not so much. A little bit of certain shades of green is really nice, but that emerald green, isn't a good color to me.


  23. I like to wear greens, but not really decorate much with them except maybe a soft sage in accents. I'm still quite enjoying the pinks, grays and the newer shades of French blues. I would really like to paint several pieces of my furniture this year, however I just can't quite decide what colors--just not green. LOL!

    Cathy ♥

  24. Green is my favorite color, so I think the resurrenge of green will be great. Sometimes, I think I have too much in my home, but just always seem to be drawn to it, so restful and calming to me. After Christmas, I am getting out all my blue and white to play off the greens in my kitchen. Love the look, almost done restyling from Christmas. Sure hope this coming year is a much better one for your husband and you. I can relate to having a chronic illness and no one seeming to be able to help you as I suffered with chronic fatigue syndrome for two years in the late eighties. It was one of the most difficult times in my life. Praise the Lord, I recovered, and I thank Him everyday for that. Nothing much matters if you can't get out of bed. Blessings, Linda

  25. I'm not a fan of the deep jade green or any versions that bring back the memories of avocado shades and shag rugs from my childhood. Ugh. But I liked the crisp green and white wallpaper, the rich shade of green on the barn and that dining room was so classic looking. What a fun post Debra, thanks for sharing,
    Leslie ( Gwen Moss)

  26. Debra,
    It isn't easy being green. Emerald green is not the hue I would choose, however the chippy green dresser and the green scale...those I did like, dear friend!!! Don't think I'll be jumping on the "Green" band wagon this time around!!! Sorry!

  27. What a fun look at the colour of the year. I have never been a jewel tone type, and the emerald likely won't show up here unless it is in a plant. I love your examples of the more rustic vintage greens and prefer my greens to have a dose of blue in them.

  28. So many beautiful examples of green...I love green...and love "Mary's" dining room...

  29. I am most definitely a green person. I have the color on many walls throughout my home. I think it is a way to bring the outdoors in. I agree with the wallpaper though, too much.

  30. Hi Debra!
    I'm not a green girl but seeing your inspiration is making me want to try it out! As for Million Dollar Decorators...the show is delicious!

  31. HiDebra,
    I was in pure bliss with your green post, and am also a big fan of the show Million Dollar Decorators.
    I loved what Mary did with her kitchen, bringing the out doors in and making it feel fresh and spring like. I'm crazy about her bedroom wallpaper $$$, and so pleased she covered the grey stenciled floor with soft carpet that gives the room a dreamy feel.
    Thank you for posting all the inspiration and fun.
    It is always a pleasure to visit your inspired world!

  32. I love green-but like you, not wanting the flashback to the 80's. I have always loved green and I'm sure I always will.

  33. So glad you shared the Color of the Year with us and all the green pictures. I do like green but not sure if I am daring enough to use it on walls.

  34. I knew you would do a post on the annual chosen color! I'll taken the barn...AND the sofa! ;)


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