Monday, June 13, 2011


Over the weekend I found a couple of wonderful "whites",
 and wanted to share them,
 along with some other info.
Nothing earth shattering...
just something that I've needed to do for awhile,
but was chicken.

And that would be to stop relying on the automatic setting of my camera.

I'm still learning,
but at least I put my big toe in the water
of the proverbial pond of better picture taking.

Of all places, I chose a spot where the light isn't very good,
but I just wanted a "simple setting" for sharing my new white finds.

This old white tureen is my new favorite to add to my ironstone collection.
Just love that wonderful shape.
 Upon an Internet search, I found that this piece is French;
probably from the 1930's.

and a pristine set of four white European linen
 monogrammed towels from the same estate sale.

They are gorgeous and I knew they were a real find.
(Hubbs had his wallet, so I jumped on them!)

The silver cutlery set came from The Seed Box Open House last month.
(among many other things that I just haven't shown yet)

Then Saturday, I also found this precious little print from the twenties.

The night before, I had just visited Fishtail Cottage
with her post on visiting Farm Chicks,
and her local find of this same print and it's companion print.

I commented that I'd never seen one before.
And good grief, here it was in a local flea market so I grabbed it.
Oh how I love bluebirds!

This is just a haphazard stack of white china that I love to play with.

So, my new tureen is a test subject,
of playing with different camera settings.

and proof to myself
that I actually can "do" simple.

Hope you're off to a great start this week,
we had a little rain and a cool down for a few days.
Enough to water the grass,
and give me a break from the hose.

I'll see you Thursday,
if not before,
for my new toy...
a potting station!

I have a few photos from the sale at Pheona's Vintage Market
I'll share those soon!

Joining these parties:

(Links are on my sidebar)

Love you all,



  1. You're braver than I am! I am an automatic girl, all the way!

  2. So pretty. :) You find the best things.

    You are smart to experiment with the camera. The automatic flash and glare drives me crazy but I'm not patient enough to read the book.

  3. I'm happy when I just remember to take my camera out of my purse and turn it on!
    Love the tureen.

  4. Hi Debra,
    You are doing a great job with your photography.
    I love the vingette, it's lovely.

    I also love playing around with editing my photos too. Just can't leave them alone!


  5. I always used to use the automatic setting on my other cameras but now I try different ones. I am still pretty basic and tons to learn and would love to take a course. Some day. Love the soup tureen and that dear picture of the little girl. Pamela

  6. Hi Debra, your photos are just stunning!... love all your vintage finds... I also saw Tracie's bluebird prints and loved them... now you found one, I want one (or two!) also!... thank you too for visiting my "rant" post and your sweet comment... I ended up deleting that post this morning and posted my new garden angel instead... I so appreciate you and your comments always... do you ever end up deleting posts too? I want my blog to be a happy place... like yours!... I won't rant anymore!... xoxo Julie Marie

  7. I have always loved your photos, and this ones are no less. Love your weekend finds!
    Have a wonderful week!
    XXX Ido

  8. It is scary to go manual, but you are doing great! I still do a lot of mine on auto, but I try to practice a few each day on manual settings and then see how close my manual settings were to the photos that I did on auto. And I love that print. It was meant to be yours.

  9. What a fantastic soup tureen! I love the shape of it and the size. I think you did very well off your automatic settings. I need to do that too...but I just don't want to fiddle with it. I have enough things to fiddle with in my life without adding a camera to it. But I should. But You did a fantastic job!

  10. Love your new white finds! I really like the mismatched white plates and your tureen. Thanks for sharing!

  11. You are not chicken. It is just scary all those ISO's and aperture...sounds like a foreign language. I have been trying to do the same with my even less complicated camera than yours and I am slowly getting it. The white tureen and linens are lovely. ♥O

  12. Your pictures are lovely, Debra. I really like the tureen and the linens. I have a very simple camera and though I'd love to take better pictures, I don't know how involved I want to get with a better camera. I don't think I am aware of all the functions I have on this one!! lol!

    Love the bluebird print, too. They are my favorite birds!


  13. Beautiful vignette and great pics, love that tureen. Tureens are one of my many obsessions LOL.

  14. Simply beautiful. I think you're doing great.

  15. I'm so lame that I just point and shoot. If I had a very nice camera, it would probably live on automatic.

    I love your whites. (I actually love that white dresser too.) I think that print is the perfect backdrop for your whites.

  16. I think it is a great tabletop!!! Love all your new finds!

  17. Love the new tureen - I'm a sucker for ironstone. I usually take pics on the auto setting, too. Your pics look great! Thanks for sharing.

  18. Gee I love your simple! So beautiful! It just looks lovely together! Great photos too! Congrats!!

  19. I love that tureen and oh my gosh the towels are gorgeous Debra! Were you doing the happy dance when you spotted them? ;) Your pictures are wonderful, I have taken my camera off of auto a while ago and I know I have a lot to learn but I am loving the process! xoxoxo

  20. The tureen and towels are so pretty! I can't photograph at all, I take pictures, but with no talent behind the camera!

  21. Your finds are just beautiful! {Isn't it fun?!!}Your pictures are great too! I think you're doing a great job! Love the table you've set! Gorgeous!

  22. Wow! Everything looks stunning and lovely.

  23. It is lovely and your pics are wonderful too! :) Good for you for trying something new. Did you take the pictures in your header? They are gorgeous!


  24. Sweet Debra, you have been finding beauties-again :) so wonderful pieces, and yout photoes shows them so beautifully off- I love the print with the little girl.
    I`m off to Copenhagen this afternoon,to see my own grandchild :)

  25. Love your new finds Debra and you've captured them beautifully!! Drizzly again here today but I'm off to do my shift at the shop so it's looking brighter to me already!

  26. Great new white finds. You are a lucky duck to have a new potting station. I can't wait to see it! :D

  27. Beautiful photos, and the whites of your French tureen are shown off so lovely. Love that print! Anything with children and birds delights me!


    ~ Violet

  28. Oh my gosh I love your tureen...I have been stalking eBay for a few weeks trying to find an affordable one. You were smart to get yours at an estate sale...shipping one is costly. I feel your pain when it comes to photos. I use mostly the auto settings on my camera too...I have tried to figure out the other settings but have not had much luck. Your pics are need to worry about that. I'm popping over from Marty's...

  29. Your tureen and the linens are stunning. Such a beautiful vignette. I love it with the chest and the picture is wonderful. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  30. Debra, I love your new white finds and the vignette. Your pics look great. I have been off auto for quite some time. Just keep practicing.

  31. you are so brave!!!! I love your photos!

  32. Hi Debra...

    My friend, first of all I just have to say that your photos are simply gorgeous! Bravo for turning off that flash! Ohhh...I do understand your reservations though...I faced the same challenges with my photos and using the flash. I think I have finally overcome the temptation to use the camera flash! Hehe! The lighting in my home is not the best...I have dark walls which I love but is not very conducive for good photos. Anyway, I think your photos turned out lovely, my dear!!!

    Now...let's talk about all the beautiful white ironstone! One of my greatest loves! Hehe! I just love your new frenchy is fabulous! Ohh...and the french linens...gorgeous! What great treasure finds! Thank you for sharing them with us. I just giggled when I seen your beautiful print of the sweet little girl with the bluebirds. I have that same print and the companion print as well. My mama gave them to me many years ago. You can see them in the post that I shared for Marty's party today. They are above the armoire in my Tea Rose bedroom.

    Warmest summer wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  33. How fun to see your new treasures.

  34. Oh Debra,
    I am dying over your French linens and ironstone, a few of my favorite things! And your photos look gorgeous!!
    Have a beautiful night.

  35. Your pictures are just fabulous. I am in love with the tureen. Isn't ironstone just wonderful? I think what you did with that entire corner was spot on fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing?

    Paula @ Ivy & Elephants

  36. Debra, your French tureen is a fabulous find. Love the linens and silver too. Guess it was your day! Great job with the camera. ~ Sarah

  37. You did a great job with the pics. I have lots of settings on my camera. I just go for the spin the wheel (turn the knob) where it lands nobody knows, point and shoot.

  38. Oh girl! I need to get off auto myself! Just won't take the time to play around! Your photos look great! I love the picture of the little girl with birds nest! Maybe you've given me some inspiration to try my camera without auto!

  39. Debra,
    Your vingette is beautiful!!!! And I too am frustrated with the quality of my photos... I know it takes a lot of practice but, I'm an instant gratification kind of girl... I think yours looks great. I LOVE that print with the little girl & the blue bird. Actually... I love all the items you used in the vingette! HUGS!

  40. Hi Debra, Your pictures look wonderful and I love the vignette you created. The tureen is fabulous! Thanks for joining my party this week.

  41. Great scores at the estate sale, Debra, and I think your photos came out great!
    Happy WW,

  42. Beautiful finds and pictures Debra! Vanna

  43. I think you did a great job with your photos. I use my Nikon mostly on the "A"perature setting. It's kind of a medium between point-and-shoot and total control. I'm still learning but, like you, I love taking photos of all the pretty "junk" out there so I'm determined.

    Thanks for sharing your French Inspiration.

    Blessings... Polly
    French Cupboard
    Counting Your Blessings

  44. Debra,
    Lovely finds and beautifully photographed. thanks for sharing. I love white now that I am inspired by y'all!
    It is scary to step out of our comfort zone. I have been experimenting with my camera settings and it is so confusing no matter what the manual says. :o(

  45. Beautiful photos!
    Love the little girl, precious.
    Thanks for sharing.

  46. Lovely! Great finds-somehow my hubby "forgets" his wallet too often! LOL

  47. Love the print and those towels... Good luck with your foray into manual settings. Once I started using them I never went back. Plus you can see how to adjust dials so quickly with digital cameras. Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!!

  48. Just gorgeous, thank you for linking up!
    Blogger issues :(


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