Friday, February 25, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday #26 Thinking of Spring

This time of year I start thinking about Spring.
Not just "Spring", but more specifically,
thinking about plants and flowers for my deck and porch;
bringing some color back into my life and surroundings.

I bought the book, Carolyn Westbrook Home,
several years ago and have found endless inspiration.
One of my favorite segments is at the end of the book;

The Potting Shed

Everything about this setting speaks to my vintage heart;
old metal chairs, shutters, chippy white table, old iron gate, garden statuary.
The old metal basket, and even a beautiful way to display broken concrete urns.

I adore this rusty iron and chippy paint gate.

And even the canning jars with a seed packet;
a simple display, but lots of impact.

Oh, to have a place for bags of soil, garden utensils, pots and ideas!

If you haven't seen this wonderful book,
you'll really enjoy it.
It's one of my all time favorites!

And now;
Take a look at some great inspiration from last week!

Snow Business

Grandmother's Handwritten Recipes

Brides Maids

English Love

Hope you can join in for the party!
Anything vintage or vintage inspired
please link up within your post,
and visit a few others.

and if you've been featured,
be sure and grab the button!

Hope you're starting to see some signs of Spring!
love to you all,


  1. Hi Debra... that sounds like a wonderful book, I am going to try to find it!... love all of your photos... especially how cute the old fruit jars with seedpackets inside look!... sending lots of love your way and happy thoughts of Spring to come... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. I have seen Carolyn's cottage in person and it is too cute. I'm sure you've seen her new book too? Happy Spring and I hope to find something tonight so that I can join your post.

  3. Hi Debra,
    Thanks so much for your help the other day...we called relics and reserved a spot for my Mom. It is good women like you that are willing to help out others with info that makes this business a bit easier...once again thanks and I lovelovelove the pics on this post.


  4. Oooh, these photos are just what we need to dream about spring to come, and gardens! I may have to look for that book.
    Thanks so much for hosting VIF, Debra!
    - Susan

  5. Ahhhh.... Is that not the dream potting shed/cottage? Here I was thinking about taking in my back porch for a crafting room and now I want to make it into a potting porch. Hmmm... Gotta stew on that while now.

  6. Debra, I would love to have a shed, too. This book looks wonderful. I will check it out.

  7. Hi Debra, that is a lovely chippy shed. I have been working up a storm in my flower garden and am so ready for spring. Thanks honey bunches for hosting as you are the hostess with the mostest! loveya♥O

  8. Hi Debra! Hope you're good! The pictures you chose are my very favorite from the book! I just need rooms and rooms to do every look I like!! ;) I always enjoy this party, I'm glad you started it up. xx J

  9. Oh Debra, I would love to have a potting shed like that! That book looks wonderful. I just added that to my list of books to get. Thanks for hosting and inspiring us with such beautiful pictures.

    Enjoy your evening,

  10. Hi Debra,
    YAY I can comment today! My dial up takes forever to bring up your blog, but I am at my sons and it just pops right up. Beautiful photos! I will have to look for that book too! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Oh that is a must have the cute gardening junk!


  12. How lovely, Debra! I think I am just about ready for spring myself! I saw my first daffodil this week! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  13. It's a fabulous book. I love your parties, Debra. There is always so much inspiration here! Thanks for being a gracious hostess!

  14. I love that potting shed. Ohhh just adorable. I'm dreaming of spring ;-)

  15. I love her French Inspired Home book! I will have to get this one too. This is the one design book that really captured French style for me much better than the others. Gorgeous potting shed here. Thanks for showing us!

  16. That's a book I could spend hours reading, and reading it on that cozy porch. The iron gate is gorgeous.
    Thanks so much for hosting each week.

  17. I think I missed that book... darn! It looks fabulous! That potting shed speaks to me, too... love it!
    Thanks for hosting this fun fab party, Debra!
    Jo :)

  18. Hi there~ that books looks amazing- I will definitely have to check it out! Thanks for hosting! :)

  19. Oh how I'd love to have a little place like that out in the back yard! Love all of those pictures. This looks like a great book. I'm going to have to look for that. Thanks for sharing this inspiration and thank you for hosting. laurie

  20. Wow Debra,
    Those are absolutely gorgeous photos!!
    I'll have to check that book out! So glad I could link up with you today!
    Wishing you a wonderful Friday!

  21. Wow that is inspiration to the max. I love everything about the potting shed. Especially love all the chippy paint. Thanks for sharing this wonderful book. Will have to keep my eyes opened for it. If the rest of the book is anything like this I know it must be a must have. ~~Sherry~~

  22. oh, I love her work, just have to get the book- thanks...
    love the statue with the pot in the metal holder.


  23. ...lovin' that iron gate!!!
    so much inspiration
    ~ oh spring, where are you??
    xo, Rosemary

  24. Wow...thanks so much for making my post one of the featured posts from last week's party! What an honor given that there were so many delightful submissions.

    You made my day!

  25. If you come to Texas, I promise to show you my autographed copy. Better yet...I promise to take you over to Carolyn's. (I'm not above bribery!) You wouldn't believe how darling that shed is now.
    P.S. Is the dangling carrot working?

  26. Hi Debra - Just like you I'm already thinking of spring also. Lucky me though, I already have nice flowers growing in my garden. Your inspiration book is beautiful and of course love the shed too. Happy weekend!

  27. HI Debra ~ Happy Friday! Im with you 100%. Spring can't get here fast enough for me. I can already hear the birds coming back and their songs make my heart beat faster. Thanks again for hosting and your lovely photos as usual.

  28. Hi Debra! That looks like the perfect spot for dreaming! I need to check out her book, thanks for sharing and for the party! Theresa xoxo

  29. Debra,
    I have just discovered your blog and really enjoy it! I would sit on your back porch in a heart beat!!
    Thank you for hosting the Vintage Inspiration Party, I'm happy to be participating this week.

  30. I've had this book for quite a few years and her potting shed is my favorite part. Lots of inspiration here for sure.

    I'm hoping to link up with some changes to one of my bathrooms tomorrow. I need some light to get some good photos.

    Thanks for hosting such a fun event.


  31. I've been to Carolyn's shed...I love her style! Decided to join the party, since you throw such great ones!

  32. I am so glad I visited your blog. I just forget how much I enjoy it when I do. Thanks for hosting the link party.

  33. Oh Debra, How I LOVE all those outdoor and garden goodies...and Oh How I want all my snow to melt so I can go OUT and play in my gardens! Thank you for the fun peek at spring AND the great party every week,
    Hugs to you,

  34. Oh that potting shed looks fabulous! Lets hope we have a nice and sunny Missouri day! i could use it after yesterday!

  35. That looks like an incredible book, love the photos! I have never been much of a gardener but I think I could be easily swayed if I had a potting shed like that!

  36. Hello...
    Hope your week was a good one, probably you have been futsing in your new space! I would be...
    I have been under the weather and have gotten nothing done this week. I love that potting shed, I can't wait to get into mine! I think we all are thinking of spring and getting our hands in the dirt. Good post for a snowy Friday.

  37. Debra,
    Thanks for the info about this book and also thanks for hosting every week.


  38. Hi Debra! Lovely photos you've shared...I'll have to check out that book! I too am dreaming of spring! Thank you again for hosting such a wonderful party...I look forward to it every week!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  39. Wonderful inspiration photos! You have a beautiful blog but most of all, a beautiful heart for the Lord! I'm a new follower.

  40. Hello Debra! We're dreaming of spring right along with you - of course, that delicious book helps us get all itchin' for it to come! Gosh, there are some gorgeous pictures you pulled from it - we will have to hunt that yummy book up to put in our inspirational library as well :)
    Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!
    Karla & Karrie

  41. Hi Debra! I just had to stop by to tell you that your booth at Relics is AdOrAble!! You did an amazing job!! I'm actually thinking of renting a space there too. I would love to chat with you about it. I didn't see an email for you so if you could email me when you get a chance that would be great. My email is:
    P.S. Love your blog!!
    Thanks Debra, God Bless you Darlin'!

  42. Love the little pots with the angel and the little white house! I linked up again this week.

  43. You have given me lots of inspiration for spring. I love potting sheds and that one is a cutie patootie!! Thanks for being such a lovely hostess, I really enjoy this party every week.

    Susan and Bentley

  44. Debra, So very wonderfull inspiration- I actually tryed to find the book, not lang ago, but did not , anywhere-also not in Amazon!
    maybe it is not possibly to buy any more!!
    I hope you are all weel dear friend- and wishes you a nice week-end...meaning -happy!
    Big hugs-Dorthe

  45. oh yes, love Carolyn W. and her whites, statues, birdcages :)
    thanks for hosting!

  46. Hellooo Debra... At first I thought that was YOUR Porch - last I saw yours covered in SNOW - Remember the post??? Love those pics... I'll be looking around in my SHaBBies to Find Something to bring to the PaRty - just a bit late!!!
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  47. Lovely post! The old things are so charming... they had such style! I am hoping to age the same way...

  48. So many charming photos. I think I'm going to go Google that book. It looks wonderful!


  49. Well you know my hubby is going to have you to thank for stirring up all the ideas in my head today. I love your linky party and all the fabulous things I am seeing.
    Love your post. I am dreaming of a little potting shed now. I will just have to blame it all on you!

  50. Hi Debra- I'm Back !! for VIF! # 26 It's been a while ...I love this linky party!! And I love your book even more...thinkI'll have to add that to my Borders run tomorrow...
    Have a beautiful Sat!
    Tammy :-)

  51. How luck I found your blog from Freckled Friday! This is just so much eye candy!!

  52. I have that book, too...I need to read it again for fresh inspiration!

  53. That books sounds like one that needs to be added to my "library". The pictures you showed were wonderful. That would be a dream...

    Thank you so much for sharing my recipe project. It has to be one of my favorite little projects ever. So meaningful to me...

    Blessings to you, my friend.


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