Thursday, December 2, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday #14 Join the Christmas Fun!

I honestly cannot believe it's December!
This year has just flown by,
and speaking of flying...
my turkeys have finally left the building!

Today is the first day of
Vintage Inspiration Friday
for Christmas

Hope you'll join in with some of your
vintage and vintage inspired Christmas goodies.

Grab the button and please link back in your post
so others can join the Holiday fun!

Since I'm still working on the kitchen redo,
(I'll have some photos next post!)
I needed to take a break and change out the sunroom.

I found these adorable bottle brush trees with baby Shiny Brites

And this year I tried bleaching some old bottle brush trees and wreaths.
So a few of them are dressing up my little house for the Holidays.

Looooove the little zinc garden marker

 I'm getting a start on decorating for Christmas,
it's turning out to be so much fun in the "new" kitchen.

Hope you'll join the party,
and share your Christmas!


I'm joining in with these other great Holiday Parties


  1. I love bottle brush trees, especially vintage ones.
    And the tiny zinc Christmas message is too cute.
    Thanks for a fun party!

  2. thank you for a new party...and inspired by vintage Christmas....I am looking forward to seeing everyone's treasures...thanks for hosting!

  3. Coolness!
    I have loads of vintage Christmas stuff, although I might have to fudge and re-post a few from last year.

    Snazzy new button you made up, too! :-)

  4. Oh how I love bottlebrush trees. I'm so happy they have been making a comeback the past few years. Yours are so colorful and cheerful and looks fantastic on your shelves.

  5. I also like to collect the vintage bottle brush trees with the small glass balls on them. When I am able to find them Thank You for hosting today......Julian

  6. I'll see what I can come up with!!

  7. Hello Debra, love all of your decorations... the little trees you bleached look so cute at the little shabby house, and I also LOVE your zinc plant marker!... hope I linked up right, will you check and see? There was a red X by mine (am I blackballed or something, tee hee hee???)... xoxo Julie Marie PS Thanks for hosting this fun party!

  8. ...your room looks like an indoor greenhouse, so bright and cheerful!!
    Happy VIF, holiday style!!
    xo, Rosemary

  9. Debra, I love your little house, and the trees, haven`t had time, to decorate myself!
    Wish you a happy renovating time-

  10. Everything is so pretty, Debra. Is it hard to bleach the wreaths and trees? Happy Thursday!
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  11. Hi Debra,
    LOVE your post, the little house with the bleached bottle brushes is "MY FAVORITE", BUT I also get weak in the knees for Shiny Brite...AH the memories!!!
    Hugs. Donna

  12. Love those bottle brush trees...can you tell from my party post? LOL! Thanks for the fun, Debra!

  13. Love that white pot your evergreen is sitting in. And I can't wait to see photos of your kitchen!
    Thanks for hosting :)
    Becky C

  14. Hi Debra! Love your Guy Wolff pot with the little tree and zinc marker. Thanks for hosting :)

  15. Hi Debra, it's all so lovely, especially love the little house the cute little trees!!! Thanks so much for hosting!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  16. Love everything, Debra! What a great party...I'll try to join next week!


  17. Hi Debra,
    I think we are all a bottle brush loving group. The trees with the ornaments are just perfect. Love that sunroom!

  18. Hi Debra! I'm seein zeros! Congrats!!!! Those little trees are darling! I like all the different potted greens too. perfect for a sunroom, and cheery! Jacqueline

  19. Love the trees and specially love the white picket fence.

  20. Thanks for having such a fun party for us all to join!! I appreciate your efforts, especially during the holiday...there is just never enough time!!!
    Your little trees with the Shiny Brights are so fun & colorful & your little house is delightful.
    Thanks so much for sharing friend!

  21. Love those Shiny Brites! It's beginning to look alot like Christmas....Happy Holidays, Debra!

  22. When you're through with yours would you paleeeze come do mine. I keep getting sidetracked. I'd get so much more done if I had an assistant. Maybe I'll be ready to link next week. Jan

  23. Hi Debra
    It all looks so festive... I think everyone is behind this year, I thought I would have so much time this Christmas with the shop gone but I haven't been able to catch up
    I am doing a booth at the fleamarket this weekend and then thats it... I am coming to a screeching halt. Wish I could join you this week but got to get back to work

  24. That's it, I'm gonna start stalking fleas for some shiny brites over the next year :) Those trees are so cute!

    Looks like lots of great links this to drool! Thanks for hosting...

  25. love those little trees! can't wait to see Christmas in the new kitchen!

  26. Would you believe I haven't done a thing...not even an icicle...unless you count the ones from last year that I missed with the vacuum! At least you can say you're redoing your kitchen...I have no excuse. I'd have to use last year's photos to play this week...but I'll play next...I promise!
    I'm so glad you started with the sunroom. You know how I feel about that magical room!

  27. Debra,
    Thanks for hosting each week. Such a fun and 'inspirational' time here.


    barbara jean

  28. Also Wanted to say how much I love those trees in your post!! They are delightful!

  29. Thanks for hosting such a fun party. Can't wait to get around and visit everyone.


  30. Hi Debra...your wreath on that little fabulous (bird?) house is adorable! I have been looking forward to today all week!!

  31. Ohhh, I love your sunroom! Too pretty. Your blog and how you share your faith is so great! I just linked up to the party, and I'm your newest follower! Can't wait to check back.


  32. I LOVE your little display SO cute! :) Anything vintage Christmas is my favorite!

    ~ Stop by our blog sometime we have lots of fun things to share! :) Thanks for shareing

  33. LoVe the Look of vintage trees loaded with shiny bling ornaments!*!*!
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  34. Your home always looks so pretty! I just love your bottle brush tree! Good luck with your kitchen redo. We painted our kitchen cabinets white earlier this year and am so glad we did. It was a lot of work, but I love the way it turned out!

  35. Very cute bottle brush trees. I am a sucker for those things. I am going to try to bleach some this year. Do they have to be vintage or can I do it with the sisel ones I saw at Home Depot? And thanks for hosting.

  36. Your decorating is just beautiful! As for the little organizer that "needs something" how about putting ornaments that have lost their hangers, maybe even vintage ones? Or I would look for other little orphan Christmas decorations to decorate it with to brighten it all up with some sparkle!

    I am canning applesauce today, so I need to get back to stirring, but thanks so much for hosting this party!

  37. Debra,
    Love it! Shiney & bright, just the way Christmas should be. That little chippy birdhouse is the coolest.
    Thank you for today. Your words meant more than you could know. Lisa

  38. Everything is yummy! Thanks for this fun party Debra!

  39. Hi Debra, Better Late than Never, Right?
    Love the Bakers rack filled with the vintage Holiday FUN.... How Sweet is that little wooden Fence~ *<<<<-

  40. I hope you are having loads of fun in your kitchen! Can't wait to see!!
    I *will* join one of these days...everything I do is vintage inspired so I should have plenty of material...thanks for the sweet comments on my dd.
    Have a wonderful season of celebration!

  41. What a sweet little house and bottle brush trees, Debra. Your room looks so cozy and friendly for the holidays. Love that tree w/the Christmas balls, too. I'll try to post next week- went vintage shopping yesterday and just need to set up a vignette. hugs, Sue

  42. Bright and beautiful, as always! You always brighten my day when I come by here.


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