Monday, December 27, 2010

Oh, that face...

It's no secret that with two married daughters, I'm old enough to have grandkids, but alas, I have none; only a grandpuppy and grandkitties. Vinny, (Vincenzo) a French Bulldog, is the newest member of the family and he belongs to Erin and Keith, our St. Louis kids. Spoiled is a word that comes to mind. Notice the quilted barn coat and rhinestone collar. But hey, he's so darn cute you can't blame them. 

Puppy portraits...
(Gee, I love this new camera!)

Erin and Keith

and Aly and Chris,
waiting to unwrap gifts.
Our tradition is to open them Christmas Eve.

I was in my pajamas and glasses, so no photos of moi.
you'd thank me.

I'm looking forward to the New Year,
but first our Anniversary, tomorrow.
Hope you are recovering from the Christmas Rush.
I spent all day Sunday in my Jammies.

love to all,


  1. Hi Debra, yesterday and today have been pajama days for me. :) Vinny looks warm and cozy. You have a beautiful family. Happy holidays and happy anniversary. Blessings, Tammy

  2. Aly looks just like you! Great looking family!

  3. Hi Debra,
    You have a lovely family and a cute granddog!


  4. Debra, that grandpuppy is adorable. Your daughters are beautiful and look just like you!
    How blessed you are and don't give up, those grandkids will be coming. xoxoxoxoxo Rhonda

  5. Sweet puppy! Love the jacket and collar:) Hope you are all rested up and ready for the New Year! Have a blessed day! HUGS!

  6. Merry Christmas Debra, that pup is adorable, I would put him in rhinestones and a quilted jacket too! Hard not to spoil such a cutey!... your family is beautiful! Happy Anniversary, I hope it is wonderful! Theresa xoxo

  7. You're right- when I look at Vinnie, I can't help but smile.

    All day in jammies sounds perfect- hope the rest of your week is as sweet.

  8. Merry Christmas Debra! What a handsome family {puppy included!!} ... both daughters are gorgeous, but I have to say Aly could be your twin!!

    Wishing you a happy new year my friend ...

  9. Your pictures are wonderful. I think I have camera envy. All you need to do is look at my pictures and see what happens when you have g'kids and a g'dog -- crazy!!!

  10. Vinny is so cute! I just love that breed of dog. I have 2 grandogs also.

  11. It's Monday morning and I'm extending my PJ stint thru today!!!

    happy new year dear friend

  12. How cute! I love that the coat was quilted in a dog bone pattern. No jammies or sleeping in for me as we had guests and also church on Sunday. Happy Monday to you!

  13. Hi Debra! What a beautiful family you have and I love the little grand puppy's face. We had a Boston Terrier for 15 years and she looked so much like your grand puppy. Little Bulldogs are the sweetest things. Hope you kissed that little punched in face! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  14. What lovely couples, Debra! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Christmas Eve! I did manage to get dressed yesterday even though I had the house to myself and our blizzard started. I did a little bit of everything though because there was nothing that HAD TO get done. I was very pleased that I was able to start a couple of projects and actually finish one, too!

  15. Debra , My goodness the puppy is too cute -You were really able to capture some great photos -Your dtgs and SIL are very cute too :-) Ahh pajama days don't you just love them!

  16. Have a wonderful anniversary on the 3rd day of Christmas. How blessed you are to have a true love. :)

  17. Oh this is so much a Show & Tail link up post!
    Who could not love that face. Not spoiled at all, either.
    No grandkids yet for me but plenty of furry love to go round.

    I am living in longjohns, sweats and slippers. Good enough?

  18. Debra...a gorgeous family and such a cutie granddoggie! Happy Anniversary :)


  19. Great looking family. Aly looks like the picture of you on your sidebar. :)
    Happy New Year!

  20. Hmm..... where to start...

    1st: What a BEAUTIFUL family you have dear Debra - including the adorable Vinnie!!! I hope there were TONS of love and hugs surrounding you all week-end long!

    2nd: Happy Anniversary a day early!!!!

    3rd: Oh - that was it...
    I hope you had the Merriest of Christmases!!!


  21. I spent most of Sunday in my jammies too! Wasn't expecting company, so what the heck! Felt good for a change. ~Happy New Year!

  22. What a cutie!
    Oh you have to spoil him, why not.
    Wouldn't you love a new coat and rhinstone collar too!
    Have fun I say stay in your jammies all week.

  23. Hi Debra, what a lovely family you have... and your grandpuppy is soooooo cute!!! Hope you have a wonderful week!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  24. Such a lovely family and little Vinny has stolen my heart...

  25. I've got grand doggies and kitties too! They count! What a lovely family! Glad you're getting a bit of down time. xxJacqueline

  26. I Love Him! I pet sit here in Arizona and these little pugs are so lovable!!! Congrats Gram! And, Happy Anniversary!!


  27. Your girls are just gorgeous!!! Looks like you had a cozy Christmas Eve!

    & that puppy! I am not even a huge dog fan but wow! What a cutie :) Now even I could fall for him :)

    Thanks for your encouragment today about the fire. Now it is just amazing to see as God provides little blessings everyday. thanks for your prayers! They are much needed right now!

  28. what a beautiful family and such a cute grandpuppy!

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Happy Anniversary to you both, Debra! Hope you can celebrate it in a special way! Little Vinny is just adorable! What a cute addition to your family. :)

    xoxo laurie

  31. Gorgeous shots! And Vinny is so cute! Have a wonderful holiday, Kellie xx

  32. Debra, you have a beautiful family. And yes...that's an adorable furry face! We have the same tradition: Christmas Eve.
    Blessings and Happy New Year!

  33. Debra,
    You chicken!! LOL
    I wanna see those jams.
    The family is beautiful & the mug on that pup, OMG. The cutest thing ever! I'm needing to spend a month in my jammies recovering from this last week. No chance tho. Happy Anniversary & new years. I'll be spending mine on the couch watching the ball drop, pretty exciting stuff huh? Lisa

  34. What an adorable granddog, Debra! I would spoil him, too, if he was mine... hehe! I adore that little coat of his... sweet!
    You have such a lovely family, Debra!! It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. You're my kind of gal... hanging out in your jammies all day ;-)... Christmas sure can wear you out, can't it?!
    I wish you a happy New Year filled with lots of love and joy (and maybe a grandbaby, too ;-))!!

  35. Man, Ally looks JUST like you!!!

    Great pup photos, I love those ugly they're adorable!


  36. How could you not love that face and those photos?
    I see you're getting to be a real pro with that camera. Happy Anniversary sweets!


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