Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Home For Christmas Blog Party Link-Up

Hi Friends,
so glad you're coming by to celebrate with us at the Blogger's Party
Home for Christmas
and to hopefully join in on the Party Link-Up today.

Brenda and I invite you to share your favorite Christmas Posts
 as you celebrate your 
Home For Christmas.
You can link up to 3 of your posts from this year or previous,
please just have them be related to Christmas...
Home Tours, Christmas Decor, Family Traditions, Recipes, DIY, 
anything Christmas!
*Please have a link to the party in your post.

I thought I'd share a few more pics from our Home this Christmas,
as I'll be sharing a complete Christmas Home Tour a bit later in the week.
These are mostly room views, which I usually don't get around to taking,
but since it's Christmas, there's a little more to see.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas Cloches au Natural

Hi Friends...
I thought I'd do a quick post 
and share my two Christmas Cloches
from the Dining Room.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Christmas Dining Room

I love this time of year, 
but getting dark around 4:30 can be frustrating,
especially when you're editing photos and realize
that you need just one extra shot.

I tried to make use of the lower light 
and just add a little twinkle.
So, let's take a peek at the Dining Room,
all dressed up for Christmas.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Antique Rocking Horse on the Mantel...

I thought I'd share a few more pics of my antique rocking horse
 on the mantel, that I showed yesterday in the house tour.

My Mom was telling me this week, how she and my dad answered an ad for it in the paper, around the time of my second or third birthday. This was before the age of the heavy plastic bouncing horsey on a big metal spring. I'm old, but I'm not as old as this horse so don't go making me older than I am! Mom said it was an antique when they found it, but it still had it's tail, mane, saddle and the red wooden stand that it set on. It had been stored in one of our barns, so between then and the time mom gave it back to me, the humidity, cold, (and mice) probably took it's toll.

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