Sunday, May 5, 2013

Snow and lilacs...

...those two things don't go well together.
I guess I could say we were lucky as compared to others of you out there.
Lot's of precipitation, but no accumulation.

Where we are in SW Missouri, it snowed and sleeted all day yesterday but didn't stick much. At one point yesterday evening the flakes were HUGE. It was really beautiful... just not for May. So I decided since I wasn't getting out, that I'd redo the faux florals in my urn here in the entry. I'd had daffodils and forsythia in this for early Spring and Easter.


I have a teensy pet peeve...
I like to keep my faux flowers seasonal.
I can't have geraniums at Christmas
or tulips in the Fall.
They have to stay seasonal and current.
I'm sure these will be changed out again by the end of the month...
maybe daisies by then.
(I'm hoping I'll have daisies by the end of the month...)

Here's a snow pic from the deck and my kitchen window.
Can you see the lilac bush on the other side of the fence?
(bad photo, I know. I don't have a zoom lens for distance.)'s not mine, 
and it's in my neighbor's yard.
a bachelor...
and it drives me crazy. 
But my arms aren't long enough to grab a branch
and harvest a bouquet.
I have to admit I've had fleeting thoughts of sneaking over the fence by cover of darkness. We watched Zero Dark Thirty last night and I think that those high tech night vision goggles and other gear might work for this kind of mission. (just kidding...I wouldn't do that...just a little temptation of the blooming kind). What can I say...I was spoiled when I was young. We had two massive bushes of lilacs and we had fresh bouquets all over the house, this time of year.

So I just have to look at it and imagine a wonderful fragrant lilac bouquet
filling an ironstone pitcher or a large crystal vase.
I've thought of planting my own bush, 
but I haven't found a good spot for one.

so I'll try to enjoy some silk ones and maybe find a room spray 
or candle that will make me think they're real.

and while we're here,
you can see that some of my birdies are back here in the Entry.

This is what you do if it's too cold for the sunporch...

...and you're really lazy.

good thing there are two sofas...
one for each lazy kit kat.

joining in with these parties this week:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style

Hope you're having a great weekend,
I'll try to behave...

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