Friday, September 14, 2012

Vintage Inspiration #105 Ranger 911

When I saw this photo in the linky thumbnail pics last week, I at first thought it was a magazine photo from Pinterest. I was immediately grabbed because of this yummy pumpkin-y rich wall color, then when I clicked on the link, I realized this was the wonderful kitchen reveal, from Vickie at Ranger 911.

Don't you love the black and white as compliment to this color?
And oh yeah, just a pop of this wonderful vintage Jadite green!

great green cabinet with ironstone...

Calling all magazines...
this needs to be a feature!!

Here's Vickie's Fall Door decor,
love that wonderful mix!

And this gal is totally crafty...
I'm in love with this chalkboard Menu!

...and an artist!
She painted this, people!!!

Just in case you don't know,
 Vickie has a wicked sense of humor.
This girl puts some zing in her posts.

She's also the Sock Monkey Queen.

And be prepared for more antics from the Elves this Christmas.
They caused all sorts of mischief last year.

If you don't know Vickie, you'll want to meet her...
and the sock monkeys!

Here's more great inspiration 
from last week's party...

The Farmer's Daughter from The Country Farm Home
shared her wonderful White Farmhouse Cabinets
(She also had the most party visits)

 spent a leisurely morning in her greenhouse.

Cindy at Beaux R'eves redid a wonderful chair for her entry...
what a gorgeous home.

showed us how she created her Restoration Hardware
inspired cage lighting.

And since I remember these from when I was a little girl,
 here's a Sleeping Porch Tour from Mary At Home on the Bay

If you haven't entered the Vintage Inspiration
2 year Give Away then click here
ends Saturday Night

and be sure and check out these great Friday parties 
while you're at it!


And on a personal note, My husband has been having some health problems with an inner ear disorder, and I'm devoting a lot more time to healthy cooking and being here for him. He's home much more during the day trying to take it easy, so I'm spending time focusing on him. You all don't know how much I appreciate you coming by each week and joining in on the party. Seeing you show up really inspires me each week! I may not get to leave a comment with you all, but believe me, you guys mean so much to me. So Thank You!! (just keepin' it real here. Life isn't always easy or picture perfect, but we're believing that better days are ahead)

And on a more fun subject, all this Fall I'm opening up Vintage Inspiration to any of your Fall posts. Fall Recipes, DIY, Decor. You can link up to three posts, past or present, that are Fall related. Let's share the inspiration!

If you've been featured feel free to grab the "Featured On" button on the sidebar, and please have a link back to Common Ground within your post to be featured. Also, as all the party hosts mention, please turn off the word verification. It isn't needed anymore, there are great spam filters. It makes it a nightmare to try to figure these out. If you're a new blogger, and you're not sure, please go into your settings and check. You'll get more comments if you don't have it.

Time to link up all your Vintage and Fall Fun!
love ya,

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Industrial Lighting

Last week when I was at the Fall Open House at Leola's Vintage Home and Garden in Ozark, MO. I was knocked out by these really hip and trendy lighting designs. There are a talented group of gals there, and these are some of the fun industrial pieces made from "Found Things". Thought you might like to see them...such great ideas for using vintage bits and pieces of "junk".

Don't you just want to find a barn full of junk and have a go at it?
 Thanks gals for the fun inspiration!
 (more great inspiration coming soon from the Open House)
 Linking up to

Savvy Southern Style 


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Coming up this weekend...

Wanted to share some great photos from Robin's Vintage Suitcase located in Springfield, MO, for their upcoming Fall Open House which will be this weekend, starting this Friday thru Sunday. The store is decorated and filled to the brim with wonderful antiques, vintage and new home accessories and decor, one-of-a-kind slipcovered and upholstered furniture, jewelry, and so much more.

And be sure and plan to make it a day by having lunch or dinner with their extended hours for the Vintage Veranda Tea Room. A wonderful Sunday Brunch is also available this weekend. The outside patio is now open for dining, too. Phone ahead for reservations, 417-866-1145.

Hope you can make it this weekend.
Friday 9am-9pm
Saturday 9am-5pm
Sunday 11am-4pm

And just a note if you're in Huntsville, Texas area, put the Huntsville Antique Show on your weekend schedule. Looks like a great show!!

Hope you're having a great week!

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