Friday, September 14, 2012

Vintage Inspiration #105 Ranger 911

When I saw this photo in the linky thumbnail pics last week, I at first thought it was a magazine photo from Pinterest. I was immediately grabbed because of this yummy pumpkin-y rich wall color, then when I clicked on the link, I realized this was the wonderful kitchen reveal, from Vickie at Ranger 911.

Don't you love the black and white as compliment to this color?
And oh yeah, just a pop of this wonderful vintage Jadite green!

great green cabinet with ironstone...

Calling all magazines...
this needs to be a feature!!

Here's Vickie's Fall Door decor,
love that wonderful mix!

And this gal is totally crafty...
I'm in love with this chalkboard Menu!

...and an artist!
She painted this, people!!!

Just in case you don't know,
 Vickie has a wicked sense of humor.
This girl puts some zing in her posts.

She's also the Sock Monkey Queen.

And be prepared for more antics from the Elves this Christmas.
They caused all sorts of mischief last year.

If you don't know Vickie, you'll want to meet her...
and the sock monkeys!

Here's more great inspiration 
from last week's party...

The Farmer's Daughter from The Country Farm Home
shared her wonderful White Farmhouse Cabinets
(She also had the most party visits)

 spent a leisurely morning in her greenhouse.

Cindy at Beaux R'eves redid a wonderful chair for her entry...
what a gorgeous home.

showed us how she created her Restoration Hardware
inspired cage lighting.

And since I remember these from when I was a little girl,
 here's a Sleeping Porch Tour from Mary At Home on the Bay

If you haven't entered the Vintage Inspiration
2 year Give Away then click here
ends Saturday Night

and be sure and check out these great Friday parties 
while you're at it!


And on a personal note, My husband has been having some health problems with an inner ear disorder, and I'm devoting a lot more time to healthy cooking and being here for him. He's home much more during the day trying to take it easy, so I'm spending time focusing on him. You all don't know how much I appreciate you coming by each week and joining in on the party. Seeing you show up really inspires me each week! I may not get to leave a comment with you all, but believe me, you guys mean so much to me. So Thank You!! (just keepin' it real here. Life isn't always easy or picture perfect, but we're believing that better days are ahead)

And on a more fun subject, all this Fall I'm opening up Vintage Inspiration to any of your Fall posts. Fall Recipes, DIY, Decor. You can link up to three posts, past or present, that are Fall related. Let's share the inspiration!

If you've been featured feel free to grab the "Featured On" button on the sidebar, and please have a link back to Common Ground within your post to be featured. Also, as all the party hosts mention, please turn off the word verification. It isn't needed anymore, there are great spam filters. It makes it a nightmare to try to figure these out. If you're a new blogger, and you're not sure, please go into your settings and check. You'll get more comments if you don't have it.

Time to link up all your Vintage and Fall Fun!
love ya,


  1. Hi Debra, Vicki's kitchen is beautiful. I especially love her pumpkin paint color. Thanks for hosting. I may not be commenting much in the next week but I will be lurking about I hope. hugs, Olive

  2. Dearest Debra Thank You for the mention I am grateful, its an honor!
    Love all that you do and your kind heart. Praying for your hubby

  3. Glad we mad party people help you out a bit, and I sure hope your husband's health improves soon. He's lucky to have you supporting him. Thank YOU for being here every week and hosting your great party, too!

  4. Debra! Thank you so much for featuring our White Cabinets at The Country Farm Home! Such an honor! All the featured posts are wonderful. And, thanks for hosting another great party!

  5. Vicky's kitchen is beautiful, that pumpkin color makes it so warm an cozy!
    Thanks for hosting!

  6. Debra - Beautiful posts. Do hope your husband's health improves. It's no fun having a sick husband. Thanks for all you do for so many.


  7. Debra,
    Sorry to hear that your Hubby isn't feeling well.

    Thanks so much for hosting!!


  8. Vicki has great style! Love all of the features too!
    Thank you for hosting and for joining Home Sweet Home!

  9. I love Vicki's blog! The photo of the sock monkeys on the bed is just too cute. Her kitchen is amazing. Hope hubby feels better soon. Thanks for hosting.

  10. Hope your husband is better soon. Inner ear issues are not fun.
    Thanks for hosting again this week.

  11. Love Ranger 911's feature. Yes she is a great artist and her kitchen is so awesome. Love the little seat cushions and the light fixture.

  12. Just said a prayer for your hubby, Debra. Thanks for hosting.

  13. Thanks so much for hosting, I will keep DH in prayer also. Hugs, Marty

  14. Vickie is amazing - I love her projects and blog! Thanks for sharing more about her and for hosting again this week!

  15. What fantastic features - thanks so much for hosting a great party ( even while taking care of hubby )

  16. That little green cabinet with ironstone it looks so good, I have a little green cabinet like that filled with art treasures I may have to rearrange it

    also thanks for the giveaway drawing , hope I win LOL

  17. This is quite a lovely kitchen. The pumpkin color is quite striking. Wonderful features - I appreciate you hosting,

  18. Love the features! Thanks so much for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  19. Love the features, Debra! Thanks for hosting!

  20. Sorry to hear about your husband- hope he is on the mend soon! Thanks for hosting!

  21. I have got to meet my kindred spirit, sock monkey, elf on the shelf loving gal! Heading over right now!

  22. Debra, I am lovin' all of the fall inspired posts.
    Thanks for hosting.

  23. All the best to you husband.
    Thanks for hosting :)

  24. I love what you showcased this week. Thank you so much for hosting.

  25. The sock monkeys are too funny. Great features and thanks for hosting.

  26. You're preachin' to the choir; I love Vickie's blog! They are all awesome features, hope your husband does well with his extra TLC, and thanks for hosting! :)

  27. Hi Debra,

    I'm so excited to be joining everyone this week. It is my first time at your party and hope to meet some new friends. Fabulous features from last week. Thank you for hosting. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  28. Thanks so much for featuring the sleeping porch Debra! Have a wonderful weekend.

  29. So sorry your good man is still having trouble. I know you're taking good care of him. Blessings to you both. Lookling forward to checking out the links! Thanks Debra!

  30. I love everything I see. Yes she needs to be in a magazine.

  31. Debra, Sorry to hear your husband is having health problems, I will say a little prayer for him. I am joining the party from a hotel room as my husband is having health problems too. We get the final tests in the morning to get the go ahead for his back surgery on Monday morn.6:00am.
    Hugs, Penny

  32. Debra, So sorry to hear the Mr. is not feeling well. As I am the queen of ear problems, I feel for him. I wish him a speedy recovery. Hopefully I will be able to join the party this week, have a wonderful weekend.

  33. My gosh- What a wonderful blog and what great features here. I am just starting my blog and I hope someday that I have 1/10 of what you have here- I am your newest follower-Juliana

  34. Debra,
    Thank you so much for the glowing review!!! It's 8 pm and I just now have access to my daughter's computer. I'm thrilled to be featured on Vintage Inspiration Friday where I find so many inspiring ideas myself!

    Thank you for hosting your party each and every week and I hope your husband is feeling better soon.

    Vickie :@

  35. Oh, Debra. That sleeping porch? I die!
    Thank you for hosting!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  36. Hello Debra: I do appreciate you hosting the party today, and I hope that your husband is feeling better very soon. Thank you for introducing me to Ranger 911's beautiful kitchen--I love the color! I hope that you have a chance to relax and breathe, and take a moment to savor the end of summer and the beginning of autumn!

  37. So many fantastic people with beautiful designs and minds!!! Puts a smile right on me! :) I hope your hubby will feel better soon and good luck my dear!


  38. Love kicking off my weekend with you Debra and to see one of my faves Vickie being featured ~ just the icing on the cake!!
    Have a good weekend and hope your husband is better soon!

  39. Debra, Sorry to hear about your husbands health. Hope he feels better soon. Love all your features and coming to your fun parties. Thinking of you and your husband with good thoughts.

    Love, Jody

  40. I LOVE and look forward to your Vintage Inspiration feature. The women/blogs you featured today are truly amazing and delightful.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband--I suffer from extreme vertigo due to inner ear/vestibular apparatus syndrome and I know that it is very unpleasant and draining. For two years, the ONLY way I could sleep was sitting in a chair--
    I pray that your husband will find relief very soon!
    Seek an ENT Dr who attentively listens to him and prescribes treatment that alleviates his symptoms.

  41. Hello Debra :) so sorry to hear of your husband's health issues...we will be sure to put him on our prayer list! Love all of your features ~ oh how we've missed visiting...but now that the store is ready for Halloween & Fall we are FREEEEEEE to visit everyone again (until Christmas rolls around ~ lol!!) Lovin' that kitchen...I was actually thinking of that color in my own kitchen ~ love it with the jadite ~ beautiful!

  42. Thanks for hosting, Debra. Hoping your husband finds relief from the health issue soon and that you continue to be strong and able to offer him support.

  43. Debra,
    What a treat to see Vickie's kitchen! She has a beautiful home.I LOVE visiting her blog she always puts a smile on my face!Thank you for hosting!

  44. Vickie is awesome, and her kitchen's great too. But her monkeys? I look forward to when they hang around.


  45. Thanks so mh for hosting such a fun party each week. We both know how time consuming it can be!!

    Also thanks for all your words of encouragement:-)


  46. My sincerest wishes and hope for a fast recovery of your husband!
    Thank you for finding time to host a party!

  47. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's health problems. I know I never seem to realize how precious my good health is until something goes wrong. I'll be saying a prayer for his steady recovery. Take care. Leslie from Gwen Moss blog.

  48. Hello Debra! I love Vickie's blog and her kitchen is wonderful.
    And that sleeping porch....!
    I hope your husband is ok soon.
    Thanks for hosting and besos from Argentina, Silvina.
    Oh! your fall vignettes are fantastic, spring is coming here.


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends