Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday Marketplace #14

Hello Everyone, hope your Monday Memorial Day is a good one.
I know we will all be busy today, but wanted to put up the link for the rest of the week. Be sure and visit later too, to see what great items have been linked up.

Here are just a few things that caught my eye from last week...

from Doreen at Hymns and Verses on Etsy

Rose Mini Pitcher from Surroundings by Melinda

Large Vintage Zinc Scoop

from Angie at Knick of Time

So, do you have an Etsy Shop or Online Boutique?
I noticed a few new shop owners last week, 
thanks so much for joining in!

Remember this linky is for items that are "For Sale".
If you have a blog I'd love for you to "follow" me, and grab the button for display somewhere on your blog, to let other's know where to come and shop. Please link to an individual item if possible.

Have a great rest of the Holiday Weekend.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Some weekly randomness...

This last week my mom, sister, and I decided we better try to get one more lunch date in before school was out. My nephew is a high school football player, (and a real BigManOnCampus) who isn't driving yet, and my sister becomes the taxi service for his crowd once school is out. So we headed to one of our favorite spots, Spring Creek, for lunch and a little shopping. I had a space there for several years and loved it, but it was hard to get my hubbs down there for furniture moving. Anywho, we always love the food and that there are always bargains to be found.

I'm a total sucker for a linen suitcase...doesn't matter what kind of shape they are in,  they're just one of my favorite things. So when I spotted this for $4.50 it didn't matter that it was worn and tattered, it was coming  home with me. The gorgeous gray satin on the inside was in much better shape than the outside. And that it still had the key was amazing.

I collect these old trays with fruit designs, and this one had an odd texture as it felt like it was leather on metal. I love the deep rich Old World Style and colors. They all come out for Fall decor, which I think everyone knows by now is my favorite time of the year. (I'm already plotting ideas)

Anyone who has booth space, especially in a big mall, knows how frustrating it can be if each week you find lots of items that don't belong to you. I'm on a corner intersection at Relics, so it seems that if someone changes their mind about an item, they conveniently drop it off here. I know none of us have ever done this...
But look what landed in my space last week... I took one look at it and sort of felt it was divine "happenstance". A little blessing in the shape of a nature book. Of course I bought it and will enjoy the short stories of life on Cape Cod.

See the title? 

This little berry basket that I also found at Spring Creek
 will be holding Black-Eyed-Susans soon.

 I've been on a mission to clean up and declutter the guest room downstairs. It's one of my rooms that things land in. It's only used a few times a year so it's way too easy to end up in there than actually being put away in an appropriate place...anyone else out there...? 

 This is one of the "cardboard" backed prints I mentioned last week that I did a little repair on. When you can find one for a few dollars, don't pass it by, all it takes is a little craft paint to fix it up.

Let's see, I also found new drapery panels for the Master Bedroom and a new pillow to match, I was going to share those, but my hubby was napping when I needed to take the pics, so they can wait.

Hope you're having a great weekend, it's pretty quiet around here. actually floated around the pool on a raft for a couple of hours yesterday...ahhhhh. Yes, I love summer too!

joining in at: 
Thrifty Finds at Southern Hospitality
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Knick of Time Tuesday

See ya tomorrow for Monday Marketplace!


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