Friday, January 27, 2012

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 74 Sunburst Mirrors

So...what comes to mind when you see these next few images
 of Sunburst, or Starburst Mirrors?

Source: via Debra on Pinterest

do you think fabulous and hip,
 or do you think retro and ho hum...?

I grew up in the 60's, and when I first started seeing these
reappearing on the home decor scene
I shuddered and grimaced. 

But take a look at this article from the
Winter 2011 Edition of Romantic Country Magazine
(yes, put your cute little readers on!)

according to RC I needed to take a second look
and then learn a little "history".

This article says that during the French Revolution 
antique dealers re-purposed church possessions for their own use.

(I think this translates as pillage and confiscate...)
but I DO have to admit that some of the new styles 
ARE reminiscent of old French antiquities.
Are you interested?

 this subject to be continued ...

but for now, let's see what was happening last week:

Kristin from Sophia's shared her daughter's adorable new room
with an amazing bed, settee, and dresser; just beautiful!
This is a wonderful blog, you need to run by and see for yourself,
Kristin is soooo talented!

Linda from Nina's Nest shared her d-i-l's great take
on Subway Signs. just love this!

Denise from Pink Postcard shared her very first upholstered chair,
and she did a great job!

I collect vintage candy boxes, so Robin's (from Highpoint Circle ) wonderful
Godiva Valentine Heart boxes have me on the hunt for more!

There are times when my blog visits take me back in time
 and bring sweet memories to transport me to my childhood.
Such was the visit to Laurie's farmhouse for a  "wintry gift".
(I grew up in an 1840's farmhouse with an old barn,
so these photos of Laurie's place just took my breath away!)

What a perfect photo!

OK now, what's been inspiring YOU this week?
"anything vintage or vintage inspired"

Please make sure you have a visible link to Common Ground 
to be able to link to the party

And remember February 9-12
for the Vintage Valentine Party!

linking up to these gal's great parties:


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Chirp, chirp

You know how they say "a little birdie told me"...?
well, my little birdie has a message he wants to share with everyone.
He's a sweet little birdie with a smile on his face,
but he's sad cause he's having a hard time leaving comments.

So many blog friends where he's tried to leave comments.
Those that have word verification, 
have been a real bummer for the last day or two.

I haven't had word verification for over a year, maybe longer.
Blogger is doing a great job on filtering spam. trust me...
99.9 percent of the looney tunes are filtered out!

and on another note...
thanks for all the sweet comments on my new blog header.
After the shock and upset of Picnik calling it quits,
I've spent hours and hours looking for alternatives,
(those of you who are Picnik addicts like me 
are having advanced withdrawal.)
Picasa seems to be a contender, but I'm still fussy and fumey.

If you have issues, (and who doesn't) just Google your questions,
there are some great tutorials out there.


Valentine Pendants in the Etsy Shop

Here are just a few fun pieces for Valentine's Day
that I have listed in my Etsy Shop,

If you have an idea for something special,
 just email me or convo me at my Etsy Shop.


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