Saturday, September 3, 2011

Still time to enter the Give Away!

The Romantic French Style Give Away
closes tonight at midnight
So you still have time to enter,

Just click HERE!

I have a big project for this weekend,
so keep your fingers crossed!
Hope to share it later!


Friday, September 2, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday: #53 Stacked Suitcases

Who could imagine that stacking vintage suitcases
could be such a difficult endeavor.
I've had a hard time finding just the right combination,
and I'm sure I'm not finished yet.

I've been collecting vintage suitcases for quite awhile,
but recently while working on the Master Bedroom
I needed some storage for books,
so my brilliant little mind found it's way to the basement
where I loaded up some of my collection
and toted it upstairs.

These two specimens are my latest,
as I'm really being drawn to the linen-y masculine look.
I have several of these train cases in my studio for holding art supplies,
but I knew any stack needed to be topped off
 with just the right little number.

Lovin' this 30's brass plate.

So here they are in the bedroom...
someday I'll do a post on the whole space,
until then just bits and pieces.

Wonderin' why one is backwards...?
well, there are a couple of slanted ones,
that otherwise won't set level.
Who's bright idea in the luggage industry came up with that one?

and one is missing it's leather handle.

Short story here:
Last Thanksgiving we were "babysitting" the grandpuppy (french bulldog)
We were watching TV and I couldn't find Vinnie.
Hubbs said, "Oh, he's right here chewing on one of his bones."

know where I'm going?

Well, it wasn't a bone!
Heck, it was my suitcase handle!
Well, I couldn't be too mad
cause if you think of it,
it was on the floor and smelled like stinky old leather.

Pictures are never good in here because of the low light.

and here are a few other images for inspiration,
all from Pinterest.

the perfect bedside table

And one of my favorite photos from my friends,
Meloney and Brian, from The Seed Box

And speaking of inspiration, here's some from last week:

 Anita from Cedar Hill Ranch 
has a hammock that I could just crawl right into and spend an afternoon.

shows us her book page walls in her Great Room re-do.
I'm a sucker for anything "book page"!!

Melanie from The Frosted Gardener has me all excited about
painting metal chandeliers!

And Faye from Wild Rose Vintage,
just took my breath away with this image.
Doesn't it look like something out of a Ralph Lauren ad?
(fab photography!)
Oh my gosh that scenery!!

If you've ever been featured on VIF
just grab a "Featured on VIF" button on the sidebar.

Linking up with these great parties.
(Links on sidebar buttons)

and a new Potpourri Party
with Honey at 2805.

If you haven't entered the
Romantic French Style Give Away,
you can still enter HERE

Hope you'll link up to the party,
"anything vintage or vintage inspired"

Please link up to
 Vintage Inspiration Friday
within your post or a photo button.
Thanks so much!

Hope you have a fun and safe weekend!
love ya bunches,

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Personal Thank You

I just want to take a minute and thank you for helping make
Design Challenge a success.

I started blogging because I wanted to connect with people,
share ideas and inspiration, and feel like I was part of a "community".
If I ever thought it was "all about me" that concept faded fast.

The reason behind Design Challenge
was born out of the idea of helping others.
I knew that there's some amazing talent out here in blogland,
and that we could all share our ideas and expertise,
(or lack thereof)
with our community of blogging friends.

Sometimes we need a fresh approach,
a helping hand,
and a new direction.

Sometimes we need encouragement
and the knowledge that others are willing to walk that extra mile with us.
As I said yesterday to a friend,

"I think a friend along the road to the destination,
makes it a much more enjoyable journey."

So thank you for taking the time to be a part of this,
it's not for me, but for the one that's been brave enough to open up
and say Hey, I need a little help.
Thanks for your wonderful comments,
even if it's just an "atta girl"!

And I want to ask for special prayers
for my dear friend, Anne,
Her mom has undergone surgery
and is in a very serious, fragile state.
Please remember them.

much love,

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