Saturday, September 3, 2011

Still time to enter the Give Away!

The Romantic French Style Give Away
closes tonight at midnight
So you still have time to enter,

Just click HERE!

I have a big project for this weekend,
so keep your fingers crossed!
Hope to share it later!



  1. How exiting dear,-someone will be so jumping from joy, when you draw the winners- ---I can alwayes cross my fingers, and dream .
    Have a beautiful week-end dear Debra.
    Hugs and love, Dorthe

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary!! I am a follower and absolutely love your blog. Please enter me in your contest - hope I win - I can see many days sitting on the porch dreaming with my books. And to top it off with the necklace - ahhhh!

  3. What a super give away, it never seems to amaze me how very generous some people are. I'm one of your followers, love your style, love your it, love it, love it!
    Please include me in your give away ;- )

  4. I'm really starting to get into decorating and the French style is my favorite. So excited!

  5. Hi Debra!

    I could have sworn I entered your giveaway...hopefully I did. I'm in California & it's 7 minutes til Midnight...hope it's not too late to enter...I check in & see!!! Have a great night!!!


  6. Looks like I may have mussed this giveaway but I am going to try anyway!
    Love French decor... who doesn't really!?
    Such a generous offering.
    Thanks Debra!


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