Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I'm still painting...

Here's the latest...

My recent Living Room makeover has been accomplished in stages.
The most recent "installment" has been to paint out the sofa table
 and then the two chairs flanking it.

I sort of thought I might be able to get away with not doing it...
but no.
It all needed to be white.


These chairs took me forever to paint and distress.
all the little detail work was a booger trying to deal with!

They look much prettier in person,
the camera just isn't picking up on all the nuances they now have.

LOVE my sofa table now,
and it has been decluttered of all the family photos
for the time being.
sorry kids...
you know we love ya!

Then I could bring back my faux Staffordshire dogs.
These little barkers may have been "faux",
 but they still weren't cheap.

Thanks again for all the great ideas and advice for this to happen,
and speaking of which...

A fun new feature is in the works,
and I need your feedback.
I'll share Thursday afternoon with
Vintage Inspiration Friday!

I'm partying here this week:
links on the sidebar with buttons.

See you Thursday for


Monday, July 25, 2011

Collections Show and Tell

I have a lot of "collections", but one of my favorites
I keep all together on my studio shelf.

And now that I think of it, my chipmunk and squirrel collection
probably has been around the longest of anything that I collect.

Today I'm joining Suzanne over at Privet and Holly
for her Collections Show and Tell Party this week.

These little cuties usually spend their time here on the shelf,
but come Fall, they scamper around the house
hiding in many of my Fall vignettes.
It's about time to start dusting them off and watching them find
a temporary new spot.

This is one of my favorites, a new paper mache box,
that my daughter bought for me several years ago.

Some of the stuffed variety...

A birthday card from a few years ago,

Salt and pepper shakers,

creeping (not creepy) chipmunk planter from Japan,

Most of the figurines are vintage Lefton.

love the detail...

a Japanese Majolica planter,

These two on my front porch started it all.

A very old chalkware bank,

and a silver art deco/modern piece from my older daughter.

Hey!... what's this?

Sorry it's blurry, I grabbed this photo quick.

We have an abundance of both squirrels and chipmunks.
I feed the birds so they enjoy the leftovers.
The kitties would love to "enjoy" them.

Hope you'll join Suzanne for the linky party starting Tuesday July 26.
see ya there!

and Marty for Table Top Tuesday
and Kristin for Tuesday Treasures
links on sidebar buttons


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pottery Barn bedding peek...

Just wanted to share with you
my new pillow shams and duvet cover
from Pottery Barn that arrived this week.
The bedroom doesn't get a lot of light so it's hard to take photos here,
plus the rest of the room isn't blog-worthy at the moment;
hence the tight "bed only" shots.

The quilt is one my mother-in-law made for us about 20 years ago.
She has stopped quilting, but I have many of her lovely,
meticulously quilted pieces that I treasure.

I'm totally in love with this pattern, Camilla,
and think it really adds a luxe touch to the room.

As you can see, Miss Wrigley thinks I bought it for her.
She thinks the bed is hers and sleeps between us every night,
just like a spoiled kid.

I was happily surprised with the wonderful quality of his set.
The linen is heavy and true to color.

I'll get some more photos of the rest of the space soon,
I'm making some grain sack pillows today.
That's more fun than cleaning the bedroom!

love ya,

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