Thursday, November 25, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 13 What's inspiring my decor this Christmas

I hope you're having a wonderful
I'm sneaking off from all the family to post for
Vintage Inspiration Friday
(psssst...don't tell them I'm gone!)

My Christmas boxes are on alert,
and I'm so ready to dig in.

I have lots of different styles that I love for Christmas decor,
but the one I always rely on and find that is the basis
 for whatever else I might use is "nature";
Paperwhites, natural greens, holly and berries.

Here are a few magazine images
 that I love and use for inspiration.

A rusty urn with a little glitz, glitter, and sparkle fit right in.

This year I'm being drawn to more
 neutrals and naturals with decorations

Burlap ribbon on the Living Room tree
(no ornaments yet)

My two smaller trees are up for the Thanksgiving weekend.
They're a little easier for me to handle.
I love a large tree, and do have one,
but since I'm the one that does the work,
I've opted for "less stress" and scaled down this year.

"My favorite number" 3 on an ornament I found at
 the Seed Box Open House. 

Brown velvet ribbon is what's happening in the Dining Room.
What's inspiring your Christmas decorating this year?

Hope you'll join in for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday.

Please visit The French Cupboard's
Extravagant Affair

and I'm running a 15% Off sale
this weekend at the Etsy Store
Just type in thanks1125 as the promo code at checkout.

Hope you have a wonderful and blessed
Thanksgiving Weekend!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Vintage Cyber Sales this Weekend

We all know about Black Friday shopping deals,
and here in blogland I'm doing the same.

Starting today thru the weekend,
I'm having a 15% off sale
 over at the Etsy Shop.

Just type in thanks1125 at checkout.

This is a new tool at Etsy,
 so there should be a place for Promotion Code.
Let me know if you experience any problems or have questions.

And also my two sweet friends,
 Polly from the French Cupboard

and Jami from
(click on Vintage Market)

are having Holiday Sales, too.
So drop by their Black Friday Shopping Events,
browse the shops,
and get a jump on your Christmas shopping!

Have a wonderful and blessed
with your family and friends
and I'll see you Thursday evening and Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday!


Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Turkeys are Restless...

Since Thanksgiving is this week
 I thought I'd better share the "Hall Sideboard",
if I am going to do it.
This is by far my most favorite place in the house to decorate.
(is most favorite grammatically correct?)
(OK, so you know what I mean)

And since next week all the turkeys will fly the coop,
and the little sugar houses will start to appear,
here's the Thanksgiving edition.

My fingers are itchin' to grab those sugar houses!!

I'm linking up with these wonderful parties:


Have a great week
I'll see you Friday for:


Saturday, November 20, 2010

How to Spell "Dumb": An UPdate!

OK, that would be me...I guess I need to learn not to do something when I'm tired, because I make silly mistakes. Point in fact; last night when I did the party button for the Christmas Parties in December for Vintage Inspiration Friday, I left off the "S" in "designs". So all of you sweet people that grabbed the button, I have redone it so you can actually get my correct blog address. duh...

So sorry for the confusion...
this is the correct one.
Now back to our scheduled programming...

love y'all.

Friday, November 19, 2010

What's Coming in December?

I'm so glad you asked!!

With all the party invitations going out,
I just wanted to invite you personally
to share your
 Vintage Christmas
during the month of December
over here at
Vintage Inspiration Friday.
porch and outdoor decor...
keepsakes and memorabilia...
anything vintage inspiration...

Hope you'll plan on joining in!

I'd love for you to grab the button,
and if you display it on your sidebar
then I'll give you an extra entry
for the December Give Away!

be sure and scroll down for this weeks VIF partiers!
Have a great weekend!!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday #12 Jewelry Inspired By the Past

Hi Everyone, it's
Vintage Inspiration Friday!

I've always been inspired by antique and vintage jewelry.
I love the unique materials and craftmanship...
one of a kind vintage beauty.

I have several old heirloom family pieces of jewelry that I wear frequently.
But when I discovered that I could put together pieces that were old
with newer and vintage elements...
I found my heart's desire.

I've been adding several items to my Etsy Shop for Christmas giving.
And I've re-done a few of the pendants and added chains to them;
new prices and photos to share.

Rosary beads and chains married for an elegant and vintage look.

Strands of pearls and vintage chains...

crowns and crosses

puffy heart lockets with my signature keys

I also have new medals that can be added to the vintage key pendants...

St. Jude
St. Rita
St. Ann
St. Agatha
St. Raphael
Our Lady of Lourdes
Miraculous Medal
St. Francis of Assisi
Holy Ghost Medal
St. Joan of Arc
and St. Christopher Medals

Just email me or convo me at Etsy for something just for you,
and we'll design something special.

Thank you, to each one of you who has let one of my designs
find it's way into your heart.

Hope you'll join in for
Vintage Inspiration Friday


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