Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday #11 Late Fall Sunroom

Hey Everyone!
Time for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday.

This time of the year it's about balancing my enthusiasm for
and my not wanting to jump the gun,
if you know what I mean.

I want to enjoy the season I'm in without
running headlong into winter and the Holidays.

So I try to transition little by little.
Still wanting to celebrate Thanksgiving
and enjoying my turkeys,
but honestly being "done" with the leaves and orange.
(gosh, did I just say that?)

That's the good thing about Missouri,
we have seasons here.
The only one I tire of is summer...
hate the heat.

So what I like to do this time of year is trade out the leaves
with holly and evergreens;
real and faux.

That way, once Thanksgiving is over
 I don't have as much to do to make it

One of my girls is enjoying her perch
surveying her domain.

I love this old lantern light fixture.
It always just says "Christmas" to me.

I have a lot of old and family quilts
that I change out frequently.
This one has seen better days,
but I bought it about 25 years ago when we lived in Marietta, Ga.
I always enjoy using it.
"Flying Geese".

Love my Faribo and Pendleton brown plaid blankets.

Here's my other girl.
They're inside kitties,
but they LOVE to dream.

This old squirrel is a bank...
now he's what I call really "Chippy"!!

old screen door?, yah, I'll use it!

(Hey, Theresa, love the sweet little teapot!)

The light was so bright with the photos that the view was washed out,
so here's the view from the sunroom.

please disregard all:
electrical cords
dead plant material
dirty windows
cat hair
dead bugs?
old carpet
crummy 80's spotlights

(notice that I didn't apoligize for the rust or peeling paint!)
Thanks for sitting thru another "sunroom" post.

Hope you'll join in the party,
ANY Vintage Inspiration works!

And the winner of the give away this month
is my wonderful friend Sue from

love you all,

p.s. Check out the November give away on the sidebar.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

White Wednesday at the French Cupboard

Come on over to
I've been playing in the Sunroom again...

And then please visit all the Wonderful Whites for Wednesday

see you there...

then, don't forget about
Vintage Inspiration Friday
where inspiration is a party!


Santa Baby...

I guess we all know that it will be
before we know it.

So when I found these sweet little St. Nick charms
I thought they would be fun to put on a chain for a necklace.
Or hang them from the tree or just for decor.

Come by the Etsy Shop

for a peek.

And a couple of new blinged key pendants, too.

I think you've probably been really good this year!!

love ya,

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday #10 Finding your style

It's so exciting finding a place that I identify with.
This space in a decor center in St. Louis,
Warson Woods,
just speaks to me

This is the second time I've visited here
and when I step inside this space
I just want to move in.

I think that is the way to really tell
what your dominant style may be.

There are a lot of gorgeous places
that cause me to drool
but could I move in?
Does it reflect who I am?

French Country has always been what I gravitate toward
No matter where I've lived
The dramatic oversized pieces
elements of nature
elegant yet comfortable

Old World

Actually, this space is what prompted me to paint my Dining Room

I love so many "styles" of decorating
and like to mix elements and pieces...

But I always come back to these lines
and how they make me "feel"

Have you found your "dominant style"?

Hope you'll join in today with
 Vintage Inspiration Friday!
remember, you can link up any vintage inspiration.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Snuggle up

These crisp Fall days
 hold such a fascination for me.

The colors of the leaves and sky;
 the critters, (squirrel,s chipmunks, and birds)
 all scurrying around
filling their pantries for the cold winter days ahead.
My old chippy Adirondack chair
calls out for a good book and a hot mug of cider.

I love to mix the patterns of plaid, stripes, and florals.

Pendleton and Scottish blankets are my favorite cuddle on these cool days.

Halloween is over,
but Fall will still be here awhile.

My mums and ferns survived a killing frost last week,
but soon it will be too cold to try to cover them.

I just wanted to say "Thanks" again,
for the great turnout for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday!

We made a trip to St. Louis to visit our kids,
so we were constantly on the go.
Come back Friday, I have some wonderful photos
of the local fun.

I'm joining Kathleen for White Wednesday

and Cindy for Show and Tell Friday

Hope you're having a wonderful week!
(I'm pooped!)


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 9: Setting a Fall Table

I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do this,
and how badly I've wanted to share these photos
since the day I had this fun little outing.

Each year Country Living and Country Home Magazines
would put together these fantastic outdoor table settings for Fall;
those magical tables and settings
have been my inspiration for these photos.

Our subdivision is adjacent to a lovely large lake and park,
with many acres of picnic facilities, gorgeous landscaped hills,
dense forests full of deer, and bike and running paths...

The perfect place for an impromptu sunset dinner for two.

(notice the old ceiling tiles that I used for placemats?)

Thanks so much for sharing my fantasy...

You should have seen us rushing across the field
 trying to catch the last of the gorgeous light.
My husband with a dolly loaded with a table
 and my two newly painted chairs...
and a trash bag full of leaves
pilfered from our neighbor's gorgeous maple tree!
And me with the picnic basket and a load of other "junk"
under each arm.

We were quite the team. LOL!

When we got there we were both out of breath
and to my horror they had just mowed and mulched,
so not a leaf to be found.

That is why the leaves are only in front. ha ha!
right where we dumped them.
oh well,
we had a lot of fun!

Thanks so much for coming by,
hope you'll join in for
Vintage Inspiration Friday.
Any Inspiration is welcomed.

I'd love for you to grab the button and share with others
where to come for the vintage fun
 by linking up within your post. : )

Next week I'll announce the winner of the Necklace Give Away.
You're automatically entered if you are a participant in VIF.

Edited on October 6, 2011 to link with

So Thank You in advance for participating!!

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