Saturday, July 17, 2010

Rust is my middle name...

Just when I thought I'd give this blog a little rest over the weekend, I happened to hear the word "Rust" floating around.  Donna over at Funky Junk Interiors is having a Saturday Night Special party, and guess what?
today's special theme is...
are you ready...


Well hey, I just couldn't sit here as a bystander, because like I said...
rust is my middle name.
(not really)

Anyone that likes vintage garden goodies as much as I do just is bound to have some rust.

These are just a few specimens out on the deck.
I imagine my neighbors,
you know the immaculate high end patio store kind,
all think I'm a little wacky.

Guess they're right.

To me, rust is just like a little spice in your food.

Gives it a little extra flavor.

Love my mint in an old florist basket.

And the rest of the jungle.

I had been dead heading the flowers until yesterday when I saw several little goldfinches feasting on the seeds. They were having a great time and were so stinkin' cute out here having dinner,
 that I'm like... "well hey, Go for it!!"

OK, didn't want to feel left out.
 Go by and say Hi to Donna and all the others
and see what they're up to.

Hope you're having a great weekend,
I'm painting an old cabinet for my studio.
Show you next week.

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