Saturday, March 13, 2010

Silver Sunday: Easter Bunnies, Birds and Baskets

With Spring and then Easter
just around the corner,
I wanted to put together an Easter Basket for you...
Full of Silver Spring goodness and fun.

Bunny with German glass glitter.

Rhinestone photo frame with
a vintage Easter graphic.

all in a silver woven basket.

And this is my favorite soldered charm necklace
with a little blue bird.

Sending loving Easter Wishes your way...

Hope you enjoy a beautiful Day!

Thank you Beth,


Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm Soooo Ready!

I wanted to show you a little something
 that I put together today to take to my soon to be
 new and expanded booth space at

Spring Creek Antiques.

I'm "holding my breath" to get in there...

having "ants in my pants"...

and driving everyone else crazy!

I like to "play" with jewelry pieces.
I'm not a "professional jewelry person"
like so many of you fabulous gals out there,

I just like to have a little fun
with some odds and ends.

(just so you won't worry about me,
these are 3 separate pieces)

so don't look too close...

And then, I won't show you

 the stacks of plastic tubs...

and boxes...
in the garage and hallway...

waiting to be taken...

or my dirty kitchen floor...

or the baskets of laundry...

or my unmade bed...

Trust me,

this feels like having a baby...

I just want it done!!!

But I WILL tell you about Inspirational Home's

Spring Open House
next weekend March 19-21.

More info and photos of what's "In Store"
coming next week.

Check out my friend Debra's wonderful store
Inspirational Home, in Springfield, Missouri
if you have a minute.

(yes, her name is Debra, too)

OK, keep a good thought for me this weekend...
I have no more fingernails!

hugs and love,

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Paris Rosette GiveBack, The Winners are....

What a great Celebration Give Back Week it has been!
So many old friends coming by to say Hello,
and getting to meet new ones.

If you are a follower, Thank You!
It's so easy to lose track of friends if we are not.

Before I announce the three winners,
I want to show you where my own Paris Rosette
has been this last couple of weeks.
So many ways to show it off!

Grain sack pillow

My favorite Spring Jacket...

And a dress up for a lampshade.

OK, I know you are on the edge of your seats.
And the Winners Are...

Theresa of "theycallmeganky",
And Zita of Mlle Magpie!

Congratulations Dear Friends!
(and they are!)

is still having her own give away.
So you have more chances to win!

If you haven't visited Jill yet...
be sure you do. She has some wonderful
creative jewelry and accessories
that you will fall in love with!

So ladies, email me your addresses!
Hope you all are having a wonderful week!

I'll be announcing another give away
in a few weeks, so be watching for it.

I will be showcasing a good friend
of mine from Leola's.
(She doesn't have a blog,
but you will recognize her talent
from all the photos I have of her space.)

You'll be tickled PINK!

Hugs and blessings,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

White Wednesday Out and About at Leola's Spring Open House

I'm posting early today for
White Wednesday,
 so that I can give you another few hours
to enter the
March Celebration Give-back.

At the end of this post
just click on the link to leave a comment
and join as a follower.

There are 3 gorgeous rosettes 
for 3 winners!

And because it's White Wednesday 
 I wanted to share all the fabulous
inspiration from Leola's Spring Open House.
Leola's is always a wonderland of White.

So...hankies ready?
There may be a little drool. enjoy!

Just click below to enter!

Thank you, Kathleen,
 for such a wonderful way to spend the day!
Now go visit Faded Charm.
for more White Wednesday fun.

See you Thursday for the Winners!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Celebration Give Back Week...

Just wanted to say
 Thank You!,
to all my old and new friends!
Thank you for a great Give Back Week!

(feelin' like Spring!)

image by Cavallini

You have until tomorrow night

Tuesday, March 9, at midnight
to enter to win
one of three gorgeous rosettes,
made by my talented friend,

Just leave a comment on my March 1st
post by scrolling down.

And for all of you that had a guess
as to which one was my Grandmother...

She was the one on the left.

I had a wonderful Birthday,
and I'm planning the move
to the new booth space
hopefully next weekend.

Spring is almost here...
and I'm almost to 400 followers!
and only 3 more posts until 200

Have a wonderful week!
I'll announce the winner Thursday, March 11.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Leola's Open House and Jan's Having a GiveAway!

It's arrived at Leola's in Ozark, Missouri!
If you live anywhere near Southwest MO,
there's still time to make it to the
Spring Open House at Leola's!

This is my good friend
and her sister Judy, they are two of four family members
who own Leola's.
Jan is having a Blog Giveaway at the store
and on her own blog, Summer Sundays.
Run over and visit Jan
and sign up for the giveaway!

She always has what's new at the store.
You'll love taking junkin' juants
with her and her sisters.

She's one great gal!
Leola's was voted #1 store for Best In-store displays
in 417 Magazine.

Me and the ever feisty and talented Kristi.

so get to the store if posssible,
but for sure check out Jan's blog
say Hi, and enter to win her giveaway!

And if you haven't entered my
Celebration Giveback
nows your chance.

Scroll down to Monday's post
on the giveback and
leave a comment to be entered!

Hope the sun is shining where you are today!

squeezy hugs,

p.s. be sure and come back for White Wednesday
When I'll show the rest of the open house photos!