Tuesday, February 9, 2010

White Wednesday, Pretty Little Girls

Weekend before last, I had a little free time to indulge my need to be a teeny bit creative. I couldn't find my red bingo cards that I was hoping to use to make some vintage Valentine hang-ups. I believe that is known as "dis-organization". So I used some of my vintage photo albums instead, to show off a couple of my favorite images.

This young lady in her shepherdess dress is so precious. I don't know the occasion, but I find her to be totally captivating. A millinery flower and some lace that Jill sent me, and old white buttons add just a little bit of embellishment.

This sweet little child's Valentine couple
 became my banner photo for this week.

Angel vine is such a favorite of mine (and my kitties). This heart topiary that I found at Inspirational Home is setting in the Dining Room on the buffet. Charlotte climbed aboard to celebrate Valentine's Day.

And my little alabaster girl on the Living Room
 hearth is adorned with a red rose wreath.

With all this cold weather, my face and skin,
 kinda feel like she looks!

And these little cards are unlike any I've seen.
They have flaps that fold in,
 to make their own envelope.

The centers are silk that have been printed.
Anyone know anything about these?
They are so unique and detailed.

Kathleen at Faded Charm
is our wonderful hostess for
White Wednesday.
Drop by and see all the beautiful Whites!

Hope you are planning on a sweet
Valentine's Day,

Feel the Love!

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