Saturday, March 20, 2010

I've been "nesting"...

In the Spring I'm all about birds

and nests,

and garden-y things.

I found this little birdie in the twigs
 at a local floral supply company.

So today I played a little and made some nests,

for Easter gifts

and for my new space at Spring Creek.

These are just a few,

I sort of went "bird brain" making them.

(I'm a messy crafter!)


I always want to fill up any kind of "container".

An old ironstone berry bowl...

or dainty creamer...

(oh shoot, I'm a sucker for fuzzy chicks)

or my ironstone kitchen pitcher.

Hope you're having a sweet weekend,
full of fun and things of Spring.

We just missed a snowstorm,
it's heading for Kansas City...
sorry y'all.

love ya,

Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Space at Spring Creek

It's finally here!
I moved in to my new space at
Spring Creek Antiques and Tea Room
in Ozark, Missouri
this week.

I had a little anxiety over posting these photos.
There are so many fabulous
and talented people out here.
A little intimidation, to say the least.

I began to wonder what had gotten in to me
to even talk about it...
Excitement I guess.

One thing I have learned in this last year
 of blogging is that we are all different...
And that's a good thing.
(at least I keep telling myself that)
So here are my humble offerings,
a lot cottage and a little shabby,
but hopefully something fun for everyone.

Just in time for Spring!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St. Patrick's Celebration of Green and White Wednesday

On St. Patrick's Day
we all have a little Irish in us.

(and I do have just a little from my Mom's side)

When I saw that there was a St. Patrick's Celebration
I wanted to join in the fun!

So for the Wearin' O the Green Celebration

 And Kathleen at Cuisine Kathleen
is having a Blog Crawl...

And also, Kathleen of Faded Charm with
White Wednesday

I thought I'd share some "green" of the china kind,
with a few pieces of my green transferware
in several different patterns.

This is "Kent" by Wedgewood.

I'm putting together a picnic tin
full of some Irish luck and blessings.

Irish Biscuit tin.

Vintage St. Patty's Postcard

This platter is John Maddock and Sons from England

The gravy boat is King's Border from England

This little sugar and creamer, well used but not too old,
is Romantic England, Herefordshire, by Meakin.

And this plate is part of a set of
Romantic England, Haddon Hall by Meakin.
My dining room is moss green,
so I love displaying my collection
of green transferware from England.

And to share some White from Ireland,
I found these images of beautiful Irish Pottery.
These are Belleek.

Hope you all have a good St. Patrick's Day!
Watch out for the Blarney
and don't get pinched!


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