Showing posts with label nests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nests. Show all posts

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Cloches

I hope you can stand enjoy
just one more Easter Decor post.
I didn't realize I had so many things,
 until I started going through
my cupboards and bringing it all out.

You all know I'm just a "Holiday" kind a gal.

I've been saving a few little friends
 for the Cloche Party at Marty's.
I found these at a friend's booth
 at Spring Creek a few weeks ago.
Old chalk Easter rabbits and a chicken.
I scooped them all up as she was just putting them out.
Oh yeah, right place, right time!

This is my German glass glitter rabbit that I found
a few weeks ago at my friend Kristi's space
(you'll get to meet her soon)

I had to buy three,
one each for my daughters...
and of course one for moi.

He's one of my new Favorite Things.

and of course "Sweetface" has to be
 included in every Cloche Party.
He's a little spoiled, you know what I mean?

I couldn't leave him out of Show and Tell!

And of course Spring isn't Spring
unless I have a bird-nest...
(or ten)

I stacked my wire flower frogs up,
then thought they looked like a wedding cake.

This little fella appears to have been
trapped by a Bird Nest cloche.

Hope he has some chocolate in his little basket.
I might let him loose for that!

And to celebrate Good Friday and Easter,
I have my Vintage Black Bible
 from my grade school years.
with a bottle I altered.

(here's the Royal Treatment Give Away Crown!)

I'm linking up for Marty's Cloche Party

at The French Cupboard

If you haven't entered my Give Away
The Royal Treatment,
to win that fabulous crown,
and leave a comment on that GiveAway post.

Sending hugs and blessings
for a wonderful Easter Weekend!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Vintage Easter Hop

Joan at Anything Goes Here is having a Party.

A Vintage Easter Blog Hop
to celebrate all the great vintage Easter goods.

I don't have many really vintage Easter things,
but I can't wait to see everyone else's!

This is a vintage Spring wheelbarrow
that I've had several years
that always comes out at Easter.

My helpers are here in the sunroom
enjoying the faux carrots.

A vintage "Sees" candy container,

And a vintage Strawberry flat
with a very old pair of bunnies.

This old pottery rabbit planter

Old chalk nativity lambs

And because Easter is also known as
 "Resurrection Sunday"...

This is a print on a mirror under glass
of the Last Supper.

And an old crucifix that hangs
on a mirror in the Entry Hall.

Please visit with Joan and all the "hoppers"

Blessings to you and yours on this Palm Sunday.
May we all remember the real meaning of Easter.
Rebirth and renewal of our own hearts
through our Lord's great sacrifice for us.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

White Wednesday; Spring in the Kitchen

Bunnies, chicks, and ducks oh my,
there seem to be a few of them in my kitchen.

I found this vintage Easter
 postcard print a couple of years ago
and framed it with a shabby little frame.

With the warmer weather I've opened the doors
to the sunroom and the kitties and I are enjoying
having our space back.
Don't tell them, they think it's "outside".

I found a few white things
on my flea market rounds recently and somehow
they've just landed in my kitchen.
Ever have that happen to you?

On their way to the antique mall booth...
but they just don't actually "get there"?

This old ironstone bowl, chips and all,
just needed to stay home with me.

Love those cracks and crazing.

Some napkins with a hint of spring color.

And an old concrete duckling waddled by...

I've never met a sugar bowl 
that I didn't fall in love with!
(even without the lid)

And my ironstone Homer Laughlin pitcher.

Bunn-bunn joins in the fun, too.

A few weeks ago at a city wide sale,
I found this little white cookbook holder.

Don't know what it's supposed to be,
or "used to be",
 but for now, it's a "cookbook holder".

1930 Kelvinator Fridge companion cookbook.

Everyone has room for a "Kelvinator"...

Don't ya just love these graphics?

An iron bird and a vintage bluebird tea towel
just say Spring.

Thank you Kathleen at Faded Charm!
Now go see what everyone else
is up to for White Wednesday.

Hope you're having a wonderful week!

 is just a week and a half away!


Saturday, March 20, 2010

I've been "nesting"...

In the Spring I'm all about birds

and nests,

and garden-y things.

I found this little birdie in the twigs
 at a local floral supply company.

So today I played a little and made some nests,

for Easter gifts

and for my new space at Spring Creek.

These are just a few,

I sort of went "bird brain" making them.

(I'm a messy crafter!)


I always want to fill up any kind of "container".

An old ironstone berry bowl...

or dainty creamer...

(oh shoot, I'm a sucker for fuzzy chicks)

or my ironstone kitchen pitcher.

Hope you're having a sweet weekend,
full of fun and things of Spring.

We just missed a snowstorm,
it's heading for Kansas City...
sorry y'all.

love ya,

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