Showing posts with label mason jar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mason jar. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Vintage Button Bouquet and Button Art

Hi friends, welcome to the Lifestyle of Love bimonthly gathering where we share ideas and inspiration using various vintage elements in our décor. Cindy from County Road 407 is our hostess for this vintage loving group, and always comes up with such fun and challenging topics. If you're following the hop and coming over from CoCo's at A Crowned Goat, thanks so much for being here!
Cindy chooses a topic and we share how we use and incorporate that item into our vintage décor. This month the topic is buttons, and I have to be honest, even though I adore looking at them and through them, they aren't something I have much experience with.  

Friday, September 8, 2023

Book Page Pumpkin Candle Covers

Every once in a while I see a cute and easy craft project that I feel confident that I can accomplish in a few hours time without making myself crazy. Do you know what I mean?... does that ever happen to you? I used to get involved in these complicated projects that invariably took much more time than I thought it would, take more money than I planned to spend, and end up in a mess. yuk. So now I tend to try things that I feel are not above my skill level and that oftentimes I have the materials on hand.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Mason Jar Candy Corn Votives

Hi Friends, are you ready for some Fall Fun? Today I'm joining in with a great group of vintage-loving friends to share how we use Mason Jars. We all love the humble Mason/Ball jar, created in the mid 1800's, and many of us collect the vintage and antique variety. They are still being made today, and while I don't "can" with them I do use them for so many things, from a sturdy little drinking glass (perfect for a lemonade on the porch) to an easy to put together candle holder.

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