Showing posts with label junk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label junk. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

White Wednesday, a Sneaky Peek

...of my new "big girl booth" items!
I haven't had a chance to actually get in there yet,
but I'm hoping to be in by the middle of March.

So for White Wednesday I thought
I would take you to the garage and give you
some peeks at just a few of the things
 that will be going.

She's not for sale,
 but will display some of my jewelry pieces

Have I told you how much I love white wicker?
(I have several pieces there already)

small cabinets

upside down coffee table
and random rusty metal
(it will be right side up at the store!)

Gorgeous white dresser mirror
that needs a little distressing

And I put together a little impromtu vignette
of some of the smalls that I will be taking

I'm just whetting your appetite
for all things romantic and cottage.

A few pieces of pearly jewels

And to just give you a feel...

for what I will be doing.

It's soon to be Spring...

with all the Open Houses...

So at the moment,
 I'm thinking gardeny, girly, all things floral,
and little bouquets...
 nestled on a background of White.

Now run on over to Faded Charm
And visit Kathleen,
our hostess with the mostest!


p.s. Right now because of time constraints I won't be able to do any shipping; hopefully, after I get set up I will be able to list some things for sale.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Everything but the Kitchen Sink: Give Aways, Awards and My Surprise News

First of all My Surprise News, which while may not seem like a lot to some of you, is actually a pretty wonderful and exciting "Big Deal" for little ol' me. Since last February when I had to pretty much "cease and desist" from the scene of antique store spaces and flea market booths due to health reasons, I have felt a void in my life. Yes, I needed to cut back drastically and slow way down, but I still missed the junkin' life. I have had a small "closet" booth at Spring Creek Tea Room and Antiques, and it was good for me to have, but because of the size (5x7) I was really limited in my display fun and amount of merchandise that I could bring in.

Spring Creek Tea Room
Ozark, Missouri
(photo taken last fall)

This place is always packed, Tuesday thru Saturday.
With the best lunch in the area.

And as you sit here savoring
your wonderful chicken salad
and drooling into your Milky Way Cake,
you will be able to see my
 new booth space.


This is my "little closet"...


That I have right now.

And this is where I will be headed as of March 15.
Twice the size, and in a wonderful location.

Now keep in mind
 this is not my "stuff",
but the space itself.
It is directly across from the tea room
and highly visible. Yeah!!

I have tried doing a close up of these chippy doors
which I will get to keep,
but my computer will not cooperate.
So these are the "befores" of the space.

Keep a good thought for me as I get to redecorate
this spot and bring in lots of fun things...
all things vintage, shabby, cottage, farmhouse, girlie,
garden, and just a touch of "ooh la la"!

And now for the Give Aways!

"World's Sweetest Blogger"
is having a celebration giveaway
for her 3rd. Blogiversary.

And the super talented Rebecca from
is having a give away
of the most gorgeous necklace,
to celebrate her 200th follower.

And thank you sweet Debbie from Talking Trash
and the vivacious Robelyn of Red Neck Chic
for awarding me with the 
Not a Stepford Blog Award. 
Love You!

Thanks for hanging in there with me
for this multi-faceted news program!

Hope you're off to a great Monday!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Look what we did this weekend!!!

It was on the order of an epic, Yes, the red sea parted in our garage! Alyson's husband, Chris, our son-in-law, rescued us this weekend. He is a "spatial genius" and organizer extraordinare and a really great guy. He bails us out of all kinds of projects that my husband and I have that are BIG.

Having the garage full meant my husband has to park outside, and with bad weather only a few weeks away it was really weighing on me to somehow get this "cleanout" accomplished. He's been so good not to complain, because he knows I was doing the best I could. I had no where to take it, and wasn't feeling up to a sale or making any big decisions about how to deal with it all.

I didn't have a lot of BIG items, but lots of smaller ones, and tons of "tubs" for storage of smalls. Chris to the rescue. Hubs and I can stand and discuss a situation, debate on it and then walk away from being overwhelmed. Chris on the other hand dives in head first and before you know it. Things are "lookiiiinnng good"!

It took us most of the day, and a lot of hard work. I directed traffic, argued (oh, excuse me...discussed) and swept the floors while the guys did the hard work.

But the end result was so much better. Yes, I still have the stuff, but now the pressure is off and I have a much happier husband.

No more scraping the windshield at 7:30 in the morning. Yehaw! (well, I didn't scrape, but I felt guilty that my husband had to.)

And now when the garage doors are up and someone drives by I don't have to hang my head in shame, or be worried that there is talk in the neighborhood about "the crazy lady with all the junk in the garage"!

Feels Good!

Remember, you're invited to come by my new blog, "a day in the life..." (on my side bar) an online, Bible Study. It's not so much "study" as it is a time of sharing and "fellowship". If you would like to connect with some friends this is a good spot. Even if you're involved in an other Bible Study, this is not time consuming. I think you may be surprised, and get a big blessing!

Monday, August 31, 2009

What I Rescued This Weekend, Monday and Update on Desk

We woke up this morning to temperatures in the upper 50's! Wow, it felt like fall, but the sun sooned warmed us up, even though we stayed in the low 70's all day. I think this is the coolest August we've had for a long, long time. I have to say that August is my least favorite month of the year. Sorry all you great people out there with August birthdays, my husband included. The only redeemable quality to August, in my book, is that the next month is September. Yes, Fall!

So off we went Junkin', but today furniture was not to be found, just some great small goodies, and you know I'm always up for some "small" things.
And as you might have noticed the desk from last week has been painted. I have to say that it looks soooo much better in person. The garage lighting and the tightness of the space, which didn't allow for a good shot, just doesn't do it justice.

Before shot, last Sunday.

Yes, you have seen this one, but remember the photos from "Highlights" magazine, the ones where you had to guess what's different with the picture. OK, look at this one, then look at the next one. Who sees "what's different?"

Can you see it? Yes, the cat carcass on the left.
One of my garage assistants, Miss Wrigley.

My Hubbs found this great black chippy hand mirror.

Great silver stuff.

Another find from my husband. A couple's vacation portraits.
Wish I knew where. In the original frames.
Can't you just imagine these on a mantle or a bedroom vanity?

Little ceramic cream pitcher.

Love this great little silk coin purse.

Jewelry casket, apothacary jar, cake stand, and prisms.

I think this is a calendar graphic.

Cute little black bench in the background.

Jesus prints...I just love them.

Another old crucifix.

Silver goblets and champagne glass.

Old photos of families. I don't see "family" photos very often.

Wonderful old Cabinet Cards.

Do you know why they are called "cabinet cards"? You probably do,
but I didn't... because they were meant to lean against something in a cabinet,
Not to be put in frames.
Be sure to check in with Polly, over at Sassafras Stuff,
to see her junkin finds.

Have a great week,
Hope you found tons of great Junk this last weekend!
