Showing posts with label Design Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Design Challenge. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Design Challenge: Mary's Living Room

 Hi Everyone, today we're helping out Mary from Mary's Meanderings. She has a lovely Victorian Living Room that she will be updating soon. Mary has a large space with lots of furniture, which brings with it some decorating questions. Let's help her out with some ideas and inspiration.
Don't get overwhelmed with all that Mary wants to do. Just pick one or two things you'd like to comment on. 

Here's Mary, "in her own words"...

We are blessed to live in an old (approx 100 yrs old) home. It has lots of character and many quirks too. When Debra at Common Ground started her Design Challenge series I just knew that I wanted to be a part of it as I love reading all the great ideas you ladies come up for decorating challenges.

My design challenge right now is our living room. It is a large room with pretty wood trim and we spend winter in this room as it has a wood burning stove which is our primary source of heat. Therein lies one of the problems. That fireplace and mantel is off centered in this room which makes seating arrangements troublesome for me.

The other issue is that I would like to put our beautiful armoire/ entertainment center in this room so we can watch movies now and then (we don’t have cable, or dish so just watch a movie or 2 once in a while.)

Before I go much further let me show you the room so you can get an idea of the needs.

Picture l- this picture is taken from the front door-This would be the south wall in the room-

Going in clockwise manner, Picture 2 is the wall to the right which has the fireplace/wood stove and then a picture window .This is the west wall. My piano is in front of the window and the lace is covering the back-

Another view of west wall (there is a chair behind the bunny arrangement)

Picture 3 is the next wall which has 2 more massive windows (the window coverings were in the house when we bought it. When we took the ceiling wallpaper down to rewire the house we found that they had remodeled this room Dec.1, 1950 (it is written on the ceiling along with the decorator’s names ) Supposedly the owner spent $5000.00 to have these window treatments made which was a lot of money then- geez it’s a lot of money now to me!) To the right of the windows is the front door. It is the north wall so the light that comes through is not bright as such.

East Wall- for those of you wondering , the wallpaper is murals of the 4 seasons in Victoria era. It will be coming down and walls painted.

Picture 4 is the wall opposite the fireplace (the East Wall)- The door leads to the pretty front guest bedroom I redid this spring.

To the right of the doorway is where I was thinking of putting the armoire/entertainment unit which is pictured here-

It could also go on the wall shown in Picture 1- where the book case is.
So these are the things I would love to get some ideas on for this room-

1. TV corner area arrangement
2. seating in front of fireplace-
3. be nice to have more of an entry way feel at front door.
4. The desk behind the settee was so useful last winter for blogging and would like to maybe use it again somewhere in the room if possible.
5. I will be painting this room in the Spring and would love some help on color choices. The trim will be kept stained though I would love to paint it (have to make DH happy too). The window treatments will also be staying. The rooms windows are to the north so with the dark fabric I would like to give it a lighter look which might not be possible.
6.This room adjoins the dining room which also will be getting painted – should I paint both rooms the same color?
7.Oh- the wood floors are a lighter color then the stained woodwork- should I do something different to the floors or woodwork or would an area rug or 2 work to pull it together and if so suggestions.
8.The Victorian style sofa will also be undergoing a new look- slipcover? Upholstery? What kind of fabric?

I have 2 wing back chairs that I can borrow from another room and I am sure some of these items will not fit in a new arrangement though I would like to keep the piano, round ottoman and have a desk area too.

Oh geez can you see just what a bucketful of decisions I need help making!!!??

Well dear ladies I could just go on and on with all the questions I have for all you amazing bloggers but will stop for now and wait for all your heavenly suggestions!!! Thank you so very much for taking the time to give me your suggestions and ideas!

Thank you Debra for giving me the opportunity to to be of this great Decorating Challenge!!

Bee Blessed!

You're very welcome, Mary. Thanks for sharing your lovely home with us for Design Challenge!

Now it's blogland's turn. You don't have to be a decorator to leave a comment. Please just go with your intuition. That is what a designer would do. They listen to the client, then they present their own ideas.  So let's share our thoughts and ideas for an update with Mary. Keep in mind her ideas, but don't be afraid to share your own.

Thanks everyone in advance!


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mini Design Challenge

 Jeanne over at Perfect Imperfections contacted me last week about doing a Mini Design Challenge concerning these great pieces of furniture that she has. Below is the blogpost she did earlier this week. Take a look and see what you think. Say Hi to Jeanne and leave a comment about what you might do.

Here's Jeanne "In her own words..."

I'm not really sure if these two pieces are what's considered Art Deco. But, I believe that's what they are called. I was really excited when I picked these up for a great price. But then I've been stumped as to what to do with them. So I thought I'd put it out there for all my blogland friends to help me with some ideas. I'm not sure how many will actually read this, but it's worth a try. Without further they are:

Lots of great details that will pop with the right treatment!

Just a little close up of some of the details.

This vanity has wood wheels. How cool is that!

Should I try to save the design painted on the drawers?

I was thinking these might be my first Annie Sloan Chalk Paint projects, since I really don't want to sand and prime these babies! What do you think? Also, should I cut the back board off the vanity and leave it as is, or should I put a mirror there? What do you think of the drawers with the design already painted on it? Should I try to preserve that somehow? The details on the trim and legs really need to be highlighted. I'm not sure if just distressing will do the trick, or if I should try some other technique like gold leaf? I'm sure there are other questions I should ask, but that's all I've got for now.

So put on your creative thinking caps and give me some feedback friends! Thanks for your help.


Thanks everyone, let's see if we can give Jeanne some inspiration with these two great pieces of furniture. What would you do?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Design Challenge: Korrie's Entry/ Living Room

Hi Everyone!

Today we're talking to Korrie from Red Hen Home.

She has a smallish Living Room/ Entry Room
that she wants to remake in the worst way.
Korrie isn't lovin' this compact space
 and recently sold most of the furnishings that were there.

Let's hear from Korrie and take a peek at her space.
She has a great place to work in and it's pretty much a blank slate.

"In her own words..."

One day last month I woke up and decided I couldn’t stand my front room for ONE MORE MINUTE!! 
 I’ll be frank…I have always hated this room. Why is it that the architect who designed this home decided to make a tiny front room and a slightly larger family room (that connects directly to the kitchen), instead of making ONE decent-size room (and an entry wouldn’t have killed him)?? It’s been my bane for the last eight years. It’s a room that really serves no purpose.
So back to that fateful August morning…I started the process of selling everything out of the room!  I sold the chairs.  I sold the huge monstrosity of a wall unit.  I sold the rug.  I even sold a picture off the wall!  (I did move a couple of pieces I still liked to my bedroom.)  Note:  If you want to see pics of what I got rid of, look here.
Wanna see what the room looks like now?

Here I am right inside the front door, looking slightly to the left.

Looking straight ahead (please ignore all the stuff I shoved into the family room so I could take pictures of the front room).

Now looking to the right (the window is on the same wall as the front door).

Here I’m standing in the corner looking back toward the stairs.

And last I am standing at the doorway to the family room/kitchen,
 looking back toward the front door.

Impressive, no?
So my challenge is this…how do I make this tiny, useless room (10’ x 13’) into a tiny, useFUL room??  And pretty would be good, too.

What I want is for it to have more of a “library” feel.  I love this picture from Mallairdville Manor.

I’m thinking a wall of low bookcases wouldn’t make me feel claustrophobic in that tiny space (maybe on the wall opposite the window and door).    I love the look of the two comfortable chairs (although probably not in white)
For more seating, I’m considering the idea of a loveseat by the window.

Then that leaves this wall…

…and I don’t know what to put there.  The card catalog is a new acquisition, and it seems like it ought to be in a library!  I would either like to paint it or re-stain it dark.  I am considering a china cabinet of sorts, since right now all my pretties are stashed away in a dark cupboard!  I’m not sure about style, or about how it would look to have the card catalog and a china cabinet on the same wall.
I would love to change the look of this staircase!

I’m thinking that getting rid of that half wall (and the ugly yellowed wood) and replacing it with an actual banister would open up the look of the room.  While I’m dreaming, I’d also like to rip the carpet off the stairs and put wood stair treads down.  At this point, that’s all the de-construction I can consider. (Let’s just assume for the purposes of this challenge that removing the wall between the front room and family room is not an option.)

A little more about me…I love warm colors, old woods, and vintage accessories.  I’m not too Frenchy or beachy or frilly.  I’ll choose comfort over looks most days, and practicality is a must!  (I have six children.)

Thank you, Debra, for allowing me to participate in the Design Challenge!  I would love any help ANYONE can offer!

Sincerely, Korrie (Red Hen Home)

OK, folks, let's share some ideas.
Take a look at her inspiration photo again
and let's get crackin'!
Remember, this isn't just for professionals,
Share your thoughts, please.

Leave a comment even if someone else has the same idea.
The more ideas and feedback the better!!

thanks a bunch everyone!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Porch Reveal at Eleven-O-One

It's a lot of fun hosting Design Challenge;
Getting to share decorating ideas with everyone out in blogland.

And even more fun when those ideas
 are incorporated into a new room or space.

 that was featured back in August.

Head on over to see the wonderful makeover
she and her hubby accomplished.

This is the before, and above is the after.
With some great ideas, a little money,
and some hard work
really looks fabulous!

Thank you, Fran,
and thanks to everyone that takes the time to
leave a comment for those who are featured.
The feedback really means a lot.

I have space available for new features starting in mid October,
if you're interested just email me.

And if you haven't seen the latest
Design Challenge
just scroll down to the next post.

See ya tomorrow for
Vintage Inspiration Friday


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Design Challenge: Eileen's Guestroom/Studio

Welcome Eileen, from Cottage Beach House,
who has a Design Challenge that many of us empty nesters face.
College kid moves out to start life on their own,
and we are left with an extra room...
but it's one that inevitably needs a makeover.

Eileen is a gal that pretty much knows what she wants.
She has great ideas,
a wonderful room with great bones,
and some sketches that will make you envious
if you've ever started something like this.

Take a look at her photos from "Pre Move-Out" first,
so you can see the space.

Here's, Eileen
"in her own words..."

What I want to do is make this room into a guest room/studio for my sewing and paper work. The closet will be made into a craft closet. I want this room to have a Frenchy feel to it and I am partial to the soft greys, and very pale blue with whites and natural burlap or canvas.
 So from industrial young man's room to Frenchy style guest room studio is the challenge!  The intent here is to not spend anything except for new bedding and curtains and paint. I have all the pieces I need in storage from  previous rooms before their makeovers. I am open to painting anything and everything.

The first 5 pics are of the walls in the room, just before my son left. He liked it bare bones industrial, not even a bed frame.

The next 6 are the furniture pieces that I have and wish to incorporate into the room.  I plan to paint the bureau white and marry it with the large mirror, which I will also paint white. I think they will pair up well.

The night table which has been in the basement for years will get some respect and a new paint job as well.

 This great Frenchy chair that I found curbside, will get a fresh coat
 of paint and I am planning on re-covering with maybe some drop cloth and french script.

I'm adding a vintage bed frame I plan to pull out of the shed and paint and set up in here. I am totally stumped as to what I should do to the entrance which as you can see by the picture below, is an odd shape. I'd like to keep the bureau to use for paperwork and things like ink and scissors but I can't really envision how to create a Frenchy look with this one, (the upright dresser)

The next 4 are my sketched ideas of how I want the room to look,
now that I have a free hand.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks Debra for the inclusion in your design challenge!!

You are so welcome, Eileen,
so now let's share some ideas that come to mind.
Bed linens and window treatments
 are something she's needing thoughts on.
Keep in mind the French feel she's going for.

So you see, Eileen has a good plan,
she just needs help with choosing a wall paint color,
and adding some "Frenchy-ness" in with the accessories.

Remember, we're not all decorators,
Let's just throw out some ideas that come to us.
Even if someone has left a comment with your idea,
leave a comment of your own.

We love lots of feedback!!
Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Design Challenge: Patty's Niche

Guess what?
It's another builder's revenge post!
Patty has a fabulous Living Room but suffers
from the all too frequent malady of
da da da daaaa......
 Builder's Niche Syndrome

All kidding aside,
I think that a niche can be just breathtaking,
but more often than not, they tend to be challenge to decorate.

Here are some photos from Patty as she shares...

...In Her Own Words:

When Debra over at Common Ground first announced
 that she was  going to start this new feature,
 I immediately sent her an email with pictures
 begging asking for help with this huge niche
above my fireplace.

I do not know what to do with it,
 other than to sheet rock over it,
which my husband and I have talked about.

When we moved in I thought I would hang my clock inside it.
But the clock is so heavy and because of the height involved,
even on scaffolding it proved too much of a challenge
to get secured to the wall.
Plus the mantle sticks out from the wall just far enough
 to be in the way when trying to hang anything.

So there are my challenges with this big empty boxy space.
Weight, height, and lack of ideas...
mostly lack of ideas!

I've included these pictures so you can see the walls
 on either side of the niche/fireplace area.
There is another smaller niche on the left
 where I have hung my crosses.
 I painted the inside of it a grayish blue.

A wall of floor to ceiling windows are on the right.
I would appreciate any input and advice.
 I would like to add that my husband and I
 are long time DIYers  and handy with tools
 and play very well together :)
 so please don't rule out building or making anything.

Thank you so much,
Patricia Ann

OK, everyone, are we ready to help Patty out with some ideas?
Last week we tried not to look at the other comments first,
but this time let's just go with it
and throw out some ideas!

You don't have to be a decorator,
and even if someone else had a similar idea,
leave yours in a comment too.
The more feedback the better!!

thanks so much,