Sunday, April 17, 2022

Moss Covered Cross for Resurrection Day

Good Easter Morning Friends!
No matter what might be here on the Entry console while I decorate for Spring and early Easter fun, during Easter Week I love to bring out my moss covered cross to display. I never want all the cuteness of bunnies and chicks to overshadow the real meaning of Easter/ or Resurrection Day.

I made this moss covered cross back in 2011 
and I have refreshed it several times throughout the years.
As you can see the background here is from our previous home a few years ago.

I wanted to share a post from 2013 with a little more detail about it.

You can read below from that post, about how this beautiful 

"Amid all the rabbits, colored eggs, budding flowers, and fun that Easter brings to mind, I didn't want to let this time pass without celebrating the real meaning of Easter, also referred to as Resurrection Sunday. I have a few vintage pieces that bring that true celebration not only to mind, but fully to our hearts.

This glass image and mirror piece is one of a few that I have collected that have a religious theme. It was manufactured by The Vernon Company from around the early 1900's and may have been a "promotional" item. I have others that I think were parts of calenders, funeral home advertisements, thermometers, and insurance company ads...but this is my favorite; Jesus as a young boy holding the Passover Lamb.

I've had a soft spot for lambs and sheep for many years. Their innocent and trusting faces can melt my heart and bring me to tears. It always distressed me to think about the sacrificing of lambs in the Old Testament scriptures. I know that in the Hebrew traditions and scripturally there is reason and symbolism for the choice of the lamb. It had to be perfect, without spot or blemish; innocent. Our sin has been paid for by the only One who is without sin, spot or blemish. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice, otherwise we could not hope to have relationship with God.

One of my sweet sheep

I remade this cross two years ago, after retrieving it from the gravesite of my father-in-law. We went back a few days after the funeral, when all the flowers were wilting, and I couldn't leave it behind. I removed the spent blooms and saved it till Easter, when I covered it in moss and added the faux lilies and ivy. When I brought it back out this Easter Season, I was again so glad that I will have the opportunity for that remembrance each year.

On the Dining Room buffet I have another of the glass images,
 this time of the Last Supper. 

This is a header that I commissioned a year or so ago and have never used. When I started this blog my headers were of sheep for the first six months or so. Not just because I love sheep, but that God gave me the title to my blog many years ago in a dream. (long before I even knew what a blog was) Do you have dreams that you know in your heart were God's way of communicating with you? He said "come into the Common Ground".

In New Testament times each village had a piece of communal property that was the "sheep pen". It says that each sheep knew his master's voice and would not leave with another person. So in naming this blog Common Ground, God impressed upon me that it should be a place of gathering, common interests, sharing, and interaction with a mutual purpose.

I hope that if you are reading this that you will be blessed this Resurrection Sunday with gratitude, humility, peace, and a renewed spirit...and that you might know the great Love that is ours through a relationship with Jesus Christ...the perfect sacrifice."

Romans 4:17 "...the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were".

I used to read this verse and think about the promise of transformation of our earthly bodies into our heavenly bodies, but God revealed to me that this verse also applies to our life through faith. That He can take dead dreams, relationships, health issues, financial needs; anything that we turn over to Him and bring them back to life. I encourage you to read this for yourself and apply it to your own life.

about how it was made.

I hope you'll have a lovely Easter Sunday,

We hope you'll come by on Monday evenings for the Link Party

joining in here:

The House on Silverado,  Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda
All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 
 Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch 
  Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life   Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur 
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode,  Centerpiece Wednesday at Karin's Kottage
Share Your Style at French Ethereal,  Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home,  
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,  
Create, Bake, and Grow at Shabby Art BoutiqueFarmhouse Friday at  County Road 407
Friday with Friends at My Hubbard Home, Fabulous Friday at Vintage Home Design
Friendship Friday at Create with Joy  Funtastic Friday at 2 Chicks and a Mom


  1. May God bless you and your this beautiful Easter morning and thank you for all you give and do.

  2. Thank you for sharing your words and beauty of His words.

  3. Happy Easter Eve Debra. Hope you had a great day today. Wishing you a new week full of joy and renewal. xoxo Kris

  4. I am just reading this today (18 April) and so missed it on our very special day of Thanks. Your words express so clearly the relationship we each need to have with our Saviour. Thank you for sharing these feelings with us and may God continue to bless you.

  5. Debra,
    Your moss covered cross is wonderful for Easter. I love the simplicity of the most recent version with the lily.

  6. The cross is just perfect and I love your sentiment. Hope you had a great Easter holiday:) Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen

  7. What a beautiful post for Easter! Praise Jesus for paying the price of our sin on the croas and the glorious promise of his resurrection!


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