Sunday, March 31, 2013

The "Perfect" Easter

Amid all the rabbits, colored eggs, budding flowers, and fun that Easter brings to mind, I didn't want to let this time pass without celebrating the real meaning of Easter, also referred to as Resurrection Sunday. I have a few vintage pieces that bring that true celebration not only to mind, but fully to our hearts.

This glass image and mirror piece is one of a few that I have collected that have a religious theme. It was manufactured by The Vernon Company from around the early 1900's and may have been a "promotional" item. I have others that I think were parts of calenders, funeral home advertisements, thermometers, and insurance company ads...but this is my favorite; Jesus as a young boy holding the Passover Lamb.

I've had a soft spot for lambs and sheep for many years. Their innocent and trusting faces can melt my heart and bring me to tears. It always distressed me to think about the sacrificing of lambs in the Old Testament scriptures. I know that in the Hebrew traditions and scripturally there is reason and symbolism for the choice of the lamb. It had to be perfect, without spot or blemish; innocent. Our sin has been paid for by the only One who is without sin, spot or blemish. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice, otherwise we could not hope to have relationship with God.

One of my sweet sheep

I remade this cross two years ago, after retrieving it from the gravesite of my father-in-law. We went back a few days after the funeral, when all the flowers were wilting, and I couldn't leave it behind. I removed the spent blooms and saved it till Easter, when I covered it in moss and added the faux lilies and ivy. When I brought it back out this Easter Season, I was again so glad that I will have the opportunity for that remembrance each year.

On the Dining Room buffet I have another of the glass images,
 this time of the Last Supper. 

This is a header that I commissioned a year or so ago and have never used. When I started this blog my headers were of sheep for the first six months or so. Not just because I love sheep, but that God gave me the title to my blog many years ago in a dream. (long before I even knew what a blog was) Do you have dreams that you know in your heart were God's way of communicating with you? He said "come into the Common Ground".
In New Testament times each village had a piece of communal property that was the "sheep pen". It says that each sheep knew his master's voice and would not leave with another person. So in naming this blog Common Ground, God impressed upon me that it should be a place of gathering, common interests, sharing, and interaction with a mutual purpose.

I hope that if you are reading this that you will be blessed this Resurrection Sunday with gratitude, humility, peace, and a renewed spirit...and that you might know the great Love that is ours through a relationship with Jesus Christ...the perfect sacrifice.


  1. What a gorgeous arrangement of beautiful trinkets! The mirror in the first few photos is one of my favorite pieces from the entire post. You have a knack for beautiful arrangement--thanks for sharing it with me! :)

  2. What a beautifully written post Debra! Your Easter displays are lovely and I have never seen mirrors like that before. Easter blessings to you! Pamela

  3. What a beautiful post Debra! Your moss covered cross is beautiful! Happy Easter!

  4. Very beautiful and sweet memories. Happy Easter. Lynda

  5. Debra I love hearing about your meaning of your blog name! I will always be reminded of that when I visit now :-) .Beautiful meaningful Easter vignettes!Have a wonderful Easter!

  6. Beautiful post, Debra--love your heart for God!

    Easter miracles to you--

  7. Beautiful and so true, Debra. Your religious pieces make a lovely vignette and your words bring joy to my heart today. Easter blessings to you.

  8. Debra,
    Dear friend, you have touched my heart with such a sweet renewing Spirit with this post!!!
    I knew, in my heart, that the naming of your post had to be in keeping with His Word...thank you for sharing how your blog name came about.
    Have a Blessed and Glorious Easter!

  9. Debra, may I just say "Amen!" To what Pat has written? I knew you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, but is so good to read how He has worked and led you in various aspects of your life. Thank you for sharing with us. And thank you for sharing your "Common Ground" experiences with us as well. He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

  10. Oh Debra, so special, especially the cross. I know your hubby appreciates it. Happy Easter, Di

  11. Happy Easter,very interesting story about your blog name. I love to visit here.

  12. Hi Debra! Your post brings tears to my eyes. What a wonderful idea to take the cross from your FILs grave and redo it. Just beautiful! Oh, yes, how marvelous our Savior is and I'm so thankful for His sacrifice for us.
    God bless you and have a wonderful Easter.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. oh loved looking at all your pretties (:) thanks..Patty

  14. I never knew the precious story behind your blog name.:)

    Praise be to God the tomb is empty my friend. Rejoice!

  15. Thank you for expressing the real reason for Easter. I enjoyed seeing the mirrored picture collection; I'm not familiar with that.

  16. Lovely post. Tank you for sharing. Dixie

  17. Beautiful post, Debra. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed Easter.


  18. Love reading your post. It's nice to see others are proud of their faith. I love that God, himself gave you the name for your blog.
    Inspirational as always. Diane

  19. Beautiful post, Happy Easter! Erica

  20. What a beautiful post, thank you for your story..........eternally grateful for His sacrifice.....Easter blessings to you.....cleo

  21. I am so thankful that He came to set the captives free to set a liberty those who where bound. Everyday I Praise Him and call upon His Power of Sacrifice to do just that. Loved your pretty and dear.

  22. love your post, debra. awesome moss cross!

  23. Beautiful vignettes. Wishing you the best Easter, filled with grateful thoughts.

  24. Beautiful photos and words. I include lambs in my Easter decor too. Have a blessed Easter.

  25. Dear Debra, this post touched me so deeply. Your words are so kind and sincere, you've encouraged me to be the woman God meant for me to be, His. Thank you. Your home is lovely. Blessings this Resurrection Sunday!
    One Faithfully reader,

  26. Dear Debra, this post touched me so deeply. Your words are so kind and sincere, you've encouraged me to be the woman God meant for me to be, His. Thank you. Your home is lovely. Blessings this Resurrection Sunday!
    One Faithfully reader,

  27. Debra, this is a beautiful post for Easter Sunday. Thank you for sharing about the name of your blog. It is very touching. The sheep figures are dear. I have a few that have been collected through the years. Now I have a new meaning of them. I didn't know that sheep will only come to a master's voice. Sweet thought!
    Joy to you this Easter Sunday ~ Sarah

  28. Beautiful Post Debra, I love your wonderful treasures & I love the way "Common Ground" came to you, I posted a few post back about God giving me words while I was trying to go to sleep, so up I went to the computer to write, I knew I would not remember in the morning.....
    Have a Beautiful Day,

  29. Happy Resurrection Sunday to you too. I'm so glad we have Jesus as our eternal common ground!

  30. Beautiful post Debra, I love sheep too, and missed getting them all out this year. Yours are displayed so beautifully. It is so humbling to think that our Lord became our Passover Lamb offered for us, isn't it? What an example to follow and a sacrifice to be so very thankful for. Blessed Passover to you. Hope you have a beautiful day with those you love. Linda

  31. Thank you for sharing a beautiful post Debra. Blessings to you this Easter!

  32. Beautiful post, Debra. Love the idea of redoing the cross and bringing it out each year. Hope you had a wonderful Easter, playing in the dirt:) XO, Pinky

  33. Beautiful post! Bless you for sharing.~~Angela


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