Thursday, November 2, 2017

Layering Table Linens for a Thanksgiving Vignette

November is here; what I call, "Late Fall" and time to bring in some of the deeper colors and textures in decorating. It's hard to get into Fall when the temps are in the 80's, but now that it's cooler and we're past Halloween, Thanksgiving will be coming up before we know it.

I used a wonderful piece of fabric for my Early Fall Tabletop, which was a rich gray background with Golds, neutrals, and muted red botanical florals. I really enjoyed decorating for Autumn with this beautiful fabric, but now that it's cooler outside I wanted a deeper shade for the base of my tabletop vignette. 

This large metal basket is changed-up frequently to reflect the season and Holiday. For now, I've kept the sunflowers, but soon I'll be replacing those and adding in a few pieces of faux evergreens to give it a more "winter-y" feel. After Thanksgiving I'll take out the pumpkins and add some red berries for Christmas. The moss and ivy stay, but I change up the Hydrangeas with the season. You never know what you'll find in there... I've even had nests, birdies and a few small animals!

I wanted to add a bit to my Dining Room tabletop to bring out those Late Fall elements. Mr. Turkey joined the mix and I kept my large distressed metal pumpkin that I found earlier this Fall, the candlesticks, and the old ironstone Tureen and scalloped platter.

I have to play around with things for a bit before I can get things balanced.

You all know I painted him awhile back. He used to be this horrendous mix of loud color. I just couldn't do it any longer. I've seen a few of his friends here in blogland painted out too. It was either that or a garage sale.

I'm keeping my little Brown Aesthetic Transferware creamer here for Thanksgiving.

Layering linens is a way for me to bring in different textures and colors. I love using Linen and Burlap and I recently found this large loom burlap fabric for a base for my grainsack fabric tablerunner. It has an "oily odor" to it that took a few days to dissipate but it's gone now and the cats have finally realized it's not something to chew or roll around on... Actually, I think it's made to be a garden covering for vulnerable plantings during Spring and Fall.

But it's great to decorate with too...

On top of those two pieces, I layered a 30's or 40's tapestry that I used to have hanging at the old house. It's just the right size for the Tabletop, to give it a little something extra.

It has a few feeble areas, but I've left it as is. Sort of like me.

I had thought about starting some Christmas decor, 
but I don't think I can get into it quite yet.

I try to make a transition to Christmas, and bring out the evergreens and change some things up, but I just have to have my wooly brown plaid blankets out for a bit. It's been so warm that it's felt more like extended Summer and not really Fall at all. But I do imagine there will be a few Christmasy things easing in as these next few weeks go by. I guess that we're not even at peak leaf peeping time yet. It's been a looooong summer for sure. I have too many turkeys to keep them locked up, I'd feel guilty. I guess they'll have to come out for a few weeks.

How about you all...
are you decorating for Thanksgiving, or jumping right into Christmas?

joining in here:

Share Your Style at The Essence of Home
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm
Inspiration Gallery at Craftberry Bush
Best of the Weekend at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes
Sundays at Home at Little Farmstead
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
The Scoop at Worthing Court
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style


  1. So beautiful Debra...just love the beautiful layering...and yes, I am jumping right into Christmas!!!

  2. Your layered fabrics bring such nice texture to your table, Debra. I love Tom Turkey with his new white coat! I'm enjoying all that fall has to offer and I'll wait until after Thanksgiving to start on Christmas decorating. You know how much I love autumn colors!

  3. Very pleasing to the eye, Debra. I know that oily smell...better than the fishy one, right? I can't abide the latter....
    Your turkey looks terrific in whitewash, and you know I love brown transferware. Mine's a little disorganized right now, need to get it all in one place for storage. I just found another great bread plate yesterday for $0.25!
    Have a great Sunday. It'll be warm (near 80) here today, before another smattering of cool temps and rain this coming week.

  4. At first I was completely confused by your post jumping to bedrooms, kitchens with pugs, back to a hideous orange table setting right after you mentioning runners, but it was 14 ads covering large spaces between your own pictures. Sadly---they should hire you to take their pictures, because they basically were ugly. MEDIAVINE ads. you might want to log your own page and see. Have a good week, sandi

    1. Hi Sandi, it took me reading your comment several times before I realized what you were talking about. I guess you were confused also. I know that at times the ad people put in odd seeming ads and videos. I'm not a fan of them either, but I have no ability to do anything about it other than quit them. This is a trend right now that the ad companies are using. I'd prefer they didn't but they ALL do this to some extent. They'll come up with something new soon. like I said it's a trend. And yes, I get on my own blog multiple times a day, and at times it is a little overboard. I'm sorry that you were put off by them. The ads and photos can be misleading and annoying. Having ads is something most of have to do to just break even each month. Now that you know what to watch out for, maybe it won't be so misleading, you can just ignore them.

  5. I love the layering of linens and the turkey painted white! I have to play with my vignettes as well. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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